Chapter 18

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Jungkook picked up the phone on the second ring. “ Mr. Kim's Office,” he said automatically.

He heard a familiar laugh and gasped.  “Jin hyung, is that you?”

“Yes!” Seokjin answered with a giggle.  “I called the mainline and asked to be put to Mr. Kim Taehyung secretary.  How's work?”

“Okay.  This is just my third day in the Kim industry, and there's a lot to learn, but I'm getting the hang of things.  Everyone's been truly helpful and patient,” Jungkook said.  “Are you at the cafe?”

“I just knocked off,” Seokjin said.  “I'm on my way home.  I prefer the morning and afternoon shifts now.  I want to reach home before dark.”

“Jin hyung...”  Jungkook paused and asked worriedly, “Is everything okay?”  His friend had never been afraid of going home alone after dark.

“I'm fine,” Seokjin cut him off.  “I just wanted to call and see how you're doing.  When you told me that Kim Taehyung  offered you a position in his company, I thought you were kidding.”

“When Taehyung first mentioned it, I thought he was kidding too.”

“Awww...he's sweet on you,” Seokjin teased.

Jungkook could only protest weakly as Seokjin went on, “I'm happy for you, Jungkook.  You deserve this.”

“Jin hyung, I haven't thanked you properly...”

“Thank me?  Nah.  I didn't do anything.  I was really worried though.  There are all kinds of people at the auction.  They're all filthy rich and they're used to getting what they want.  I was so worried that you'd meet an obnoxious jerk. met Kim Taehyung. One of the most eligible shifter billionaire bachelors in town.  Who is now your boss—and your boyfriend.  You did good, Kook!”  Seokjin cheered.

“He's not my boyfriend...”

Seokjin tsked.  “That's not what Hoseokie told me.  He said you're definitely dating Kim Taehyung. And...”  Seokjin's voice dropped to a dramatic whisper.  “Hoseokie said he's crazy about you.”

“That hyung!” Jungkook spluttered.  “Don't listen to him.  He's just...”

“Okay, gotta go,” Seokjin trilled.  “I'll check in on Hoseokie on my way home, and catch up on more gossip.”

Jungkook laughed.  “Thanks, Jin hyung.”

Seokjin made a kissy sound and hung up.

Jungkook looked around the quiet office as he continued with his filing.  The top floor of the building housed the top management of Kim enterprises. Only three spacious, private offices were on his floor.  The CEO, COO, and CFO shared the top floor, but their offices were all pretty far apart.

Min Yoongi, the CFO, was an affable, silver-haired werecat (cat hybrid), but the COO, Jun Jihyun, was a no-nonsense, formidable human woman.

Miss Jihyun had her assistant, but Park Jimin, secretary extraordinaire, did work for both Taehyung and his Chief Financial Officer, Min Yoongi.  Jimin had made Jungkook sit beside him for the first two days and personally showed him the ropes.  

“Taehyung does a lot of things himself,” Jimin said.  “He's very hands-on and very independent for a CEO.  Even though I'm supposed to be working for both Yoongi and Taehyung, Taehyung hardly assigns work to me.  Taehyung is a great boss, very smart, and very fast.  But he can be demanding as well,” Jimin warned.  “When he wants something, make sure you get it done pronto.”

Jungkook finally asked Jimin the question he had been dying to ask.  “Why doesn't Taehyung have a personal assistant?  Miss Jihyun has her assistant.  Why does Taehyung share you with Mr. Min?”

“I don't mind being shared,” was Jimin's gleeful reply.  “I get paid double!”

But when Jimin fell silent and pursed his lips, Jungkook knew that there was more to it and the man was trying to decide how much to tell him.  “Taehyung's last two secretaries...well, they didn't conduct themselves appropriately,” Jimin said at last.

“Oh, they...”

“They tried to seduce Taehyung And when they failed, they had the gall to sue for sexual harassment!” Jimin huffed, slamming his hand onto the table.  

“Good thing the company has the best lawyers.  Taehyung never touched them.  Those women...really!”

Jimin's violent outburst made Jungkook like and respect the older man even more.  He was fiercely loyal to the company and his bosses and he seemed to regard Taehyung more like a younger brother than a boss.

Jungkook put away the files and stretched.  Jimin was at his desk in front of Mr. Min's office, and the frosted glass partitions blocked his view of the CFO and COO's offices.

The top floor was peaceful and private, but a little too quiet.  And with Taehyung out of the office, Jungkook wished he had a little more hustle and bustle around him.

 Jungkook jerked his head up even before he heard Taehyung's footsteps.  It was strange, but he could sense him.

He stood up as he approached his desk.  Taehyung had been out for a meeting the whole day.  Jungkook drank in the sight of him greedily.  He looked so handsome, with his dark hair slightly tousled and his shirt sleeves rolled up.  He had taken off his jacket and was loosening his tie as he strode towards him.

Jungkook grabbed his notes and began to rattle off the list of people who had called while he was out of the office.  But Taehyung silenced him by grabbing him and crushing his mouth to his.

His kiss was bruising and hungry, and he cupped his hand over his nape to hold him captive as he plundered his mouth.

Taehyung didn't let him go.  His lips devoured his, and his tongue was relentless.  Jungkook opened to him, giving him everything he wanted, letting him know that he was his.

He had been away from the office since morning, but it was obvious that neither of them could stand being apart from each other for long.  This maddening yearning and craving from getting worse and worse.

He saw Taehyung every single day.  And yet...he couldn't get enough of him.

Not having him in the office with him the whole morning and afternoon was sheer torture.  he couldn't understand this craving, this obsession.  It couldn't be healthy, could it?

But Taehyung's hunger for him was equally insatiable and defiant.  He wanted him, all the time.  Jungkook saw that he had to adjust himself and hide his erection when another staff member was present. He (Taehyung) was constantly hard for him, and it was by sheer iron will that he managed to leash his lust and his beast.

But now, his hunger was raging out of control.  He had denied himself, held himself back for the past few days.  There was no controlling the inferno within him now.

Taehyung broke the kiss and they stared at each other, the heat and tension thrumming in the air between them.  His eyes blazed as he yanked him into his arms and pushed him into his office.


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