Chapter 11

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Previously on Chapter 10

I open my eyes after having that dream. That dream felt so real. Why am I dreaming like that? Why do I dream that I got married to Peter? And why do I feel this longing feeling in my heart. I feel like I've known him... it feels like something is missing in my life. Who is he to me?

-Remember Me-


I'm sitting inside a café, trying to work for my college work. I went to MIT university, specializing in tech. I want to be just like my dad... a tech genius.

I hear the bell to the café makes a sound. I turn my head to see the boy I met earlier. He turns his head and spots me. I see a smile appear on his lips. He walks towards me.

"Mind if I join you?" He said. "Go ahead..." I said. He smiles and take a seat across from me. He notice my work and grin. "You go to MIT too?" He said. "Too? Wait... you're go to MIT?" I said. "I am..." he said. I grin at him.

"My friend Ned goes to MIT as well... maybe the three of us can be good friends" I said. "That would be great..." he said, nodding his head. "Great. So... do you want anything to drink, Peter? It's on me" I said. "Sure..." he said, smiling at me. "Go ahead. Just order anything you want" I said. He nods his head and calls out for the waiter. The waiter comes and he place his order.

The waiter smiles at us. "Oh... you're having a study date. How cute" he said. "We're not on a date..." I said. "Really? You two look like a couple" he said. I froze when he said that. I see something flashing in the back of my head.


"I promise I'll be there for you, Y/N. You trust me on this, right?" He said. "Of course I trust you, Pete. I trust you more than I trust anyone in my life..." I said, smiling at him.

Image change

"Please, Y/N... no more hiding the real you..." he said. "I don't know, Peter. I'm scared that people will hate me if I show them my true self" I said. "No one is going to judge you, Y/N. Even if they do... I will be there for you" he said.

Image change

This time, Peter and I seem to be sharing a kiss. He pulls away and stares into my eyes. "If this isn't enough to tell you... I don't know what else..." he said.

I love you, Y/N...

End of Flashback

"Y/N? Hey? Are you okay?" Someone said. I snap out of my thought and turn my head to look at Peter. "Huh? Oh yeah... everything's fine" I said, smiling at him.

"Are you sure?" He said, looking at me worriedly. I nod my head. "Yeah" I said. "Okay, if you say so" he said, nodding his head.


Peter is walking me home. He walks next to me. I hold my book in my arms as I walk in silent. My mind keep going back to those images that flashes in my head.

'What are they? They seem so real. Did I forget about Peter? Who is he to me?' So many questions. Yet I have no answer. This whole thing is making my head dizzy.

I fail to see a root sticking out from the ground. I trip from it. I close my eyes waiting for an impact. But I feel nothing. Instead, I feel arms around my waist. My books fell out of my hands and scatters all over the ground.

I open my eyes to see a pair of hazel eyes. "Peter..." I said. "Are you okay?" He said. "I am... thank you for catching me. I owe you one..." I said. I stand straight and take a couple of steps back.

"Hey, it's okay. You don't have to owe me anything. I feel happy that I can keep you safe" he said. My eyes widened at his words.

I'll always keep you safe, Y/N... a voice echoed in my head. I shake my head and turn to face the other way. I see my house not far from it.

"Oh, look... we've reached my house" I said. "Yeah, looks like so" he said. I turn to look at him and smile. "Thank you for walking me home..." I said. He turns to me and smile. "You're welcome. I guess... I'll see you around?" He said. "See you around, Pete" I said. His eyes widened at what I said.

"What?" I said. "You called me "Pete"... I thought I'd never hear you said that again..." he said. "What do you mean "again"?" I asked, looking at him in confusion.

He blinks his eyes and shake his head. "It's nothing... don't worry about it, ba- I mean... Y/N. Anyway... see you at the university" he said. "Yeah... see you, Pete. Bye~" I said, smiling at him. "Bye, Y/N..." he said. I can see sadness and longing in his eyes. Why would he look at me like that?

I smile at him and turn around to enter my house. Before I close my door. I see Peter staring at my form. He notice me staring and wave. I wave back and watch him turn around. I can see something glistening in his eyes. Is he crying?

Peter P.O.V

She called me Pete. Just like how she always did. Looks like I still exists somewhere in your mind after all, huh? It makes me feel happy. I still have hope at getting you back.

I turn around and walk away from Y/N's home. I feel a lone tear escape my right eye. I lift my hand and wipe it away, only for more tears to escape my eyes. I shake my head and rush back home.

Soon, I reach home. I lean my back against the door to my empty house. Aunt May is gone... and I'm all alone. The only person I need right now is my wife, Y/N. But she doesn't remember me.

I slide down and lean my head against the wooden door. I pull my knees closer to my chest as I stare at the ceiling with tears streaming down both of my cheeks.

Please, Y/N... you have to remember me. I need you in my life. I'm all alone now with Aunt May gone and no one knows me. You have to remember... We gave each other a promise that we'll always be together. Please...

Remember me, Y/N...

*to be continued*

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