Chapter 5

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Previously on Chapter 4

I turn to look at Peter and smile at him. "We can do this. Together..." I said. He smiles and gently give my hand a squeeze. "Together... I'd like that..." he said. I smile and place a gentle kiss on his cheek. He smiles and place a soft kiss on my forehead.

-Hunting Mission-


Ned is strapping Peter's phone to his chest. He'll be going out there to try and track down all the villain that have crossed over from another dimension. I just stand next to Peter, holding his hand. I can feel his hand slightly tensed.

"I'm coming with you, Pete..." I said. He turns to look at me. "No. It's too dangerous. We have no idea what we're up against. I don't want you to get hurt" he said. "I'm more than capable to fight for myself, Pete. I can help you" I said, trying to insist that I'll be coming with him.

"No... I need you here. Where you're far from danger and you're also helping me" he said, placing his suit covered hand on my cheek. I place my hand on top of his.

"I just don't want you to be hurt, Pete... I want to help..." I said, looking at him with teary eyed. He place his other hand on my cheek, cupping them softly.

"I'll be fine... as long as you are" he said, smiling at me. He wipe the tear that manage to slip out of my eyes. I smile sadly at him and wrap my arms around his neck, giving him a tight hug.


I sit next to Ned as we watch Peter swinging through the forest. Ned managed to track one of the crossed dimension villain there, so we're trying to lead Peter. So he can send the villain here into this invisible jail.

"It's so dark over there. It's hard to see..." I said. Ned nods his head in agreement. Peter lands somewhere in the forest. "Can you guys locate where the villain is?" Peter said. "Right now... no. It's hard to see your surrounding because you kept moving around, Pete" I said. "Oh... sorry..." he said. I move around slowly.

"Guys! Are you seeing this??" Peter suddenly said. I move closer to the screen and notice something moving. "Peter... 10 o'clock!" I said. "Got it!" He said. "Be careful, Pete..." I said, worriedly. "I'll be fine, Y/N... don't worry" he said.

Ned and I jump in fright when a tree appear out of no where in one of the prison. Not long after that, a man wearing striped shirt. His hand looks like sand. Not even another 5 minutes, another one appeared. This one looking as if his whole body is covered in electricity.

"Y/N? Ned?" Peter said. "Are you okay?" I asked. "I am. I just need to stay here and fix some things here before they start blaming me again..." he said. "Do you need my help?" I asked. "I can manage... just go home and rest. Okay, baby?" He said. "Alright, Pete. Stay safe..." I said. Then the call ends.

The Next Day

We are back at the underground place. Peter is next to me, with his arm around my shoulder. "We have one more to catch. He's wearing a green suit on a flying thingy" Peter said. The man with tentacle on his back looks at us in shock.

"Norman Osborn?" He said. "We don't know his name. But do you know him?" I said, turning to look at him. "Yes... but it can't be him. It's impossible..." he said. "Why?" I asked.

Pete's phone suddenly rings. He pull out his phone and press answer. "Yes, Aunt May?" He said. I just stay silent as he talks to his aunt. His eyes widened. He looks shock about whatever it is that Aunt May is telling him.

"Huh? What? Really? Okay... I get it" He said. Then he hunts up the phone. "What's wrong, Pete?" I said. "The green villain is in Aunt May's home..." he said. "Impossible. It can't be him" Dr. Octavius said. I turn to look at him.

"Why? What do you mean?" I asked. "If it's actually him... that means you could be hunting for a ghost. Norman Osborn is dead a long time ago" he said. I turn to look at Peter with a worried expression. He turns to look at me and gently pat my head.

"It'll be alright, babe..." he said. "I sure hope you're right, Pete..." I said. He smiles and gently place a soft kiss on my forehead. I lean my head against his. He tightens his arms around my shoulder, pulling me even closer to his side.


We reach Aunt May's house. There's a man sitting on on of the seats of the dining table. Aunt May's sitting next to him.

"Norman Osborn?" I asked. The man turns his head to look at me. "Yes..." he said. He turns to look at Peter who's standing next to me. "You're not Peter Parker..." he said. "I'm Peter... but not from your world. It's uhh... complicated" Peter said. "Are you talking about multiverse?" He said. "Yeah..." I said, nodding my head.

Aunt May stands up and walks over to us. "Do you think you can help him? He's not healthy..." she said. "I don't know... maybe?" Peter said. "When I said he is not healthy... I mean, he's not healthy in the head" she said.

I turn to look at Peter. "We'll do what we can... but first we need to think of a way to bring him with us" he said. I nod my head in agreement with what he said. We do need to gather all the cross dimension villain into one place, so it'll be easier for us to send them back to their respective realms.

"If you need help in fixing something. I can help. I'm also a scientist myself. I'm going to help you two..." Norman said. "Okay... come with us" Peter said. He nods his head. Hopefully we can fix this mess and everything will be back to normal.

*to be continued*

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