Chapter 6

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Previously on Chapter 5

"If you need help in fixing something. I can help. I'm also a scientist myself. I'm going to help you two..." Norman said. "Okay... come with us" Peter said. He nods his head. Hopefully we can fix this mess and everything will be back to normal.

-Peter VS Dr. Strange-


We are walking towards where the multi dimension villain were kept. I hold Peter's hand as we make our way there. I take a glance at my husband. He looks so nervous. I give his hand a gentle squeeze as a sign that I'm here for him.

"It's okay, Pete... we'll fix everything, okay?" I said. He smiles and nods his head. "Okay..." he said. I place a soft peck on his cheek, smiling at him. His smile widens and he place a soft kiss on the side of my head, wrapping his arms around my shoulder.

Dr. Octavius turns around and make eye contact with Norman. "Norman..." he said. "Octo" Norman said. I can feel the tense between them. I can tell they are not on good terms in their realm.

Peter walks towards Dr. Strange and they start to discuss what to do with these people. I can see a frown on Peter's face. I furrow my eyebrow and walks towards them.

"What's going on, Pete?" I asked. Peter turns to look at me. "He told me that if we send these people back to their realm, they're meant to die. Some of them. I just can't let that happen. What if we can change the reality... fix a few things. So they can stay alive there"he said.

"Peter. You tried to change your life. But look what that leads you. This is dangerous. I'm sending them back to their respective realm" Dr. Strange said. He starts to perform his magic. Peter starts to fidget in his spot.

Just as Dr. Strange was about to finish his magic. Peter use his web and take away the box from him. "Peter!!" I yelled out. He use his web which have been altered by Dr. Strange, sending him inside his prison. He turns around and run away.

"Your husband is one stubborn man..." Ned said. I just nod my head in agreement. "I have to help... he might be hurt" I said. He nods his head. I chase after them.

I furrow my eyebrow in confusion when I see Peter floating in the air. Dr. Strange tries to take the box, but Peter's hand moves around. Peter seems to be unconscious.

I let my eyes turns into f/c and saw Peter... well his soul, separated from his body. He moves forward and enters his body and send Dr. Strange away. "This is why I never want to have kids" Dr. Strange said.

"Y/N. Tell your husband that it's not safe to temper with it any further. He won't listen to me. But he will listen to you" he said, turning to look at me. I turn to look at Peter.

"No, Y/N. Think about it. We can SAVE them. We can't just give up on them..." he said, looking at me with pleading eyes. I look at the two of them back and forth.

I let out a sigh. "I'm sorry..." I said. I turn to Dr. Strange and push him away using my telekinesis. I lift my hand and a mask appear.

I put it on and in an instant, my outfit transform into my Raven suit

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I put it on and in an instant, my outfit transform into my Raven suit.

I fly to Peter and stand next to him

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I fly to Peter and stand next to him. "I sure hope you know what you're doing, Peter... don't make me regret choosing this" I said. "Thank you, babe" he said, grinning at me.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see a group of people pointing their camera at me. If this goes to the news. People would know I'm Raven.

I control their minds. I make him delete the picture, so there won't be any evident of my true self. I turn to look at Peter. He looks slightly worried. I smile at him.

"Oh, don't worry, Pete. They won't remember what happen" I said. He nods his head, looking relieved. I smile at him. Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see Dr. Strange flying towards us.

"Uh... gotta go. Hurry, Peter!" I yelled. He instantly got the message and starts to swing away. I fly close by him, making sure Dr. Strange can't get anywhere near us.

"Y/N!! Your father and I, along with the others have tried everything we could to bring back all the people who blipped! You want to sacrifice all of that for the people you don't know?? They don't belong in this realm!" He yelled behind us.

"Do not talk about my father to me! I KNOW exactly what happened back then! I was there... trying my best to save my father. I failed saving him. My Dad taught me that everyone deserved a chance to live. I'm going to live up to his expectation by helping Peter saving these people. So they can live!" I said.

"I'm afraid you'd say that..." he said, sighing. He lift his hand and summon a portal, sending us through it. I help when everything around us starts morphing around.

"Woah... what is this place??" I said, looking around in confusion. "He must have altered the reality" he said. He jumps out of the way when Dr. Strange attacks him.

He looks around the place. "Wait, this place is based on geometry..." he said. He starts jumping around and starts shooting webs here and there. I'm not quite familiar with geometry, so I'm just going to let him do his things.

Dr. Strange manage to get the box out of his hand. "That's enough. You've lost. I'm sending those people back to their realm" he said. "Do you know what's more amazing than magic?" He said. The web he shoots around eventually gathers. Dr. Strange get tied up.

"Math" he said. I lift my hand and the ring flies out of his hand, along with the box. "Sorry, sir" I said. "Y/N... think carefully" he said. "Sorry, Dr. But I still have a heart" I said, smiling at him. A portal appear behind us. We step out of it.

"We'll come back to you after we're done..." I said. The portal closes. I look around, making sure there is no one around. I use my power and scan the place.

"Hmm... safe" I said. I turn to my normal form and turn to look at Peter. He smiles and take a box from me. He pulls me into a hug. I smile and wrap my arm around him.

"Thank you, baby... I know you'd understand what I'm feeling right now" he said. "Of course, Pete. So, what now?" I said. He pulls away from the hug and take the box from me.

"I know what to do... but first, we'll have to convince those people. Y/N... you're good at persuading them. So... help me?" He said. "Of course" I said, nodding my head. He grins at me. He gently cups the side of my cheek and place a soft kiss on my lips.

*to be continued*

A/N: that was close! People almost find out Y/N is Raven. Sooo... what do you think so far? I hope you're enjoying yourself. Love ya~

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