Chapter 12

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Previously on Chapter 11

Please, Y/N... you have to remember me. I need you in my life. I'm all alone now with Aunt May gone and no one knows me. You have to remember... We gave each other a promise that we'll always be together. Please...

Remember me, Y/N...

-I'll Always Be There For You-


I'm sitting in class of the MIT university. I place my chin on the palm of my hand as I pay attention to the lecture, while occasionally write down some notes. I glance to my side, and see Peter. 

He's wearing a pair of glasses. He looks so cute in them.

Something about those glasses, seem familiar to me

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Something about those glasses, seem familiar to me. I close my eyes and something flashes behind my eyes.


"So this is E. D. I. T. H?" I said. "Yeah... your dad gave it to me..." he said. "Can I try it on?" I asked. "Of course. Put it on" he said. I put it on and turn to look at him.

"How do you look?" I said. "Beautiful" he said, with a smile on his face. "No I don't. I look funny" I said. "Y/N... you'll always look beautiful. Nothing will make you look ugly" he said. I blush at his words, making him chuckle. He pulls me closer by the waist and nudge his nose against mine.

"Awe... how adorable~" he cooed. The blush on my cheek deepened. He chuckles and leans in to place a soft kiss on my lips. I kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

End of Flashback

Other than that, my mind gets pretty blurry. I feel a dull pain on the back of my head. I place my hand on my forehead, massaging it softly as an attempt to ease the pain.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Someone said. I turn my head to look at the person. Even through blurry sight, I can tell that it's Peter. "Peter..." I said. My eyes rolls back and I fall to my side.

Peter P.O.V

I quickly catch Y/N before she fell of the chair. She seem to have fainted. I cradle her in my arms. I hold her so gentle as if she's the most fragile porcelain doll. I place her head against my chest as I check her face. She suddenly looks so pale. She's been okay this morning... so what happened?

"Y/N? Y/N! Hey... Y/N, wake up" I said. I gently pat her cheek, but she's didn't respond. I turn to look at the lecture and lift my hand.

"Sir! Please excuse me. I need to take Y/N to the infirmary" I said. "Yes... go ahead" he said. "Thank you, sir..." I said. I gently scoop Y/N up in my arms and make my way to the infirmary room.

I enter the infirmary and place Y/N on the bed. The nurse walks towards me. "What happened to her?" She said. "I don't know... she just fainted" I said. She nods her head and starts checking Y/N.

"She's fine. Maybe she's just tired. Let her rest here and she should be okay" she said. I nod my head. "Okay... thank you" I said. "You care for her, huh?" She said. I just nod my head. 'Of course, I care for her... she's my wife. Even if she didn't remember me' I thought to myself.

"Well then, if you like her so much. You should hurry up and ask her out. I heard that she's really popular" she said. "Yeah... indeed she is..." I said, laughing. I turn my head to look at Y/N. Even back then... she's already so popular.

The nurse give me a medicine. So I can give to Y/N when she wakes up later. She just walks away after that.

I let out a sigh and slowly pull a chair, making sure to not make too much sounds. I take a seat on the chair and turn to look at Y/N. I stare at her hand for a few seconds, contemplating whether I should hold it or not. In the end, I decided to hold it.

"Y/N... I really miss you. I miss spending time with you. Sure... you're being my best friend now. But I miss you as mine. I miss holding you... I miss kissing you. Please remember me, Y/N. I'm so lost without you..." I said, in a hush voice.



I open my eyes and the first thing I notice is I'm in the infirmary. I feel something soft and warmth in my hand. I turn my head to see Peter, holding my hand as he sleeps.

Looking at him right now... makes my heart feels so warm. It makes me long to be around him. I have this strange feelings that I want Peter to hold me in his arms.

Before I can stop myself. I lift my hand and gently place it in his head. I start caressing his hair softly. My action makes him stir slightly. I instantly pull my hand away.

"Y/N... I miss you. Please remember me..." he said. I furrow my eyebrow at what he said. He seems to still be asleep. But why is he saying that? Why did he ask me to remember him? Do I know him before all of this?

"Peter..." I said, softly. He opens his eyes and turns his head to look at me. "Y/N... you're awake. You scared me so bad. What happened? Why did you faint?" He said. "I don't know... I just. I just see something inside my mind. I guess it's too much. So I guess I passed out because of it" I said. He just nod his head.

"What time is it, Pete?" I asked. "Time to go home. College time is over..." he said. "I missed a class?!" I said, looking at him wide-eyed. "Don't worry about it. I can fill you up on what you've missed" he said. I just nod my head. "Okay... thanks Peter..." I said. He smiles at me and nod his head.

"Come on... let's get you home so you can rest some more..." he said. I nod my head in return. "Okay..." I said. "Can you walk?" He asked. "Maybe..." I said. I move to place my feet on the floor. I try to stand up, but stumble when the dizziness in my head is still present.

Peter quickly catches me in his arms. "I guess you can't. Come on... get on my back. I'll carry you..." he said. He place me on the bed. He place his backpack in front of his chest and crouch down in front of me. I slowly wrap my arms around his neck. He place his hands on the back of my knees.

"Thank you for having my back, Peter..." I said. He turns his head slightly to look at me. "I'll always be there for you, Y/N..." he said, smiling at me. I froze when he said that. It sounded so familiar. It was as if, I have heard said the same words he said before. But why? Why do I feel this way?

"Y/N? Are you okay?" He said. "Huh? I'm fine... why do you ask?" I asked. "I don't know. You're just being silent all the sudden..." he said. "Oh... I'm fine. Don't worry..." I said. "Okay, if you say so..." he said.

I just smile to myself, and place my chin on his shoulder. I wrap my arms firmly around his neck... making sure not too tight so I don't choke him. My mind keep on recalling what he said.

I'll always be there for you, Y/N...

*to be continued*

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