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Prem search for his phone but he didn't found it anywhere, and yet he don't know whose house it is, when he looked at himself it wasn't his clothes he is wearing. He is wearing a black tshirt, he just got frustrated thinking about all this is happening to him this days.

When he heard someone's footsteps and before the door unlocked, prem immediately covered himself with blanket pretending to be asleep and when he took a deep breath, he found a familiar scent, so he inhale the blanket, he can feel the freshness scent, and the same smell in tshirt too, it's the same scent. His mind didn't able to reach from where he got this scent before, the more he inhales the more he is getting addicted to the smell.

In in his mind 'how can this smells so I gone insane why I'm being like a psycho..but it's so good that I'm feeling different vibes... like I want it more'. He heard footsteps approaching near the bed. After a second he felt someone's presence sleeping beside him and playing with his hairs.

Prem peeked from slide removing the blanket, when he saw the face beside him he felt like he wanted to bury himself on the ground. The person beside him is non other than Boun, while playing with Prem's hair he came near his ear and stated with his deep husky voice "yesterday you had a good sleep right, good morning".

By hearing that Prem trying his best to hide his face. And said with low voice "morning", he wait a bit and suddenly remembered what happened last night and speak up again "wait what happened last night??... and how did I end up here ?...and whose place is this??..ohhh shit shit I have to inform police about the last night and what about my friends ??..where is my phone.." he panicked and searched for his phone again, the tears rolling down from his eyelashes.

Boun hold him tightly but he tried unleashed himself from Boun's grip, which he couldn't and rest his head on Boun's shoulder and started sobbing more and Boun stated calmly "shh...shhh... everything is fine baby boy.. don't panic.. calm down... I will answer your questions okay, first of all you have to stop your tears okay hmm".

He stopped crying and Boun released him from his grip, he hold his arms and dragged him back to sit properly and stated "now look at me".

Prem lift his head to look at Boun, this is the first time Boun took care of someone other than his family. When Prem looked at Boun's eyes all he can see is fear and tears rolling down, Boun cupped his face and wiped Prem's tears with his thumbs and stated "okay last night some people crash down the club, I don't know who are they and when I arrived there everything was shattered and I found you lying near the bar station, back of your head was bleeding, also I found many people lying on the floor with injuries, I called police and ambulance too and two people already died and your injuries are not serious so I took you with me".

Prem nodded and asked "is it your house".

"Yes and you're in my room" Boun withdraw his hands from cupping him and laid on the bed, facing the celling.

"Why did you bring me to your house instead of sending hospital" Prem asked while wiping his tears.

"Because it's not severe injury and among the people there I only know you so" Boun lied.

"What about my friends"

"They're fine, I got call from hospital"

Prem took a deep relief and speak up again "got any news from police cause I don't think it's a normal thing to kill people and destroying the whole club".

Boun turned his face to look at Prem and stated "did you saw anyone's face".

Prem said while thinking "for some seconds I got sense, my vision was blurry at that time but I heard two man talking about someone being weak and something about drug to hide identity... I have no idea what they are talking about, actually at first I thought they were talking about me but when they said about drug I don't think it's about me because I don't take drugs".

Heartless Vampire || BounpremWhere stories live. Discover now