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"Two or three jobs?" Seokjin said slowly. "What kind of jobs...?"

"Anything. I will do anything, Jin hyung!"


"Anything," Jungkook replied firmly.

"Okay." Seokjin pressed his fingertips together and blew out a breath. "I, um, I may be able to recommend you a job. I, well, you see..." he hesitated before plowing on, "I have been working at, on and off. It pays really, really well."

"Club?" Jungkook's eyes rounded.

"It's a pretty exclusive club. It caters to hybrids, wealthy shifters," Seokjin said carefully.

"Right.'re a part-time waiter there? And you're saying that the tips are really, really good?" Jungkook leaned forward eagerly. "Can I sign up?"

"It's not a waiter's job," Seokjin answered.

"I'll do anything. Wash the dishes, clean the toilets..."

"It's an auction," Seokjin said in a rush.

Jungkook blinked at him. "An auction? What auction? I...don't understand..."

But he did. The picture formed slowly but clearly in his mind as the words sank in.


He wasn't born yesterday. he could join the dots and see the picture.

Most hybrids preferred living in small, remote towns surrounded by forests and mountains. They kept away from humans and kept close to nature. Some hybrids were living in the big cities but they tended to keep a low profile. Some of the most successful business owners in this city were shifters, but these new billionaires were smart enough to keep out of the limelight. With crime rates rising in the big cities, people were wary and suspicious of shifters and were quick to blame the shifters for any violent, unsolved crimes. As a result, the shifters found it safer to simply avoid the humans as much as they could. Outside of work, most shifters preferred not to socialize with the humans.

Exclusive, private shifter-only establishments began sprouting up to cater to these wealthy shifters. There was good money to be earned, and savvy investors and entrepreneurs were quick to grab the opportunity.

"The Phoenix is a private club where the clients can bid for the Gem they want," Seokjin explained quietly. "The men and women on auction are called Gems."

"I see." Jungkook licked his lips and tried to swallow but his throat felt too tight and dry.

"The starting bid is a thousand dollars."

"One thousand bucks...for one night," Jungkook whispered breathlessly.

"You usually earn much more," Seokjin said. "If the bidding is very aggressive, you can sometimes get ten thousand bucks."

"Ten thousand-that can pay for Hyungie's first injection," Jungkook said fervently. "I have to do this. How? How can I be a Gem? Is there someone I can call?"

Seokjin shook his head. "You don't call them. They call you."

"Okay. do I get them to call me?"

"I have a contact, a friend of a friend. If you're sure you want to do this, I'll give you his number. You send him your picture, and he sends it to Mr. Kim the owner of the club."

"Give me the number. I'll send him my picture right now!"

"Kookie, are you sure..."

"I said I'll do anything. And...these rich shifters won't hurt me, right? They won't do anything illegal, like..."

"No. Mr. Kim takes care of his clients, but he also protects his Gems as well. You won't be harmed."

"Right. Let me go slick on some lip gloss before I snap my picture," Jungkook said brightly. He took two steps towards the bathroom before turning around to frown at Seokjin. "Why didn't you tell me about this before? You never told me that you were working at The Phoenix."

Seokjin winced. "I...I didn't want anybody to know..."

"It's a way to earn more money," Jungkook said stoutly. "We're earning it, not stealing it. And if we need the money..." he shrugged and let his voice trail off.

Did Seokjin need the money? Seokjin had never mentioned that he was having any money problems.

Jungkook stole a glance at Seokjin as he went to grab the lip gloss from his bag. Seokjin was 7 years older than Jungkook and he had gone through many hardships, disowned by his parents after coming out, education, ordinances, many part-time jobs, loan sharks on his throat (they're so-called parents debts). Seokjin didn't like to talk about his past problems and Jungkook didn't want to probe. And he was so busy taking care of Hoseok that he didn't have the time or energy to stick his nose into anybody else's business.

Jungkook abruptly spun on his heel and went back to Seokjin. "Jin hyung," Jungkook said, taking his friend's hand. "I...I've been pouring my troubles out to you, but I haven't taken the time to listen to you. You..."

Seokjin shook his head. "What are you talking about? Your brother is sick. You should focus on him. You're a great little brother..."

"...but a lousy friend," Jungkook finished.

"You're a good friend," Seokjin insisted. "And we do talk."

"Not about you."

"What about me? I don't have any troubles..." he feigned a laugh.

"Jin hyung..."

Seokjin waved a hand. "Go. Pretty yourself up. I have to warn you though. You can send your photo but you may not get a callback. So...good luck." he flashed Jungkook a lopsided smile and a thumbs up.

Jungkook nodded and turned away. Seokjin always seemed so confident and cheerful, but Jungkook was beginning to see the cracks in that bright, shiny veneer. Everyone had their burdens to bear and secrets to keep, but he wished that Seokjin would confide in him. He knew that Seokjin had scars from his past, but they were friends, weren't they? Friends didn't judge each other.

He needed to be a better friend to Seokjin. But right now, he just had to concentrate on doing one thing. The sooner he could get his hands on that money, the sooner Hoseok could start with that new treatment.

Jungkook pushed himself into the bathroom, clutching the tube of lip gloss in one fist and his phone in the other. He just hoped that his eye bags and dark circles wouldn't be too obvious in the picture.

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