Chapter 4

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Previously on Chapter 3

I think back what he just said, about making things become unbalance. I can feel fear creeping up in me. Damn... I can only hope that nothing bad is going to happen.

-Alternate Universe-


I sit in the kitchen, with Aunt May. "I wonder where Peter is..." I said. Aunt May turns to look at me. "He didn't tell you where he's going?" He said. "No... he only told me he have something to do. But he didn't tell me where he's off to. I feel so bad for him. I have been through the same thing. But not as bad as him" I said, sighing softly.

"I'm glad Peter have you, Y/N. He needs you more than anything right now. So please stay with him no matter what. Okay?" She said. "You don't have to worry, Aunt May. I'm here with him... I love him. I won't ever give up on him. He stays with me at my lowest... taught me how to be open. If I didn't meet him. I don't know what would I be right now" I said. She smiles and gently pulls me into a hug. I smile as I return her hug.

"Oh right... I never actually know. How do you two meet?" She said, after pulling away. "Well... it's a long story" I said, rubbing my neck while smiling shyly.

"We can start now. We can talk about your love story as we wait for Peter to come back" she said. I nod my head and start telling her the first day I meet Peter. Back then, I was still scared to show my true self. Which I hid by using my power to change myself to look like a boy.

"Wait... neither of you ever mentioned that you have powers" she said. I just nod my head. "Yeah... I do have..." I said. "Can you show me??" She said. "Well, sure... what do you want to see?" I said. "What kind of power do you have?" She said. "I'm a polymorph. I can copy any power from the other avengers" I said. "Cool! How about... show me the boy form you used when you first meet Peter?" She said. "Okay" I said, nodding my head. I focus on my appearance and let myself transform into the boy form I used when I first attend school.

"Awee... how cute~" she said, cooing slightly. I turn back to my girl form and giggle. "Trust me, Aunt May. I should've chosen a much nerdier boy form. That boy appearance made all the girls at school keeps chasing after me. It's annoying" I said, rolling my eyes as I recall what happened that day. "Yeah... can't blame them. That boy form literally looked like a celebrity" she said, giggling softly. "Yeah..." I said, laughing softly.

The door to the house opens. I turn my head to see Peter walking in. "Peter... where have you been?" I said. I get up and walk over to him. I wrap my arms around his neck, in a gentle embrace. He wraps his arms around me in return.

I pull away from him and frown. "What happened to your suit, Peter?" I asked. He looks down at his suit. "Oh... I got into a battle with a man, with tentacles. He kinda look like an octopus" he said. "Uh... what?" I said, looking at him in confusion.

He let out a chuckle at my confused face. "Why do you seem confused by this. We literally fought an alien back then, Y/N..." he said. I just rolled my eyes at his comment.

"Well, anyway... come with me. We need to go to Dr. Strange's house" he said. "Why?" I said. "Something happened. I need yours and Ned's help... come on. I'll explain along the way" he said. "Well, okay..." I said.

I turn to Aunt May and wave at her. I let out a yelp when Peter scoops me up in his arms. "A warning next time if you plan on picking me up. That scares me..." I said. He chuckles and place a kiss on the side of my head. He turns to Aunt May. "Bye, Aunt May" he said. He turns around and walks out of the house and starts swinging.

"I don't get why you need to swing around with me in your arms. I can just use my power to fly..." I said. "Nope... people would know who you are, Y/N. It'll bring trouble for you" he said. I let out a sigh and nod my head, knowing what he said is true.


Peter leads me and Ned to a place an underground place. "Wow... this place is awesome..." Ned said, looking around in amazement. "It sure is..." I said, nodding my head in agreement.

I jump back in fright when a lizard like creature jumps at me. But it seem to hit something like a force-field. I look around the place and notice a couple more.

"Who are they? What actually happened, Pete?" I said, turning to look at Peter. He rubs his neck sheepishly. "Well... I kind of messed up a spell when I asked Dr. Strange to help me clear my mess" he said. He starts explaining to me what he did. I just stare at him wide-eyed. Completely not expecting what he just did.

He looks at me with a nervous smile. "Are you mad at me?" He asked. "No... I'm not mad. I understand what you've been through, Pete. I just hope that you would tell me about it" I said. "I'm sorry..." he said, looking at me with an apologetically expression. I just let out a sigh and pulls him into a hug.

I pull away from the hug and cups his cheeks softly. "It's okay, Pete. I just don't want you to think you're dealing with this situation alone. You have me. You can count on me... lean on me. Depend on me with all of your problem. Just like how you used to be with me..." I said, smiling at him. He smiles back at me and leans his into my hands, placing a soft kiss on the palm of my hand.

He let out a soft sigh. "What would I do without you, Y/N... you're my strength right now" he said. I lean my forehead against his. "I love you, Pete..." I said. He opens his eyes and smiles at me. "I love you too, Y/N..." he said, pulling me into a tight hug. He bury his face into the crook of my neck.

We pull away when someone clears their throat. I turn to look at Dr. Strange. "Both of you will be helping Peter trying to locate and capture the other cross dimension people" he said. "Roger that..." I said, nodding my head. Ned just nods his head. He still look speechless over the fact that he's here with Dr. Strange.

I turn to look at Peter and smile at him. "We can do this. Together..." I said. He smiles and gently give my hand a squeeze. "Together... I'd like that..." he said. I smile and place a gentle kiss on his cheek. He smiles and place a soft kiss on my forehead.

*to be continued*

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