Chapter 3

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Previously on Chapter 2

"Y/N..." I hear someone said. I turn my head to see Ned. I smile sadly at him as I hug him. He rubs my back softly. "It's okay... we'll get through this mess. Okay?" He said. I just nod my head, without saying anything else.

-Letters From University-


Peter is sitting on our bed, while I'm sitting by the study table. Reading a book. I glance at Peter who's still sitting on the same spot. I can see the sadness in his eyes. I feel so bad for him. Peter's not in his best condition... because of all that's been happening the past few weeks.

I stretch my body. Peter move to lay down. His eyes looks empty. I let out a sigh and close my book. I get up and walk over to him.

I lay down next to him, placing my head on his chest. I feel his arms moving to wrap themselves around me. I wrap my arm around his torso, while the other is placed on his chest.

"Peter?" I said. "Hm?" He hummed. I move my head from his chest to look at him. "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?" I said. "Not really... I just want to cuddle" he said. I hum and place my head back on his chest. I feel a soft kiss on the side of my head.

"Everything is so messed up..." he said. "Yeah..." I said, nodding my head in agreement. He turns his body to lay on his side, burying his face into the crook of my neck. I lay on my back, so Peter will be more comfortable.

"I wish I could just do something..." I said, running my hand through his hair. "Just by being here with me is more than enough. You're my strength right now, Y/N" he said. "I'll always be here with you..." I said.

"Promise?" He whispered. "I promise... I love you, Pete..." I said. "I love you too, Y/N" he said. He pulls his head from my neck. I smile at him and leans in to place a soft kiss on his lips.


Peter and I rush to a cafe where Ned agrees to meet up. We have received our letter from MIT. The university the three of us applied to. We've agreed to go to the same university, so we can all stay together. We need each other more than anything, especially in a situation like this.

We enter the cafe. I turn to look at the entrance just as Ned enters the cafe. The three of us holding up our letter from MIT. We take a seat and look at each other anxiously.

"Together?" I said. They nod their heads. "Together" they said simultaneously. We rip the envelope open and take out the letter. I take a deep breath and unfold my letter. Silence fills the room as we read the content.

I turn my Peter and Ned. Peter turns to look at me. "No?" He said. "No..." I said, shaking my head with a soft sigh. We turn to look at Ned.

"Due to the recent event. We are unable to process your acceptance..." Ned said. We let out a sigh. I turn to look at Peter who have a guilty look on his face. I let out a sigh and get up. I stand next to him and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Shh... it's okay. We'll figure something out. Just like we always to" I said. He just nods his head without saying anything. He wraps his arms around my waist and place his head against my chest.

The door to the cafe opens to reveal Flash. "Yeah!! Baby!! MIT man!!" He yelled. He stops cheering when he looks at us. He notice the disappointment in our faces.

"You guys didn't get accepted?" He said. "No..." I said, shaking my head. Peter and Ned shakes their heads too. "Oh... I'll just... leave then" he said. He turns around and walks out of the cafe awkwardly.

I let out a sigh and turn to look at them. "It's okay, guys... if you expect disappointment, then you can never really be disappointed..." I said. They just give me a small smile.


Peter said that he need to do something. I asked him what it was, but he didn't say anything. So I just nod my head and he walks away. I wonder what he have to do. But I'm aware that he have his own life that doesn't resolve around me. So I have to respect his privacy.

Peter P.O.V

This is all my fault. They didn't deserve this. I have to do something to fix all of this. But I need help and if there's anyone who can help me. That would be Dr. Strange.

He can use his magic to alter the reality. Maybe that way I can change things back to the way it used to be. Before this whole Mysterio mess. With that in mind, I make my way to his house.

A While Later

I'm now standing in front of his house. I lift my hand and gently knock on the door. The door burst open, sending cold breeze all over me. I shivered from the cold and look inside. The room is covered by snow, everywhere.

I look around in confusion as I make my way inside. "Um... excuse me?" I said, to the two people. They seem to be scooping up some snow. They turn to me. "Is Dr. Strange around?" I said.

"What are you doing here, Peter?" Someone said. I turn my head to see Dr. Strange, walking down the stairs. "I want to ask for your help, Dr. Strange" I said.

"Call me Stephen" he said. "Okay... Stephen" I said. "That feels weird... but okay. Anyway... what do you need?" he said. "Is there a way that I can change how things are? I mean... turn back to before everyone knows I'm Spider-man" I said. He starts to argue with Wong. But in the end he agrees to help me. He leads me to an underground place.

"Wow... this place is cool..." I said, looking around. "Focus, Peter... how do you want the spell to be?" He said. "Okay... I want people to forget that I'm Spider-man" I said. "Okay..." he said. He starts performing his hand gesture.

"Everyone shall forget that Peter Parker is Spider-man" he said. "Wait... everyone?? What about Y/N? My wife?? She have to know..." I said. He let out a sigh and change the spell.

"Wait wait wait... Ned and Aunt May too. Basically everyone who knows that I'm spider man... well... not everyone. Just the ones that knows BEFORE the incident with Mysterio" I said. "Kid... stop talking!" He said. The spells starts acting up. He makes them into a sphere in the center.

"You make me change the spell 6 times! Do you have any idea how dangerous that is??" He said. "I... um. Sorry. I just want to fix things. My life is messed up..." I said. "You want me to brainwash the entire world... just because your 'life' is a mess?" He said. I gulp nervously.

He let out a sigh. "Just get out kid..." he said. He use his magic and send me out of his house. I stare at his house, as the door slams shut.

I think back what he just said, about making things become unbalance. I can feel fear creeping up in me. Damn... I can only hope that nothing bad is going to happen.

*to be continued*

A/N: I don't remember the movie exactly. I'm only writing this based on memories as I've only watched the movie once. So if I missed out any details, pardon me. I hope you like it so far. Love ya~

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