A New Begining

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You wake up to your alarm going off at 5:30am, you got up to take a shower. Once you were done you now were deciding what to wear. You choose something like this:

And after you finished that's when your phone rang "Ring-Ring", you saw the caller I'd saying Aaron Hotchner

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And after you finished that's when your phone rang "Ring-Ring", you saw the caller I'd saying Aaron Hotchner. "Seriously it's to early for this shit", you sigh as you pick up your phone. "Yes this is Emma Smith."
"Hi It's Hotchner I just wanted to check in on you since todays your first day."
"Um it's going good so far I mean I haven't even left my house yet to be honest, what time do I need to be in by?"
"You at least need to be in by 7am."
"Ok see you then."
Then you hung up the phone. And got in your car because it was already 6:30am and you wanted to get coffee on the way to work. So you got in your white Jeep, here's what it looks like:

As you got your coffee, you saw a very shy slim tall guy ordering a coffee as well

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As you got your coffee, you saw a very shy slim tall guy ordering a coffee as well. You didn't think much of it, until you heard someone saying "Hey wait up please" you turn around seeing him catching up to you. "Hey you dropped your necklace". You were so confused then you felt your neck and realized it had fell. "Omg thank you so much I don't know what I would do it, this necklace is very special to me so thank you." He just smiled at you. "Hey what's your name I have to thank you properly". He stared for one second and began to speak."My name is Spencer Reid, what's your name?". He asked. "My name is Emma Smith, but thank you so much Spencer Reid I owe you". Then you turned to walk away until he started to say something and you turned around again. "When will I see you again". He asked. "If you really want to see me again you'll find me I promise, goodbye Spencer Reid".

Then you left to go to your car and went to work. You walked in to the BAU with eyes all on you when you came in and you felt a little bit uncomfortable. Until your eyes met with someone familiar ah Spencer Reid. You snapped out of you little trance as you were staring at Spencer until your boss Hotchner called your name. "Everyone I would like to introduce you to our new agent Emma Smith so please be nice". He said as was walking back to his office. Then Spencer had made his way over to you. "You were the new agent Hotch was talking about". He said as he looked me straight in the eyes. "I told you, you would find me again if you really wanted too". He started laughing at what I had said.

The next thing i know Hotch is saying "We have a case grab your go bags and meet on the jet in 30 minutes". I started to think to myself "Well this surely isn't like any other day". You went to go get your bag from your car and then you came back and went on to the jet. Everyone started to go over the case, Hotch started talking. "Alright well we have a missing child, female she's 10 years old". Emily started talking. "The little girl name is Avery Johnson and she has scars all over her body". I started to feel sick because at a very young age I kinda went through the same thing of being kidnapped as a child when I was 6 years old. I have a lot of anxiety and panic attacks because of it. My stepdad is apart of the trauma, he would hit me everyday it didn't matter what time it was, he just did it with no hesitation. I felt really bad for the little girl but I have to focus on finding her before something bad happens or worse her ending up dead.

Morgan ended up saying something about how the plane was landing but I was stuck in my own little world. Until Spencer pulled me out of it and I snapped out it. "Hey you ok?". He said. "Uh yeah sorry guess I got distracted". He just laughed. "Come on we got to go down to the station". You followed him out of the jet and into the car as JJ drove to the station you looked out the window. After about 10 minutes you guys got out the car and went into the Seattle, WA station everyone was setting up. All of a sudden your phone rang and your face went pale as the caller Id said Andy Adams. So you left to answer the phone other wise you knew you would get in so much trouble if you didn't answer. "H-Hello" you said waiting for his reply. "Where are you?!". He said angrily. "I-I h-have w-work t-today r-remember". I said. "Well what the fuck I thought you were supposed to be here". He said. I saw Emily signaling me to get off the phone because they found something. "I-I have to g-go I'll talk to you later". I said. "DON'T YOU DARE HANG UP ON M-". I hung up and walked back inside.

"Okay so what do we got?" I asked. "We think we may have found a suspect his name is Tyler Kendall, we searched through his computer and found disgusting images of children". Garcia said. "Ok thanks Garcia call us back if you find anything else". Hotch said. "Yes sir". She replied back. "Alright Morgan and Smith go talk to the parents and everyone else let's see if we can find anything else here". Hotch said. Morgan and I had left to go talk to the Johnson's to see if we can figure out anything about Avery. Shortly after Morgan had been driving for at least 20 minutes we got to the Johnson's house. You guys got out and you knocked on the door. And Ms.Johnson opened the door and looked at us with a look. "Come in please make yourself at home". Ms.Johnson said. "Do you know anything specific thing about the way she acted or how her room was, the slightest detail that seems so small can help us a lot". I said. So she had led us to Avery's room to take a look in it. "Hey Morgan come look at this". I said. "What's wrong, what did you find?". He said. "The marks on the window, what if she was dragged out the window". I said. "Lets go back and tell the others". He said.

I drove back to the station while Morgan was on the phone with Hotch. We had gotten back in 20 minutes later. "Alright team let's go back to the hotel we'll come back tomorrow morning". Hotch said. And everyone had their own room at the hotel. Everyone drove to the hotel and got their room keys and went to bed. You got ready for bed and here's what your pj's look like:

After awhile you had fallen asleep, it took you awhile to fall asleep because most nights you can't sleep but after you did, you were in a deep sleep

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After awhile you had fallen asleep, it took you awhile to fall asleep because most nights you can't sleep but after you did, you were in a deep sleep. From the work that you had done today you felt that you needed a well deserved sleep in order to function. Maybe like 4 hours later you woke up so suddenly from a nightmare about Avery Johnson and how you couldn't save her. You looked at the clock and it said 5am, so you just decided to stay up for the rest of the day since you couldn't fall back asleep. You had this song stuck in your head for weeks so you started to sing the song that was stuck in your head.

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