Chapter - 1

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"Jungkook!....... Kook!

Yaah, Earth to Jeon Jungkook ..."


Jungkook started and looked up as Jin nudged him gently.  "Hey, you okay?" Jin whispered.


"Me?  Yeah.  Of course.  I...I'm fine."  Jungkook straightened up and pushed his hair out of his eyes.


Jin nodded but the frown remained on his face.  Jungkook knew that Jin wasn't fooled.  His friend aka hyung could see that he was in turmoil.


"Talk to you later," Jin said and gave him a hip bump since his hands were full.  Jungkook watched Jin carry the laden tray to the back of the cafe and turned back to the table.  No doubt Jin had noticed him standing at the same spot and moving the fabric up and down on a spotless table with a dazed expression on his face.


Taking a deep breath, Jungkook turned and saw a few of the other coworkers watching him and whispering among themselves.  They quickly averted their eyes and pretended to be busy with their chores when he approached the counter.


But Jungkook couldn't be bothered about what they were thinking and saying about him.  Those people always found someone to gossip about.  It was as if they had nothing better to do with their lives and their time.  Talking about other people seemed to be what they did best.


Jungkook didn't have the time or energy to indulge in mindless gossip and small talk.


There was already too much on his mind and his plate.


As he was about to grab the coffee pot, Jin appeared at his side and pulled him away.  "Leave it," Jin hissed.  "Let the other people do this work, they can refill the coffee pot.  You are in no state to handle hot coffee in a fragile glass pot."


"What?"  Jungkook huffed, highly offended.  "I..."


Jin shook Jungkook 's shoulders gently.  "What is it?" he asked softly.  "You're not here, Kookie.  Your body reported for work this morning, but your mind is somewhere else.  What's going on, Kookie ?"


Jungkook closed his eyes and took a painful breath. He wanted to tell his Jin hyung everything.  Instead, he only managed a single word.  "Hyungie."


Jin's grip tightened on his shoulders as he muttered incoherently.  Jin was the only one at work who knew about Hoseok's condition.  Jungkook just couldn't bring himself to tell anyone else about his brother's illness. He didn't want to be fodder for gossip.   


" told me that Hobi responded well to the chemotherapy," Jin said, squeezing his arm.  "Hobi getting better, right?  Where is he now?  Is he..."

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