Chapter 14

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Previously on Chapter 13

"I'm sorry for making you wait for so long..." I said. He lets out a sob, as he runs his hand through my hair. "I miss you, Y/N... I miss you so much..." he cried out. I just nod my head and hugs him tighter.

-Picnic Day-


I open my eyes and see Peter in front of me. He's still asleep, with his arms wrapped around my waist. I lift my hand and place it on his head, caressing his hair softly.

He moves to place his face into the crook of my neck. I let out a quiet giggle because his eyelashes tickles my skin. I move a little, but can't get out of his hug because he tightens his arms around me.

"Don't go... it's been so long since I get to hold you. Stay" he muttered. I let out a giggle and place a soft kiss on the side of his head. "Okay..." I said. "Thank you" he said, hugging me even closer.

I keep caressing his hair, making him let out a soft content sigh

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I keep caressing his hair, making him let out a soft content sigh. I still can't believe what had happened. I can't believe that I forgot about him. But I'm really glad that I can remember him again. It must've been so hard for him without me.

"I'm sorry, Pete..." I said. He pulls away and looks at me. "Why are you apologizing?" He asked. I move to sit up and hug my knees.

"I took so long to remember you. It must have been so hard for you, right?" I said, turning to look at him with a guilty face. A few tears manage to slip out of my eyes. His eyes soften and he cups my cheeks.

"I admit... it was really hard. Especially after Aunt May passed away. But all that matters now is that you're back. You remember me. That's all I care about, Y/N..." he said. I place a kiss on the palm of his hand, as I place my hands on top of his.

"I love you, Peter..." I said. He nods his head, leaning his forehead against mine. "I know, baby... and I love you too..." he said. He leans in to place a soft kiss on my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly as I kisses him back.

He pulls away from the kiss. "Do you wanna go for a picnic?" He said, smiling at me. "A picnic date?" I said. "Sure... let's call it a date" he said. I grin and nod my head excitedly, agreeing with him.

"Okay. Let's get ready, darling" he said, laughing at my excited face. He gets up from the bed and offers his hand to me. I place my hand on top of his. He pulls me up, a little too strong. This makes me fly towards him. I let out a yelp, as he caught me in his arms.

He lets out a laugh. "Whoops... sorry, Y/N" he said, chuckling softly. I roll my eyes and hit his shoulder. He wince at the impact. "I didn't even hit you that hard..." I said. "Yes you did!" He said. "Yeah yeah... what a drama queen..." I said. He sticks his tongue out, teasing me. I scoffed and pull his tongue.

"Meehhh! Bahbby! Lehh gjoo" he said, his voice sounded funny because I'm pulling his tongue. I let out a laugh and release his tongue. He looks at me with a pout. "You're so mean..." he said. "Says the one who just mocked me..." I said, pouting at him. He chuckles and nudge his nose against mine.

"Okay... I'll leave you to get ready" he said. "We're married. What are you so embarrassed about?" I said. "We are married. But your mom didn't know that. No one knows. They still don't remember me. You're the only one who gained your memories back..." he said. He looks sad when he said that.

"Hey... I'll find a way to make them remember you again, okay?" I said. He nods his head, smiling at me. "You really are my strength, Y/N..." he said. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck. He place a soft kiss on his lips. He tightens his arms around me.

He pulls away and walks out of my bedroom. I let out a sigh and take a seat on the bed. I feel so bad for Peter. I have to find a way to get their memories back. The ones who knows Peter is Spider-man... way before Mysterio.


We are now at the park. I lay my head on Peter's lap as we sit on top of a blanket. I close my eyes, feeling his finger tenderly runs through my hair. He give my scalp a soft massages, making me feel comfortable.

My eyes shot open as I finally got an idea. Peter gets startled when I suddenly sits up. He looks at me with his eyes wide.

"That scared me..." he said. I let out a laugh at his reaction. "Sorry. But I have an idea! Come on! Let's go to Dr. Strange's house!" I said. I stand up and offer my hand to him.

"But he didn't know me..." he said, taking my hand while looking at me with a confused look. "Oh just trust me!" I said. I start pulling him along with me. He let out a yelp as I pull him along.

"I sometime forgot how strong you are..." he said. I let out a laugh at his comment. I slow down a little, but still pulling him with me to Dr. Strange's house.

After a while, we finally reach Dr. Strange's house. I lift my hand and give it a knock. The door opens and we enter the house. I look around the place, trying to find Dr. Strange.

"Y/N... what brings you here?" I heard his voice. I turn my head and sees him walking floating down the stairs. "I want to ask for help" I said. "Oh... of course. What can I help you with?" He said, with a smile.

"Can I copy your magic?" I asked. "Why?" He asked. "I want to help him..." I said, gesturing to Peter who is standing next to me. He still looks confused. Dr. Strange turns to look at Peter.

"Who is this young man?" He asked. "My name is Peter, sir. Peter Parker. I'm her boyfriend..." he said. Of course, he's going to say he's my boyfriend. Since no one knows he's my husband.

"I can help instead... it'll be too dangerous for you, Y/N..." Dr. Strange said. I shake my head. "Trust me. I can handle it" I said. He lets out a sigh and give me his hand. I grin and hold his hand, instantly copying his magic.

I lift my hand and let the magic appear around my wrist. I grin happily, because it's a success. I turn to Dr. Strange and smile. "Thank you, sir!" I said. "Be careful with it, okay?" He said. "Don't worry! I'm a strong woman!" I said. I grab Peter's hand and leave the place. Oh... I sure hope it's going to work!


I gather everyone in Stark's tower. Basically all the  people that used to know Peter is Spider-man. The Avengers, my mom, and Ned. They are all here in front of me with me standing in the middle of them.

"Can you tell me why you're gathering us here, Y/N?" Uncle Steve said. "Be patient..." I said. I stand in the middle of them. I close my eyes as I concentrate.

"Everyone present in this room, shall remember Peter Parker" I said. Magic starts flowing through my body. It forms a sphere above my head. Inside the sphere shows various kinds of memories. Soon it bursts into tiny spheres and fly around the room. They soon enters everyone's forehead.

They look in daze for a bit. Ned is the first one to snap out of it. He turns his head and look at Peter who's standing across from me. I bit my lips out of nervousness.

A tear escape Ned's right eye. "Peter!!" He yelled. He rushes towards Peter and pulls him into a tight hug. Peter's eyes widened as he looks at me in shock. He soon got over his shock and hugs Ned back. I breathe  out a sigh of relief. I take a seat and smile happily, as I watch everyone taking turns in embracing Peter. I can't believe I did it. Now...

Everyone remembers Peter

*to be continued*

Y/N: hmmm... what could Y/N possibly be planning? Read and find out in the next chapter! Oh thank you for 1k reads! I'm so happy to know that you enjoy my writing. I love you~

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