Chapter 10

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Previously on Chapter 9

"Bye..." he said. I nod my head. "I love you, Pete..." I said. He smiles sadly at me and nod his head. Then he turns around and swings away. I watch him swing away with tears streaming down my cheeks. Oh Dear God... please don't let me forget about Peter.

-Missing Fragments-


I sit in front of Dad's grave. I place my hand on top of the tomb stone. "Hey, dad... how are you doing up there?" I said. Of course, I didn't get an answer. But I'm okay with it now. Sure, I still feel sad about it. Even so, I know that my dad is in a better place now.

"Things have been pretty hectic for me lately. I hope you're here, dad. You would have an advice for me. Just like you always have... I miss you dad so much, dad. But I'm okay... you're in a better place now..." I said.

I turn my head and notice someone standing by the tomb stone. He's staring at the tomb stone with so much sadness in his eyes. I can see someone walking and stands next to him. I smile as I realize who it is. It's Happy.

I get up and head towards him. "Hey, Happy" I said. "Oh, hey Y/N. What are you doing here?" He asked. "The usual... visiting Dad" I said. I turn to look at the guy.

"Hello..." I said. He smiles at me. "Hey..." he said. I turn to look at the tomb stone he's staring at. May Reilly Parker.

"She's your ex, right Happy?" I said, turning to him. "Yeah..." he said. "How did you know her?" I asked, turning to the guy. He looks about the same age as me. "Through Spider-man..." he said. "Oh... same as you, Happy" I said. "Yeah" Happy said, nodding his head.

Happy is the first to leave. "I'll see you around?" I said. He turns to me and nod his head. "Yeah... see you around" he said. I turn around and walks away.

"Wait!" I hear the boy said. I turn to look at him. "Yeah?" I said. "Um... my name is Peter. Peter Parker" he said. "Okay. Hi, Peter. My name is Y/N Stark..." I said, smiling at him. I offer a hand shake to him. He place his hand in mine. My eyes travel down to his chest. He's wearing a necklace.

"That's a beautiful necklace..." I said. "Oh this? My wife gave it to me" he said. "Ahh.. okay. Cool. Well... see you around, Peter" I said. He nods his head. "See you around, Y/N..." he said, smiling at me. I smile at him and turn around to leave.


It's now nighttime. But for some reasons. I just can't fall asleep. My mind just keep going back to the boy I met today. For some reasons, he seems familiar. Like I've known him somewhere.

I let out a sigh and turn to lay on my side. I close my eyes and force myself to fall asleep. After a while, I finally drift off to sleep.


I'm standing in front of a crowd. It looks like there is a wedding. But I don't see any couple. I turn my head and see a guy that look so much like the guy I met earlier. He's wearing a tux suit.

I look down and notice I'm wearing a wedding dress. Which means this is my wedding and I'm the one getting married. I'm getting married to this guy? What's his name again? Oh right... Peter Parker.

I see my mom walking towards us. She's holding a small gift box. She smiles when she stands in front of me.

"This is a gift from your father, Y/N..." she said. She gives me the box. I take it from him and opens the lid. I pull out the content to reveal a necklace. This necklace looks like the one Peter wore today.

There's a message too where the necklace is place, along with a letter

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There's a message too where the necklace is place, along with a letter. I take the letter out and hand the box to Peter. I unfold the letter and start to read.


I'm sorry... if you're reading this. It means I won't be the one who walk you down the isle. Trust me, kid... I want to be there for you more than anything. It's just the world didn't allow me.

Maybe not in this life time. But maybe... if I got another chance to be your father again in the next life... I'll be the one to have the honor to walk you to meet your husband.

Y/N... the day I decided to raise you. It was the best decision I have ever made. I love you more than anything in this world. You are my greatest treasure. The best thing to ever happen to me.

Congratulation on your wedding, sweetie. I hope Peter will take good care of you. I hope he will make you happy. Something I still haven't got a chance to.

I hope you like this gift. I made this necklace specially for you... as your wedding gift. I know you and that kid will end up together 'till marriage. That's all from this old man. And remember...

I love you 3000


Tears streams down both of my cheeks after I finish reading the letter. I turn to look at Peter. He smiles and gently wipe the tears from my eyes. He grabs the necklace and put it around my neck.

"You're beautiful, Y/N. I love you, my wife" he said. I smile brightly at him. "I love you too, Peter. My husband" I said. He smiles and slowly leans in to place a soft kiss on my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back passionately.

End of Dream

I open my eyes after having that dream. That dream felt so real. Why am I dreaming like that? Why do I dream that I got married to Peter? And why do I feel this longing feeling in my heart. I feel like I've known him... it feels like something is missing in my life. Who is he to me?

*to be continued*

A/N: I started crying when I write the letter. What do you think of this chapter? Will Y/N remember Peter? Read and find out in the next chapters!! Love ya~

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