Chapter 15

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Previously on Chapter 14

A tear escape Ned's right eye. "Peter!!" He yelled. He rushes towards Peter and pulls him into a tight hug. Peter's eyes widened as he looks at me in shock. He soon got over his shock and hugs Ned back. I breathe  out a sigh of relief. I take a seat and smile happily, as I watch everyone taking turns in embracing Peter. I can't believe I did it. Now...

Everyone remembers Peter

-Always Together-


Now that everyone finally remembers Peter. The two of us can finally moved back in together as a proper married couple. I can't be happier, because I can be with Peter after all the hardship we've been through together.

I wake up to the sunlight seeping through the gap of the curtain. The first thing I notice is a pair of arms wrapped securely around my waist. I smile to myself as I already know who it is. I turn around in his arms and smile as I watch his sleeping face.

I suddenly feel nauseous. I quickly remove Peter's arms around me, startling him in the process. But I didn't have a chance to apologize as I've already run to the washroom.

"Y/N?" Peter said. I kneel down by the toilet bowl and start throwing up. I hear Peter's footsteps and a gentle hand, as Peter moves my hair out of the way. He gently rub my back as I continue to throw up. I have never felt this nauseous before.

After a few more throw ups. I finally stops. I close the toilet lid and take a seat. "I'm sorry you have to see me like that..." I said. "It's okay, Y/N. It's my job as your husband to look after you" he said. He gets up and get some water with his hand.

He walks over to me and place his hand in front of my mouth. I open my mouth, letting him insert the water. I start to gurgle a little and throw it out in a small trash can. Peter did the same for a couple of times, until he's sure my mouth is clean.

"What happened? Why did you throw up out of no where?" He asked. "I don't know, Pete... it's just happened" I said. "Could it be... that you..." he start, but didn't say anything else.

"That I what?" I asked. "Hmm... when was the last time you had your period?" He asked. I think about it and froze when I realize what happened. "Peter..." I said.

"Why? What is it??" He said. "I'm... I'm late" I said. His eyes widened at what I just said. "I'll be right back. I'll go buy the pregnancy test for you, okay?" He said. I just nod my head. He peck my forehead and leave the bathroom.

I stand up and walk towards a body length mirror in the washroom. I stare at my reflection and place my hand on my stomach. Could it be...?

A while later

Peter came rushing into the bathroom, nearly falling as he stumbles over the rug. "Careful!" I said. "I'm alright. Here..." he said, handing the pregnancy test to me.

"Thank you..." I said. "I'll be waiting outside, okay?" He said. I nod my head. He smiles and peck my lips and walks out once again.

I bit my lips and take the test. I take a seat on the toilet bowl as I wait anxiously. I gently run my hand through my hair.

After a minute have passed. I pick up the pregnancy test, but still haven't look at it yet. I stare anywhere but the test in my hand. God, I'm nervous.

"Okay, okay... I can do this..." I said to myself. I take a deep breath. I look down at the pregnancy test. My eyes widened when I see the result. A '+' sign is shown on the test.

"Oh my God... oh my God!!" I yelled out. I hear the sound of knocking in the door. "Baby? Are you okay in there? What happened?" Peter frantically asked. "Come in, Pete!" I said. He opens the door without wasting anytime.

Always Together (Peter Parker X Reader) SequelWhere stories live. Discover now