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Next morning when Boun heard the knock in his door, he wake up while rubbing his eyes and slowly dragged himself to the door and opened it. He knows that who is knocking "mom...why so early.." he groans.

She looked at him who was yawning "OHH.. JESUS CHRIST.. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU" his mother said with frown.

He groans "Ahh mom I'm fine" and walked to his bed.

She followed him "you look so pale even worst than yesterday, why yesterday didn't you drink any blood"

"For your kind information yesterday I did drank"said while sitting on his bed.

"Look at yourself you look like a dead fish, I'll send Maria with some blood drink it okay..and today no need to go University with this sick face"

"Okay fine I'll drink it, and for the university I have to go I have some work and you know your son is handsome even with his sick face" he chuckled and got up from the bed and he holds her shoulder and while pushing her,he send her to the door.

"But Boun please take care of yourself and drink the blood, Maria will bring it"

"Yes mom and now I have to get ready otherwise I'll miss the first class so see you" he said with a smile and while smiling suddenly his fangs came out.

"Bounnnn.." she was about to say something but Boun closed the door in her face. She knows that something is wrong with him, but still she don't wanna asked him, she wants her son to deal by himself and when the right time comes he will say it by himself. So she left his room and leave him alone to deal with it.

On the other Boun took a deep breath and walked infront of the mirror and looked at himself, he sighs and went to take shower.

Boun went for University, he entered the class and sat on his usual spot after some time Dean came in and sat beside his bestfriend and stated "mom said you are still sick"

"I'm fine just feeling little bit of dizziness" Boun lied . Dean nodded.

Today Boun is wearing a black cap and keeping his head down to hide his pale face from everyone, Dean didn't able to see his face and he didn't asked much because his mother told him not to dig, if he wanna deal it by himself. But she asked him to watch Boun from away if anything more serious happens so that he can help Boun.

By the time professor came inside and started his lecture but Boun's mind is not in the class, his mind is wandering why he felt that heavyweights in his chest by watching the video of Prem. He wanna know what is this unknown feeling, what is happening to him cause Boun has never experience love, so he is unaware of the feelings that he experiencing this days.

When the class is over he took his bag pack and rush out of the class, to the third floor. When he reach fourth room, he stopped and walked inside still keeping his head down and because of the cap no one noticed who he is, he straight went to where Prem is sitting.

Prem felt a cold hand grab his wrist, he turns his head to look but before Prem could say anything, the cold hand dragged Prem along with him without any words, the whole class remained dumbfounded. Prem didn't protest because in some ways he felt a familiar vibes.

Boun dragged him to the terrace and push Prem to a corner, where sunlight is not directly touching them.
When he push Prem to the corner, Prem hit the wall and a sound came out from his mouth "ahh...what the h.." he stopped, when the boy who push came closer put his hand against the wall besides Prem's head and lift his head.

Prem startled when he saw the pale face, tired eyes and dry lips of Boun, and Boun stated with loud voice "EVEN THOUGH I WARNED YOU....YOU WENT FOR CLUBBING..WHAT IF SOMETHING AGAIN HAPPENED.. WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND..WHY DON'T YOU LISTEN TO ME ..WHY ARE YOU SO STUBBORN.." he is just angry and frustrated.

Heartless Vampire || BounpremWhere stories live. Discover now