Chapter 23

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Jungkook opened his eyes and blinked up at the fluorescent lights above him.  He tried to push himself up but a pair of big, strong hands held his shoulders firmly but gently.


“Cupcake, don't move,” Taehyung said softly.  “Just relax, okay?”


He turned and saw Hoseok and Taehyung sitting by his bedside, their faces wearing identical expressions of fear and worry.


“Tae, Hyungie...”  Jungkook reached for them and they took his hands immediately. He looked at his brother and his eyes filled with tears.  But they were angry tears this time.


“We will win,” he said, gripping their hands.  “We will win this together.  We're not giving up!”


Hoseok nodded and swiped at his eyes.  “The drug didn't work on me, but the fight isn't over.  I won't give up Kookie.  I will keep fighting, because...I want to be around to see my little niece or nephew.”


Jungkook gave a start.  “What?”


“I'm going to be an uncle,” Hoseok said, his eyes shining.


Jungkook looked at Taehyung as he pressed his palm to his lips.  “The doctors said you're pregnant, Cupcake,” he whispered.  “We're going to have a baby.”


“A...a baby,” he murmured in surprise.


“Yes, a little pup of our own,” Taehyung said, putting his hand over his belly.


“Is your kid going to be a tiger shifter, like you?”  Hoseok nudged Taehyung.


He nodded and gave him a lopsided smile.  “Shifter genes are dominant, so you're going to have a weretiger niece or nephew.”


“Cool!  I can't wait,” Hoseok exclaimed.  “Samchon.....doesn't that sound so cool?”


Jungkook listened to their banter as he ran his hand up and down on his stomach.  He was carrying life in him.  A very precious little life.  He closed his eyes and turned away so that his mate and brother wouldn't see his tears.


he had received the devastating news from Dr. Shin. And discovered that he was pregnant all in one day.  His joy at his pregnancy was marred by the news of his brother's worsening condition.  How could life be so cruel?


Hoseok was young, so loving, and amazing. He deserved to live a long, wonderful life.  Instead, he had to endure countless trips to the hospital and have needles and tubes stuck into him.


“Cupcake, everything will be fine.”  Taehyung kissed his temple.  “I'll find another specialist for Hoseok.  They'll find a way to cure him. He's a fighter.  And we are going to fight the big fight with him, every step of the way.”


Jungkook nodded as a tear rolled down his face.  He dried his eyes hurriedly and looked up at Taehyung and Hoseok.  Giving them a brave smile, he asked sweetly, “Are shifter babies a lot different from human babies?  I've never been pregnant with a shifter's baby before.”


Hoseok stifled his chuckle when Taehyung growled dangerously.   “You are my mate.  You can never be pregnant with another shifter's baby, ever!” he roared.


“Relax, big tiger.”  Hoseok elbowed him.  “My baby brother's kidding. He does that sometimes.  You know, yank your tail.”


The doctor chose the wrong time to enter the room.  When Taehyung saw the male doctor approaching Jungkook's bed, he leaped up with his claws and fangs showing.


The doctor froze in shock and raised both hands in the air.  “I'm just going to check his vital signs.  If everything is okay, he can be discharged and you can take him home,” the young doctor said quickly.


Growling, Taehyung reluctantly stepped aside while Hoseok and Jungkook tried to smother their laughter.  Jungkook glanced at Taehyung and saw him wink at him.


Taehyung was acting like a possessive, jealous person on purpose. He knew his mate inside out, and he could feel his emotions as though they were his own.  Taehyung was so proud and happy that he was going to be a dad, but at the same time, he was very worried for him and Hoseok. 


He wanted to lighten the mood and make them laugh.  Forget about the negative news and focus on the positive for now.


He had to admit that Taehyung had great comic timing.


He had Hoseok in stitches with his caveman act.  He stomped around and snarled like a big, bad beast.  The doctor was in such a hurry to get out of the room he didn't even stop to pick up his pen.


“You made the poor doctor drop his pen.  Twice!”  Hoseok scolded, shaking his head as he tried to control his laughter.  “You are a very bad Tiger, Taehyung !”


Jungkook held on to the sound of his brother's tinkling laugh. He hadn't heard Hoseok laugh in such a long time.  And it was the most beautiful, magical sound.


“Listen baby,” Jungkook whispered to his baby.  “That's your uncle Hoseok.  Isn't he lovely?”





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