Chapter - 6

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Jungkook sucked in a deep breath and pushed himself shakily off the cold, hard chair as Minah announced his stage name.

"And now, I have the pleasure of presenting the pure, flawless, and perfect...Pearl !"

Pearl.  He was Pearl.  A Gem in The Phoenix.

Jungkook grimaced when he almost tripped on his way to the edge of the stage. He quickly straightened up and regained his composure and balance.

Kicking up his chin, Jungkook flashed what he hoped was a confident smile at the audience and forced his arms to remain at his sides.  he felt completely naked, even though he wasn't.  Not technically. He was wearing translucent tights and diamond-shaped nipple pasties.  Not that they covered much but still. 

He had never exposed so much of himself to a bunch of strangers before.

Shifters, Jungkook reminded himself.  he was in a room full of shifters.

Keep calm, Kook.  They can smell your fear.

Jungkook continued smiling as his eyes darted around The Phoenix.  The twenty tables were placed pretty close to the stage.  So the bidders could see up close and personal what they are bidding for.

Gulping, he looked straight ahead, avoiding all eye contact with the bidders.  He knew he should be strutting his stuff, giving the bidders saucy winks and come-hither looks to attract higher bids.  That was what he was here for, right?

But now that he was standing on the stage, being appraised and admired, he found himself wishing that no one would bid for him.  He just wanted to run home and cover himself up from head to toe.

No, I can do this.  I have to do this.  For Hyungie.

Screwing up what little courage he had left, Jungkook blinked and dragged his gaze down to the bidders seated at the tables.

A middle-aged woman was caressing her diamond choker as she sipped her champagne.  Thankfully, her eyes weren't on Jungkook.  She was staring at Topaz, that handsome Asian stud muffin.

Jungkook closed his eyes briefly and thought back to his training. He had attended a short training session after his interview with Namjoon. Namjoon told Jungkook that he liked the photo that Jungkook had sent, and he described Jungkook as "a rare, beautiful, unpolished Gem".  Jungkook had received the call back a few days after sending the photo, and he had been both thrilled and terrified.  But he refused to let his fear get the better of him.  How hard could it be?

Once he signed the contract, he was given a tour of the auction room and taught how to sit and walk on the polished revolving stage. He was also given tips on how to attract the attention of the bidders.

Tip number one: make eye contact.

Jungkook took a shaky breath and forced his eyes open. He looked out at the audience as the stage continued rotating.  As he glided past a pudgy man in a cowboy hat, he smirked and fashioned a gun with his thumb and forefinger.  When he pretended to fire his gun at Jungkook, Jungkook flinched and stumbled back.  The cowboy banged the table and guffawed.

Get a grip, get a grip.

Jungkook inhaled a steadying breath and balled his fists.  Anger was unfurling in his gut. He was a Gem, but he wouldn't be made a fool of.

His eyes blazing, he glared at the client sitting at the last table.  Table number twenty.

His breath caught at the sight of him.

The man was sitting alone at his table, without a bodyguard or an assistant.  His black suit accentuated his broad shoulders, and he could sense the coiled tension and power in his body.  The man had long dark hair bangs covering his eyes. His features were sharp and chiseled and there was an unmistakable aura of authority and danger about him.

His white shirt was open at the collar, allowing Jungkook a tantalizing glimpse of his tanned, hard chest.  The man wore no jewelry, unlike the other patrons who seemed to be trying to outdo one another with their chunky gold bracelets, glittering necklaces, and flashy rings.

Only an elegant, sophisticated watch peeked out from under his sleeve.  Jungkook was pretty sure that his watch alone cost more than his whole year's salary.

The man's piercing blue eyes raked down Jungkook's body, sending a tingle of desire right to his core.  This man was sinfully sexy, brooding, and handsome. 

Jungkook had seen quite a few handsome men around town and some of the customers at the cafe were pretty charming and good-looking. 

But he had never taken more than a passing, appreciative glance at those men.  He simply admired them, acknowledged their good looks, and let them go. He never wanted them.

But this man, this tall, handsome stranger at table number twenty, he wanted.  His body wanted him.  The jolt of lust that hit him was sudden and powerful, and he had to squeeze his thighs together to try to ease the maddening ache in his core.             

Jungkook whimpered and tried to tear his eyes away.  But he couldn't look away from him.

His gaze was heated and possessive, holding him captive and imprinting him.

Bid for me, he silently begged. 

As soon as he mouthed the words, the fog seemed to lift from his mind.

Jungkook shook his head and suppressed a violent shiver.  What the hell just happened to him?  It felt as though he had just fallen into a swirling vortex of lust and unrequited desire.

He was out of his mind.  That man was out of his league.  Why would he bid for him?

But...why was he even here at the auction?

The man had the looks of a movie star, and the fact that he was here in The Phoenix meant that he was a high-net-worth individual.  A rich handsome guy like him didn't need to bid for sex.  He could have any woman or man he wanted. 

Movie stars, rich heiresses, models, they would all be beating a path to his bed.

The moving stage dragged Jungkook away from table number twenty but he could still feel his eyes on him.

There were twenty bidders but only seven Gems.  So someone was sure to win him tonight. 


Gibberish talks

Should I make my book pretty?? How should I do that??

Should I add some lines or some words like a disclaimer at the end of the chapter??

Should I have to ask every time for feedback??

Dear Silent readers can you give me a (Purple Heart)??

I want to ask at the end of the day that how's your day today?? Have you had fun today?? Are you doing okay?? Are you fine?? (But I don't wanna invade your privacy)

P.S: 1) I can't make my book prettier because, because we come from different sides....ummhh.. I mean to say it doesn't work when I post pictures. It take decades to publish.

2) I know emotions but I don't know how to express them.

3) No offense silent readers don't feel distressed about the heart you can continue as you were before.

4) If you want to share *whispering* secrets or anything you can share it with me.

5) If you don't like my books then...... okay bye-bye (WWH voice) 

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