Chapter - 9

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Taehyung glanced at Jungkook as he reached for his hand.  His hand was so small, soft, and warm.  Like the rest of him.

This was work for him. He was doing this for the money.

Taehyung's frown deepened as he drove on.  Was Jungkook in debt?  He probably needed a large sum of money urgently, but what did he need the money for?

Was it to bail out a good-for-nothing boyfriend or lover?  Did Jungkook belong to someone else?

Taehyung let out a growl at the thought.  He forced himself to release his grip on his hand when he made a small sound of the alarm.

"Mr. something wrong?" he asked worriedly.

"Do you have a man?"

"What?"  Jungkook's eyes widened.

"Are you doing this for a man?" he snarled.

"I don't know what you're talking about..."

"You need the money.  That's why you signed the contract with Namjoon.  To be a Gem."

Jungkook swallowed audibly.  "'s none of your business."  he snatched his hand away and folded his arms tightly.  "But no, I'm not doing this for some bloody man."

After a long silence, he whispered, "It's for my brother."

Taehyung turned to him but he was looking out the window.  His brother.  He didn't know why his brother needed the money but it wasn't any of his business.  His body language told him that he was done talking.

Well, the family was family, and he saw that Jungkook was willing to put himself up for auction at The Phoenix to help his brother even though he was terrified.

He didn't think he could want him more, but he did.  Jungkook was someone who would do anything for the people he loved.  And loyalty was a trait Taehyung admired and valued.

Seeing Jungkook walking down the stage and smelling his sweet, lavender & sandalwood scent had pulled his beast to the surface.  He was hard as a rock and his tiger was clawing furiously at him.  His need and hunger for him were driving him out of his mind.  He'd wanted to grab Jungkook and fuck him right there in The Pheonix.  

At the same time, he wanted to claw out the eyes of every single person who had seen Jungkook's delectable, perfect body. He didn't know why he was feeling restless seeing Jungkook, like some leverage towards him when he smelled his scent.

He had to leave with Jungkook before he trashed Namjoon's club and committed murder and assault.  Jungkook was his, every curvy inch of his belonged to him.

He would have to make sure that he never stepped foot in The Phoenix again. He was never to expose himself like that again!

Taehyung suppressed a growl and concentrated on the road ahead.  His scent and warmth were maddening.  Being in the car with him, sharing such a small space with him, and yet not being able to touch him and take him was sheer, excruciating torment.

Jungkook was leaning his head against the window and he seemed reluctant to tell him anything more about himself. 

Jungkook was deep in his thoughts about his hyungie life, and today was his 21st birthday which he wanted to celebrate with his only family but fate had stored something else for him today and he didn't know that his life was going to be a rollercoaster ride. And he keeps pulling his jacket up over his shoulders.

Taehyung liked that he was wearing his jacket.  He wanted to wrap him up in his scent and leave his mark on his body.

Tonight he will have his body.  He had won the bid, and Jungkook had signed the contract. He knew what to expect.  But he would make it so good for him.  He was going to take him, but before that, he was going to pleasure him out of his mind.

Taehyung slotted his car into the parking lot in front of his condo and got out.  Jungkook didn't say a word when he helped him out and led him to the private elevator at the side of the building.  The elevator took them straight up to his penthouse.

Jungkook looked around his luxurious apartment in awe as he followed him across the spacious living room. He gawked at the state-of-the-art home entertainment system and stared at the tasteful, luxurious furnishings.

"Wow," he breathed.

Taehyung pulled Jungkook to him and held him flush against himself.  He would show him around later but right now, his need and desire for him were overpowering all his other senses.

Taehyung gasped when he felt how painfully hard it was for him.  "Jungkook," he said hoarsely, nuzzling his neck.

Jungkook quivered and tilted his head automatically to allow him better access.  The Gems were to obey and fulfill the whims and wishes of their bidders for one night. He wouldn't dare push him away or say no to him.

But that wasn't what Taehyung wanted.

He wanted him(kook) to want him(Tae) back.

He wanted him to beg him to take him and scream his name when he was inside him.

Taehyung tilted his face up to him and kissed the corner of his mouth.  He took his mouth slowly, savoring the sweet taste and feel of his. Jungkook's lips parted and he returned his kiss hesitant at first.  Taehyung coaxed him with his lips and tongue, gradually deepening the kiss.

Jungkook's body relaxed and he kissed him back which was evolving into a hard kiss.   His hands slid up his arms to his shoulders as he began to melt against him.

Taehyung stroked his tongue across his lower lip, gently teasing him before he pushed into his mouth.  Jungkook released a soft moan as their tongues touched and tangled, igniting his desire.  Taehyung moved his hands down his body, enjoying the softness of his body as he caressed his curves.

He groaned as he kneaded his breasts.  He wanted to taste him.  Growling, he lowered his head and peeled off his nipple pasties with his teeth.  His pink buds were hard and erect, and he closed his lips over them desperately, hungrily.

Jungkook cried out when he bit and sucked his sensitive, pebbled peaks.  He kept licking and suckling him, making him whimper with need. 

Taehyung almost lost all control when he scented his feminine moisture between his legs. He was wet, so wet for him.

Taehyung walked Jungkook backward towards his bedroom, his mouth and hands never leaving him.   


Do you want smuts?? 

Should I write or skip??

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