Chapter - 4

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Kim Taehyung walked past the long line of people in front of The Eagle and silently made his way towards the back of the building.  The Eagle was one of the most popular clubs in town and the queue was always extra long on Friday nights. But that wasn't where he was going.

The Eagle was for humans who liked loud music, pretentious décor, and being seen in the right place with the right company.

The jarring noise which tried to pass itself off as music wafted out when the door to the club opened to let in a group of excited, well-dressed yuppies.  The thick scent of human sweat coated the air all around him, but his beast had long learned to ignore the oppressive scent and noise.  It was either that or get out of the city and move to a remote hybrid town.

As a tiger hybrid living in the city, Taehyung didn't have much choice regarding his neighbors.  He had to get used to living near loud, noise-loving humans.  Taehyung didn't dislike humans.  He found them intriguing and interesting, and he'd learned a thing or two from them.

Taehyung had a healthy respect for humans.  He had made his first million working for a human and he knew how humans functioned, what they liked and valued.  It enabled him to always be one step ahead, to anticipate the needs of his clients, and preempt the moves of his opponents.

Kim enterprises were now one of the largest security firms in Seoul and were Co-owner of many clubs and resorts.  Taehyung didn't involve himself in the day-to-day running of the firm anymore.  He had a very good team in place, but he would occasionally conduct spot checks on the recruits to see how they performed in the field.

Taehyung strolled round the back and stood in front of an inconspicuous black door.  The iris scanner scanned his eyes and a soft beep sounded.  Once the door clicked open, Jack quietly let himself into the dim interior of The Phoenix.

"Good evening, Mr. Kim," a burly man in a suit drawled and parted the heavy curtains for him.

Taehyung nodded.  "Good evening, Mr. Lee."

The auction hadn't started but the room was filled.  Taehyung strolled to the last empty table and took his seat.

Taehyung unbuttoned his black jacket and leaned back in his chair.  Quickly he swept his eyes across the circular room before glancing at the revolving stage in the middle of the room.

There were seven gilded chairs arranged in a circle.  Taehyung had attended a few auctions at The Phoenix and every auction had a different theme. 

Sometimes the Gems were presented on cushions or beds of flowers.  Sometimes they were cuffed to poles or tied up in bows and ribbons. Kim Namjoon liked to keep things interesting for his benefactors.  Namjoon owned both The Eagle and The Phoenix, and he was an astute businessman who knew exactly what his patrons liked. He was a fair employer and he made sure all his staff were well taken care of.

A young woman appeared and soundlessly placed a glass of champagne on the table in front of Taehyung.  All Namjoon's permanent staff were highly efficient, discreet, and well trained.  They had been handpicked by Namjoon himself and they'd been put through a thorough and rigorous training program.  They were attentive to the subjects, but they were also highly alert to potential threats.  Most of them could disarm a man and knock him unconscious in ten seconds flat.  Taehyung had considered recruiting some of them for his security business but he would never poach someone else's staff.  Besides, Namjoon was an old friend.

Taehyung leaned back and casually surveyed the patrons at the other tables.  He saw his guy immediately.

Lee Byung-Hun, real estate magnate and fox hybrid, was sipping his champagne and puffing on his cigar.  Beside him was his brand new bodyguard from Kim Security.  Yoo Seung Ho was a strapping young human, a taekwondo champion.  Yoo's trainers had assured Taehyung that he was ready, so he was assigned to Lee Byung-hun.

Taehyung watched Yoo's sharp, black eyes make a sweep of the room.  Yoo's assessing gaze landed on Taehyung but it was clear that the young man didn't recognize his big boss.  Only the top management of Kim Security interacted with Taehyung personally.  And Taehyung much preferred moving around the office incognito. 

Taehyung smiled to himself as Yoo's eyes narrowed slightly.  The young man flicked his eyes down the length of Taehyung's body, trying to determine if Taehyung was hiding a weapon under his clothes.

Taehyung gave a small nod of approval.  Seung-ho had correctly marked him as a potential threat.

Well done.  The young man had the instincts of a good bodyguard. 

Taehyung wasn't carrying a weapon right now, but he was certainly armed and dangerous.  His beast was faster and more lethal than any gun or blade.

As Taehyung continued watching the young bodyguard, he realized that Yoo's trainers were right.  Yoo Seung-ho was human, but the young man was way sharper than many of the shifters in the room.  All the patrons of The Phoenix were shifters, but some of their assistants, attendants, and bodyguards were human.  There were some very capable humans around, and Taehyung was always on the lookout for good people to join his team.

There was a soft rustle as Shin Min-ah Namjoon's assistant entered the auction room. She was wearing her usual enigmatic smile as she sauntered up the stage.

Min-ah was a stunning woman in her fifties, and her shrewd eyes saw everything and missed nothing.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," Minah cooed in a silken voice.  "I see some new faces and many old friends tonight."  She paused and blew a kiss to the audience.  There were answering chuckles and some called out salutations in various languages.

"Twenty tables have been booked tonight.  But we only have seven lovely Gems."  Minah winked and lowered her voice as if she were sharing a secret with her audience.  "So you'll have to bid aggressively to secure the Gem of your choice." 

As some of the patrons leaned forward in their seats, Minah stepped to the side of the stage and announced with a flourish, "So without further ado, let me show you tonight's selection.  Here they are!  Your beautiful Gems."

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