Chapter 7

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Previously on Chapter 6

"I know what to do... but first, we'll have to convince those people. Y/N... you're good at persuading them. So... help me?" He said. "Of course" I said, nodding my head. He grins at me. He gently cups the side of my cheek and place a soft kiss on my lips.

-Another Peter Parker-


We manage to persuade the crossed dimension villains. Now we just have to take them somewhere. Peter suggested we take them to Happy's house. I just went along with him. I mean... where else can we go. We can't take them to my house. Mom won't be happy with that.

Peter opens the door to Happy's house. We lead the crossed dimension villains inside. The camera screen by the window starts to flicker, because Electro is here. After all, he controls electricity.

Peter starts working on a microchip for Dr. Octopus. I just sit next to him. We have to focus on one person at a time. He didn't need my help. He seems to have everything under control.

"Alright... the chip is done" he said, holding it up. I grin and pulls him into a hug. He smiles and hugs me back. "I know you can do it..." I said, smiling at him. "Thank you, love..." he said.

He use his suit and starts controlling Dr. Octopus. "When can this humiliation ends??" He said. Peter stands behind to him on the second floor. The man starts squirming as Peter tries to put the new chip behind his neck.

After a lot of struggles, Peter finally manage to place the new chip... replacing the corrupted one. I watch Dr. Octopus's reaction. He looks emotional. I smile softly to myself, knowing the chip works.

"You did it, Pete..." I said, hugging his side. He wrap his arm around my shoulder. "I did it... thanks to you for always believing in me..." he said, smiling happily at me.

My phone starts ringing. I take it out of my pocket and press answer after checking the caller ID. "Hey, Mom?" I said. "Honey... can you come for a bit? I need help with something" she said. "Of course, mom. I'll be on my way..." I said. "Okay" she said. I hung up the phone and turn to look at Peter.

"Mom needs help with something" I said. He nods his head. "Okay... say hi to her for me..." he said. I nod my head. "Sure... bye, Pete!" I said, kissing his cheek. I turn around and leave the house. I get on my bike and starts heading home.


After helping mom. She insist that I stay for lunch. So here we are, sitting at the dining table. I'm eating in silence as my attention is focused on the news. I drop my spoon in shock.

The news is showing Happy's apartment. His house is severely destroyed. There's debris' everywhere. The news said there's one victim.

"Oh no... Peter! Mom, I gotta go!" I said. I stand up and run towards the balcony. I lift my hand, letting my mask appear. My clothes transform into my suit and I fly away towards the location.

"Peter!!" I yelled. No one's here. I turn my head and notice someone laying on the ground. I walk towards the person and gasp. "Aunt May..." I said, in a low voice.

"Raven!!" Someone said. I turn my head to see there is a mob of cops. I turn around and fly away as soon as they approach me. They start shooting at me. But none of the bullets manage to hit me because of my speed.

I transform myself back into my normal form after making sure no one is around. I walk around the town. I run my hand through my hair.

"Where are you Pete? Stop making me feel worried" I said. I need help. I head towards Ned's house since Ned is also his best friend. We should find have an idea where Peter will be.


I'm sitting in a dining room with Ned. "I tried to look for him. But I have no luck" I said. He lets out a sigh. "It's going to be hard to find him..." he said. I let out a sigh and nod my head.

"Aish! I shouldn't have left him alone with those people!" I said. Ned gently pat my back, trying to comfort me. He let out a sigh. "I wish we could see Peter..." he said, raising a hand. I hear something flickering. I turn my head and see a portal. "Ned... do it again" I said.

"Um... I wish we could see Peter!" He said, waving his hand. A portal appear. I get up and approach the portal. Across from it, there's someone standing. I try to see who it is, but it's impossible because of the darkness.

"Is that him?" I said. "Yeah! It's gotta be him!" He said. "Peter!! Over here!" I said. The person turns around and runs towards us. He jumps through the portal.

Ned's grandma starts screaming in fear. She starts to throw stuff at the person. "Hey hey hey! It's okay! I am a nice guy!" He said. He opens his mask to reveal his face.

"Okay... who the hell are you?" I said, realizing he's not Peter. "I'm Peter Parker. I mean I am... in my world. But I ended up here" he said. "Prove it..." I said. He looks confused. He shrugs his shoulder and hangs from the ceiling with his hand.

"Crawl around" I said. "I'm not gonna crawl around. This is more than enough!" He said. "No it's not..." I said. Ned's grandma starts talking in Tagalog. I don't quite understand what she's saying though.

Ned turns to look at the man that claims he's Peter. "She asked if you can clean that spider web..." he said, pointing at a web at the corner of the top wall. "Sure..." he said. He climbs up the ceiling and head towards the web.

"Okay... but he's not our Peter..." I said, turning to look at Peter. He nods his head. "Find Peter..." he said. The portal flickers slightly. "Try it again..." I said. "Find Peter Parker!" He said, making circular motion with his hand.

I turn my head to look behind us. A man steps in. I let out a sigh. "Great... it's just some random guy..." Ned said. "I hope you don't mind... I just stepped in from this" he turns around, only to see the Portal have closed. "Oh... it's just closed" he said, turning to look at us with a surprised expression.

"You are?" I said. "I'm Peter Parker. I have a feeling that your friend needs help so I come here" he said. He turns his head and notice the other Peter. "Wait, he's not your friend..." he said, pointing at the other Peter. Their eyes widened in realization and starts to attack each other.

The second Peter shoots a web at the first Peter's gadget. He laughs as he points at his gadget. "Okay, stop!" I said. Ned turns to look at the second Peter. "You're Spider-man too... why didn't you just tell us?" He said.

"Well... I don't go around advertising I'm Spider-man. It's kinda beat the purpose of anonymous super-hero, don't you think?" He said. I hum and nod my head. "Fair point..." I said.

"Can you help us find our Peter?" I said. "Every time I have trouble I would go to a place where I can have a clear thought" The first Peter said. I turn to the other Peter to see him nodding, agreeing with the other.

I think about it. A place where Peter and I go to when we want to have a talk... or simply when we need to have a peaceful time. My eyes widened as I thought of one place. "I know where he might be..." I said, turning to the others.

*to be continued*

A/N: I sure hope I get the scene right. Like I said... I only write this after only watching the movie ones. Anyway, I hold you enjoy this book so far. More chapters coming up! See ya~

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