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At the same day before 11 pm everyone arrived at there underground place and exactly in 11pm Mr and Mrs Lee arrived. Everyone stand and bow them, Mrs Lee took her front seat and her husband seat next to her right. When Mrs Lee give signal everyone to take their seat. Everyone sat and Mr Lee stand and explained about the situation, Mrs Lee speaks up "Let me ask is their anyone that don't wanna fight along with us... if their is....then back off now...this is the last opportunity..once you step forward there is no going back...keep it in mind this is do or die situation...because I am not a person who run from problems... that time I had no choice because I have promised her to save her son...and now that he is young enough to hold the power and throne...even if i die during the war I'll have no regrets...and LASTLY IF ANYONE WILL BACK OFF DURING THE WAR... I AM GONNA KILL YOU MYSELF..."

One man speaks up gently "Mrs Lee have faith in us we aren't gonna leave your side till the last breath".

All the man and woman in the room agreed with him "Yes never gonna leave your side".

A man stands and asked "where is the hydra that got caught"

Mr Lee "in the prison"

The man "let me deal with him"

Mr Lee "no use...we have already done everything...he is newly bitten..he know nothing.." he sighs.

Mrs Lee speaks up "the vampires lord Mr Zhang once said that they have something precious that he is protecting and only he and his wife knew about that, he also said he didn't want say this to anyone cause he don't want anyone to put in danger"

"I am from vampire territory but I haven't heard about this...looks like we have to find the every details" A man stated.

Mrs Lee stands and explains them what they have to do and how, and divided each town among them to keep under their watch.

Mrs Lee stated "and don't worry about the hydra in prison...he is under my son's watch" everyone nodded. She speaks up again "keep sharp eyes on everyone and tell all of your mans too... if any of you find something unusual immediately contact me...and get me some men I have go for Beijing"

Everyone in shock and Mr Lee stated "no you can't you have to lead everyone and i won't let you"

Mrs Lee speaks "try to understand honey I have to go..not for me for Boun and remaining here we can't find the details... without knowing anything we can't win, we don't know what they got in their hands and I can't risk anyone life in this.."

Mr Lee "and I can't let you put yourself in danger in this situation... don't worry I will go to Bejing...and i know the hidden ways better than you.."

Mrs Lee "but.."

Mr Lee cut her words and stated "no more buts it's all said I'll go bejing and get the details, you can't risk yourself in this situation everyone needs you including Boun...". He stated again "give me the mens that were well experienced".

Everyone nodded and Mrs Lee stated "thank you everyone for today..the meeting dismiss".

Everyone bow and left Mr and Mrs Lee alone. Mrs Lee speaks "you know I can't let you risk your life" while holding her tears.

Her husband hold her hand and said "I know and I can't let you risk yourself in this situation...try to understand you're here to lead everyone ..and if the leader is out of town you know what happens you have seen this before right and this time I can't let it happen again". What Mr Lee said is correct because when Mr Zhang went out of town the whole territory is destroyed and also he can't risk his wife's life because without her he is nothing. Mr Lee is from Dracas royal family but he is weak and didn't have the strength to hold the power and leadership but his wife is way more confident and she became a powerfull leader. Also she never leave her husband's side even she holds more power and position in her hands, he is grateful to have such a brave wife.

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