Chapter 13

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Previously on Chapter 12

I just smile to myself, and place my chin on his shoulder. I wrap my arms firmly around his neck... making sure not too tight so I don't choke him. My mind keep on recalling what he said.

I'll always be there for you, Y/N...

-Longing Heart-


I walk around the park, as it is weekend. My mind is still filled up with the thought of Peter. Everything he said... always seem to trigger something inside my head. I don't know why it happened. They are all so random that makes it so impossible for me to see what they are. When I actually manage to... it leads me into having a bad headache.

I come across a guitar, laying around. I look around wondering if anyone left it here. But no one seem to forget about the guitar. I walk towards it. I place my hand on top of it, strumming the string softly. I see something flashing in my head. It's pretty faint. But I'm curious.

I take a seat and place the guitar on my lap. I look down at it and suddenly a song popped up. I gently play the guitar. The more I play... the clearer the image in my head.

"Hey! That's my guitar! Are you trying to steal it? What a thief!" Someone said. I turn my head to see a guy. He walks towards me with an angry expression. I place the guitar on the chair.

"No... I didn't. I'm sorry. I thought someone left it. I am only trying to relive a memory" I said. "Oh we all know thieves won't admit their doing. If all thieves honest. The prison will be full! Hey! She's a thief!!" He started yelling. People starts gathering around me.

"No... stop! I didn't do anything. I was just trying to remember something and this guitar triggers it!" I tried to say. But they ignore me. They start to surround me. I cover my ears as fear starts to creep up in me.

"Hey! Hey hey! Stop! Don't surround her, please!" I hear someone said. The crowd moves back. I turn my head to see the friendly neighborhood hero. Spider-man.

"This girl is a thief!" Someone said. "Yeah! She needs to leave! We don't want any people like her here!" Another said. Everyone cheers in agreement. Spider-man turns to look at me.

"Sorry about this..." he said. He suddenly scoops me up in his arms and starts to swing away. I wrap my arms around his neck. For some reasons, it's not scary at all. It's actually enjoyable. I close my eyes and I see lots of things flashing in my head. This time they're not so overwhelming. I close my eyes as I let myself see them one by one.


I'm looking at myself in the mirror. I look like a boy and I seem to be angry. I let out a groan and turn to punch the wall, leaving a huge crack.

"Whoa... are you okay?" Someone said. I turn my head to see Peter. "Yeah... I'm okay" I said. "Are you sure? You just punched a wall... and wow" he said, looking at the wall with a shock expression. "Who are you?" I said. "Huh? Oh right...

I'm Peter. Peter Parker

Image change

I'm in the bathroom now. Peter is standing in front of me. "Do me a favor and change yourself back to your girl form. I need to talk to the real you" he said. I feel myself turning after that.

"Why do you have to make it so hard for me?" He said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Please don't hate me for this..." he said. "Nothing you do would make me hate you, Pete..." I said. He leans in and places a soft kiss on my lips.

After a while, he pulls away from me. "If that isn't enough to make you understand... I don't know what else..." he said. "I understand... and I love you too..." I said. He smiles happily at me and leans in for another kiss.

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