Chapter 15

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"Soooo...." Hoseok said as he sat down at the breakfast table. "How was your date?"

Jungkook placed two plates of pancakes on the table and studiously avoided Hoseok's prying eyes. "It was okay," he mumbled.

Jungkook hated lying to his brother, but he didn't want Hoseok to worry. If Hoseok knew that he had put himself up for auction at The Phoenix...

"Just okay?" Hoseok shot him a disbelieving look.


"Come on, Kookie. You got home way after midnight last night," Hoseok said, waving his fork at him. "No way your date was just 'okay'. I know you. If it was just 'okay'," Hoseok made air quotes with his fingers. "You would have given some lame excuse and left as soon as dinner was over." Hoseok leaned forward and winked. "Your date was hot. Am I right or am I right?"


His brother giggled and slapped the tabletop. "You're blushing! I knew it! Come on, spill. Tell me everything. Jin hyung said he's a shifter and he knew him through a friend. He said he's a good guy, and it's been a while since you went on a date so he set you guys up."

Jungkook swallowed his pancakes with difficulty and tried to hide his grimace. It was bad enough that he had to lie to Hoseok. But he was making Seokjin lie, for him as well.

"Jin hyung said he hoped you guys would hit it off. But I can see that you guys more than hit it off. You like him, don't you?" Hoseok went on.

Jungkook choked on his coffee. "He's nice," he managed.

"What's his name?" Hoseok asked eagerly.

"Kim Taehyung."

Just uttering his name made Jungkook's breath hitch. He remembered every detail of their night together. He could feel the heat creeping up his face when he recalled the scorching, explosive passion they shared. But Taehyung had been more than just a great lover. He had taken care of him afterward, making sure he was well fed and clothed. The shirt and trousers that Jimin delivered were made of the softest material. There was even a set of matching silk underwear. The clothes were tasteful, understated and Jungkook knew from their designer labels that they weren't cheap. They were from Gucci.

Taehyung had driven him home and walked him to his door. He had given him a chaste peck on the cheek and waited at his doorstep until he was sure he had locked his door. Jungkook had watched him drive away from his window, his heart and emotions in turmoil. With a flash of brake lights, Kim Taehyung was gone. He was gone from his life for good.

Hoseok was already in bed but Seokjin was watching television in Jungkook's room with the volume down when Jungkook got home. Jungkook wanted to tell Seokjin everything, but Seokjin discreetly put his finger on his lips and shook his head. "He's not certainly asleep," Seokjin had whispered, glancing at Hoseok's bedroom door.

After Seokjin left in a cab, Jungkook went to check on Hoseok. Hoseok gave a loud, exaggerated snore just as Jungkook was tiptoeing out of his room. It was his way of telling Jungkook that he was just pretending to be asleep and he wouldn't be letting Jungkook off so easily. The interrogation would begin tomorrow.

Hoseok ate a few spoonfuls of his breakfast in blissful silence. But the respite didn't last long.

"So, did you get some?"

Jungkook groaned. His brother wasn't giving up. Hoseok would continue interrogating him until he got some answers.

"Get some, what?" Jungkook deadpanned.

"You know, some action." Hoseok waggled his brows. "I know you did. Don't think I didn't notice those new clothes you were wearing when you got home. He ripped your clothes off and had to rush out to get you some new ones, right? Ooooh... Kookie!" Hoseok squealed and fanned himself with his hands. "He's an animal!" Hoseok gave a mock growl.

Jungkook shook his head and changed the topic quickly. "We're going to sign up for that new treatment. Today."

Hoseok stopped giggling at once. His expression changed as he stared at Jungkook

"I got the money," Jungkook said.

"How?" Hoseok demanded.

When Jungkook didn't answer, Hoseok said tightly, "That drug costs ten thousand dollars a dose. The full treatment costs at least a hundred thousand dollars. Where did you get that kind of money, Jungkook?"

" You don't worry." It was the wrong answer. Hoseok surged to his feet, his eyes flashing with pain and anger.

"Hyungie..." Jungkook swallowed. "I..."

The doorbell rang and Jungkook almost toppled his chair as he leaped up.

He skidded to the door and yanked it open, grateful to escape his brother's accusing eyes. "Oh!"

He staggered back a step and had to grip the door for support. He could hardly breathe at the sight of him.

In fact, he never expected to see him again.

"Taehyung," he whispered.

Taehyung smiled and he almost melted into a puddle right at his feet. His heart was hammering crazily in his chest, and his eyes suddenly moistened for no reason at all.

Stupid, irrational emotions. he had to get his riotous emotions under control before he lost it.

His argument with Hoseok had made him feel raw, exposed, and fragile. He felt so guilty for lying to Hoseok, but he wasn't ready to tell his brother the truth. he felt hopeful and positive about starting Hoseok's new treatment, yet at the same time, he had to fight the terror gnawing at his heart. What if this treatment didn't work? And a part of him, a large part of him, was missing Taehyung like crazy. He had just known him for one night, and yet, it felt like he had taken a big chunk of his heart with him.

"Hey, cupcake."

His smile seemed to light up his world, and as his shock faded, a dizzying, excruciating euphoria filled his heart. He was here.

Taehyung was right here, standing in his doorway and smiling at him.


Did you guys get any Merch?? 😎

I get the pictures of merch that I can only afford 🤧 and I'm blessed to have it. But it pictures price 😷 caused a heart attack in my kidney. 🤕

- Broken Kidney💃

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