Chapter 25

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Jungkook yanked viciously at the back door, praying that it wasn't locked.  To his shock and relief, the door swung open and Jungkook stumbled into the house.


He spun around when a shadow moved behind him.  A man was standing between him and the door.  Raising a bloodstained knife to his lips, the man smiled and locked the door behind him.  “Shhhh,” he said.


Jungkook made a strangled sound and backed away.


“So, you're Seokjin's friend,” the man drawled, stalking towards him.  “Jungkook, right?”  He chuckled and continued, “You're the one who kept calling and texting.  Seokjin's phone rang and buzzed every few minutes.  You just don't give up, do you, Jungkook?  I had to smash the phone to silence the bloody thing!”


Jungkook turned and saw Seokjin leaning against the wall.   His left eye was swollen shut and there were dark, ugly bruises on his arms and around his neck.  One side of his face was covered with blood.


“Jin hyung!”  Jungkook rushed to his friend and supported him as he began to slide down the wall.  “Oh, God!”  


“Don't hurt him, Siwon.  Let Jungkook go.  It's me you want,” Seokjin whispered.


Jungkook looked up at Siwon with revulsion and rage.  So this was Siwon, Seokjin's ex. He'd heard Seokjin mention him only once but he had never met him.


This abusive piece of shit had hurt Seokjin, again.  “Oh Jin hyung, what has he done to you?” Jungkook sobbed, trying to clean the blood off Seokjin's cheek.  “I need to get you to a doctor.  You're badly hurt, Jin hyung.  I...”


“You are not going anywhere,” Siwon said in a calm, reasonable voice when Jungkook tried to help Seokjin up.


“Get out of the way,” Jungkook snapped.  “He needs a doctor!”


“Put him down.  And sit down.”


When Jungkook ignored him, Siwon pressed the knife to his neck and hissed, “I said sit down.”


Jungkook sucked in a breath but he was too mad to back down.  The sight of Seokjin bleeding and crying broke his heart and made his blood boil.  

He was angry, so angry at himself for not coming to Seokjin earlier.  Why hadn't he known that his friend was in trouble?  He hadn't cared enough to find out what was happening in Seokjin's life. He had been too absorbed and wrapped up in his own affairs.


Siwon moved towards Seokjin but Jungkook blocked him.  “You're not touching him.  Get away from him, you piece of shit!”


Siwon laughed.  “Seokjin is my boyfriend.”


“Was! Jin hyung had broken his relationship with you. He's got nothing to do with you now.  You are out of his life.  Leave him alone!  I'm calling the cops right now.  You are going to jail—where you belong!”


Siwon strode forward and backhanded Jungkook across the face. He cried out in pain as he fell to the floor.


Siwon grabbed him by the arm and pulled him up.  “Busybody bitch,” he hissed.


“Siwon,” Seokjin pleaded.  “Please...don't!”


“Don't tell me what to do.”  Siwon pointed his knife at Seokjin.  “Unless you want me to cut your other cheek open.”


Siwon threw Jungkook on the floor beside Seokjin and warned, “Not a sound,” he told Jungkook  “If you make a sound, I will cut off his fingers one by one.  Shhh!”  He made a slicing motion with his blade to show him that he meant business.


Grabbing some rags from under the sink, he deftly fashioned them into a rope and bound Jungkook's wrists and ankles.  Jungkook struggled as hard as he could as he gagged him. 


Jungkook's eyes widened in terror when he pressed his blade against his ear.  Seokjin tried to reach him but Siwon kicked him away.


“Now,” Siwon cooed to Seokjin.  “You would rather be beaten and disfigured than married to me.  You don't care about yourself, but you care for your friend here, right?  he came all this way for you.  You wouldn't want me to cut off his ears and disfigure his pretty little face, do you?”



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