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They gathered in Mrs. Lee's office room. Mrs. Lee took her seat and turned her head towards her husband "did the boys told you".

"Yeah...but I think their is more than that" Mr Lee said in confused.


" I got that clues that hydra leader killed the werewolves royal family"

She stand up from her seat and speaks in anger "they have gone too far"

"We have to gather everyone"

"This time we have to take them down no matter what it takes, we have given everything they needed that time but still" while looking outside through the window.

Her husband stands from his seat and walked towards his wife while holding her shoulder he stated "and we will".

"Mom don't worry we won't let them go this time" Boun said with lot of fire in his heart and revealing his red eyes, looking that eyes you can say that how much anger he is holding inside his heart.

"Yeah ..we won't" Dean said squeezing his shoulder saying him to control himself.

"Okay Dean arrange a meeting with everyone" Mrs Lee speaks. Dean nods.

Boun stated while looking towards his mother "Mom can I join too"

"No..Boun it's not the right time yet, firstly you have to learn how to control your anger and secondly your training is not finished yet"

"But mom--mo--" boun was about to speak

"No but" she cut his off his words.

Dean was about to walk out of the office room but his mother speaks again "Dean set the time sharply 11.00 p.m". He nodded walk off the room.

Mr Lee giving his wife signal to talk to boun because they know boun is bit upset. She give her husband a small nod and walked towards him and held his hand, she speaks with concern "please understand.. this is not easy..."

He insisted "you don't trust me that the ask Dean for help but not me, if he can than why I can't"

"It's because..." with harsh voice but stopped. She took a deep breath and said "look Boun I have to keep you safe, it's because I care for you and I can't let her down, no matter what it takes, even if I have give up my life, please don't make things difficult for me".

"Mom I can't loose you too, I just want to keep my love ones save" he mumbled but loud enough to heard by his mother.

"You have far way go" she patted his hand.

"I understand mom but promise me after i completing my training and controlling ability I'll join you in everything" with his puppy eyes.

"Okay fine" giving him a relief smile.Maybe Boun is different in outside but in home and specially when it's come to his mom he became child. And Mrs Lee loves him more than her own son not because he is the vampire's ruler's son and hold immense powers and strength, it's because she care for him and also she promised Boun's mother to keep him safe. Yes Boun is born royal and meant to be the next ruler of the underworld, but ever since his everything was taken away by the Hydras and took control over the underworld and Boun was kept away from the underworld.

Somehow with the remaining loyal Dracas and Vampires Mrs Lee and Mr Lee started a secret society in Bangkok for the run away creatures.
Many times some vampires wanted to take place the leadership of secret society but didn't able to because Mrs Lee is powerful enough to take everyone down.


At the same day at University.......Prem and Pharm reached before the second class starts. And both seat near Manow. The teacher came and class started everyone is concentrated in the class except Prem because he was thinking of the person that saved him because when that person hold him he felt like he experienced the same feelings before, the cold touch and fresh smell....

Today they don't have class later. So they went out of the university and prem said pharm to drop him infront of midnight club because he have to take his car back. So they directly went to the club parking lot and pharm stopped his car and stated "prem are you sure you gonna be okay" because he is bit worried after what happened last night.

"Yeah... don't worry..I'm gonna call you after i reach home" with reassuring smile. And he get off the car, after closed the door and he gave his friend a wave. Pharm turn on his engine and return a wave back and drive away.

Prem saw his friend car fade away from his sight and he was about to turn around and bumped into someone he was about fell down but the person he bumped held his wrist and prevent him from falling. When prem saw the person's face it was none other than Boun, prem felt the sensation in his body because Boun still holding his wrist. Prem also felt the same cold feeling and prem was not sure that the person save him yesterday is it him.

Prem came to his sense and withdraw his hand back and stated while looking down " and ...thank you..".

Prem can't read his face...

Boun held Prem's jawline and Boun's hand lead Prem's face to turn right and Boun looked at the bite marks on his neck that is mostly heal, boun is bit surprised by that because within some hours it's mostly healed. Boun move closer to Prem and lean towards him, stopped near his ear and took a deep inhale, he can smell that sweet blood that running through his veins he couldn't help but mumbled "sweet.." but loud enough to heard by the boy near him.

Meanwhile prem is in complete shock by Boun's sudden move. And he can feel Boun's cold breath.

Boun speaks again "it's not safe here so don't come next time"

Prem gulped hearing his deep husky voice, he can feel something on his stomach but he don't know what it is.

By seeing that boy expression Boun smirked a little but that boy didn't notice. Boun speaks again "got it ... It's not safe here" and withdraw back to his standing position.

Prem looked towards the boy standing infront him and nodded. He can feel his cheeks heat up and already became red enough to notice by the older, even though he tried to hide it.

Prem noticed that today the blonde hair boy didn't tie his hair, today with opened hair he looks more handsome because most of his front hairs almost covering his one eye and that look so fascinating because he is running his long fingers through his hair to keep them backwards and preventing from cover his eyes but it's not helping.

Boun smirked under his breath "fine" and turned back when he knew that the boy can't see his face while keeping a smile on his face,in his mind "intresting", and walked inside the club, leaving prem with his open mouth.

Prem lightly slapped his own face, making himself come to sense and put his hand inside his pant pocket and took out his car key, went towards his car and drive away from that place with mix thoughts.

**End of the chapter**

Still trying my best ..hope you all will like it🥺

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