Chapter 1

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Previously on Spider-Man: Far From Home

"Spider-Man's real name is Peter Parker!" he said. Then the screen shows Peter's photo. I gasp in shock, my hand went up to my mouth out of shock. Oh no...

This is a nightmare!

-Our Promise-


Peter turns his head to look at me. Even though he's wearing a mask, I can tell that he's panicking. I hear voices and turns my head. Everyone is coming to me.

"Are you Spider-man's girlfriend?" "Did you help him kill Mysterio??" "Did you know the Dark Witch?" They start bombarding me with questions. Being surrounded like this, relive the bad memories I have when I was a kid.

"Hey hey hey! Don't touch her, please" Peter said as he jumps down. They instantly moves out of the way in fear that he might hurt them. But Peter wouldn't hurt them.

"Y/N. Love... shhh... it's okay..." he whispered. The crowd keeps gathering around us, shouting insults and hateful words. This really reminds me of what happened that time.

I feel my body getting scoop up. I just wrap my arms around his neck, he quickly use his web and starts to swing from building to building. I bury my face into the crook of his neck.

He stops on top of a building and turns to look at me. "Y/N... it's okay. Calm down..." he said, gently cupping my cheeks. He gently pulls me into a hug. Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see helicopters gathering.

"Peter..." I said. He turns his head and notice them too. He quickly scoops me up again and start to swing once again. He stops on top of a bridge. I can hear his phone ringing.

"Dude!" I hear Ned's voice. "Dude!" Peter said too. They keep going back and forth for a while. "Guys!" I yelled. Peter turns to look at me. "Oh right... sorry" he said, scooping me up.

He reach his house and helps me get inside through the window. He closes the curtain. He starts going back and forth. He looks so worried and scared. I gently place my hand on his shoulder. I mean I'm scared too... but it's Peter this time. So I have to be strong.

"Peter... I think you should change into your normal clothes. Then we'll discuss about it, okay?" I said. He nods his head. I turn my head away to give him some space to get change.

"Y/N... a little help?" He said. "Are you dressed?" I said. "Um... that's the thing. I can't get my suit off. So help me? Besides, we're married. What are you so embarrassed about?" he said. I let out a sigh and nod my head, knowing he's right about that one. I turn around and keep my eyes close.

"How are you going to help me if you keep your eyes close?" He said. I let out a sigh and open my eyes. I blush as I slowly help him remove his suit. He take his suit off, and right at the moment Happy burst open the door. I jump away from Peter, out of reflect.

"I didn't see that..." he said. "Happy. It's not what it looks like!" Peter said. "You're not ready for that, Y/N! Oh your father is going to kill me if he's still here" he said. "It was not what you think, Happy! Besides, Peter and I are married! So that shouldn't be any problem!" I said, chasing after him.

"Happy!!" I whined. He stops walking and turn to look at me. I frown when I notice a few tears stain on his face. "Wait. Were you crying?" I asked, looking at him with a worried expression. Peter runs into the room. He stops when he's standing next to me.

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