Chapter 9

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Previously on Chapter 8

"Okay... thanks..." he said. I let out a giggle as I wrap my arm around Peter's torso. He wraps an arm around my shoulder, placing a soft kiss on the side of my head.

-Final Battle-


Ned opens the portal to the Statue of Liberty, where we will be luring all the multiverses villain. Peter turns to look at me. "Y/N. You stay with Ned to protect him. Let the rest of us handle the villains" he said.

"But Peter... I wanna help!" I said. "Just stay here, Y/N. Please... I've lost Aunt May. I can't lose you too..." he said, cupping the side of my cheek while looking ay me with a pleading eyes. I let out a sigh and nod my head.

He smiles and pulls me into a quick kiss. He leans his forehead against mine. "I love you..." he said. I close my eyes. "I love you too..." I said. He place a soft kiss on my forehead. He turns around and leave with the other two Spider-man. He smiles at me and starts swinging away to set the spot where they are going to place the cures.

I hear thundering sound from the other side of the portal. "Looks like it's starting..." I said. "Y/N! Here! Catch!" Peter said, throwing the box towards me. I catch it with ease.

"Okay, Ned. Close it!" I said. He nods his head. He makes circular motion with his hand. But the portal didn't close. "Come on. Try again. I know you can do it..." I said. He tries it again, but the portal still didn't close.

"Ned, hurry! Before they notice us!" I said. I notice something moving towards. My eyes widened when I realize what it is.

"Okay, gotta run!" I said. I turn around and sprints away, because the lizard-man is chasing after us. We enter the battle field. "Y/N! Ned!!" Peter yelled. He swings towards us. We run around the room as Peter kicks the lizard-man down.

We enter the battle field. Ned makes a portal which makes gallons of water comes pouring through. I grab the cure as I run past it. I turn to Peter and throw it towards him. He catch it and let the lizard-man bites into it. I watch as the lizard-man slowly turns into a human.

"Okay, Ned... make the portal" I said. He nods his head and opens the portal. He lets out a laugh as he succeeded. Dr. Strange steps through the portal. I let out a nervous laugh when he turns to me with a glare.

"Where is he??" He said. He takes the box out of my hand, along with the ring from Ned. "Wait, Dr. Um... sir! Peter's plan is working!" Ned said, in panic. He turns to look at Ned. "What plan?" He said. "Just take a look!" I said, gesturing towards where Peter is. He walks towards close and look over. Peter talks to the now human Dr. Connors.

"Well... I'd be damned..." he said. He turns to look at Ned. "Did you just open the portal?" He said. "Yes... that's right..." Ned said, looking awestruck. "Hm..." Dr. Strange said and walks away.

I watch from a lower ground. "Looks like everyone is okay now..." I said. Ned nods his head, still looking speechless because Dr. Strange just talked to him. I let out a giggle and pat his back.

I hear laughter and turn my head to see the Green Goblin. He sends bombs towards Dr. Strange. Dr. Octopus protects him from the bombs. Only for the Green Goblin to fly past them and snatch away the box. Dr. Octopus use one of his tentacle and stops the glider from flying away. Dr. Strange use his magic to form a whip and take the box back.

"Strange, no!!" Peter yelled. The box exploded due to the bomb placed by the Green Goblin. The structure starts collapsing. "Y/N!!" Ned yelled as I fall down. I can't focus on transforming. So I can't fly.

"Y/N!!!" Peter yelled, in panic. He jumps towards me. He outstretch his hand trying to catch me. I reach out to grab his. Just as our hands is about to touch. The Green Goblin snatch him away.

"Peter!!" I yelled. The other Peter swoop down and catches me in his arms. He carries me in his arms. I notice how his eyes glistens as he tries to stop crying.

"Are you okay?" I said. "Yeah..." he said, nodding his head while giving me a small smile. He place me on my feet. "Thank you for saving me..." I said. "You're welcome..." he said.

"Well... I'm not taking anymore chances..." I said. He looks at me in confusion. I lift my hand, letting my mask appear. I put it on and transform into my hero form.

His eyes widens in shock. "You... have powers this whole time?!" He said. "Well... yeah. Why else do you think Peter asked me to protect Ned?" I said. He just nods his head. "You must have a reason not to reveal yourself" he said. "It's a long story. But yeah. I do have a reason why I didn't join the battle" I said, nodding my head. He just nods his head.

"I have to find Ned. To make sure he's okay..." I said. He nods his head. "I'm going to help your boyfriend" he said. "Husband, actually..." I said. His eyes widen once again. "You're married???" He said. "We are..." I said. "I... uhh... yeah. Okay... um. Bye!" He said. He turns around and swing towards Peter. I shake my head and turn to fly towards Ned.

I land on the ground and hugs Ned. "You're okay!" I said. "You're asking if I'M okay?? You're the one who is about to die from the fall! Why didn't you use your power??" He said. "I'm panicking, okay? I can't focus on transforming!" I said. "Oh..." he said.

Peter comes swinging towards us. He pulls me into a tight hug. "You're okay, Y/N... thank goodness..." he said. "I am okay. Are you okay?" I said. "I am..." he said, smiling at me. He turns to Ned and smiles at him.

"You two won't remember me..." he said. "What?? No! I don't want to forget about you. What... what if?" I start panicking. "Hey... shh... shh. It's okay, Y/N. I'll come find you again, okay? I'll make you remember me again..." he said. "You better..." I said. He smiles and nods his head.

He frowns when he looks at my head. "You got hurt" he said. "I'm okay, Pete... I... I love you" I said. He opens his mouth. I cover it, stopping him before he can say it back.

"Say it to me when you meet me again..." I said. He nods his head. I smile sadly at him and pulls him in for a kiss. He wraps his arms around my waist. I sob softly as I hug him tightly.

I pull away from him and take off my necklace. "Keep this, Pete" I said. "But that belongs to you. Your dad gave it to you..." he said.

"On our wedding day" I said, nodding my head. "I can't take it..." he said. "It'll help me remember you. Keep it, Peter. Please..." I said, pleadingly. He lets out a sigh and nod his head.

He takes it from my hand and puts it on. I pulls him into another hug. "I hate magic..." he said. I nod my head, letting out a soft laugh. "Yeah... me too..." I said.

He pulls away from the hug. He gives me a soft kiss on my forehead, letting his lips lingers for a bit. He pulls away completely and turns to Ned, pulling him into a hug. Ned starts to cry softly. He pulls away from Ned and take a couple of steps backward.

"Bye..." he said. I nod my head. "I love you, Pete..." I said. He smiles sadly at me and nod his head. Then he turns around and swings away. I watch him swing away with tears streaming down my cheeks. Oh Dear God... please don't let me forget about Peter.

*to be continued*

A/N: Don't worry! The book doesn't end here yet.

Keep reading and find out what will happen between Y/N and Peter. See ya! Thanks for the support. Love ya~

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