The Phone Call

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The next morning you got a phone call and Rossi is calling you. You got up and went to the living room area of the hotel and answered the phone.

Phone between You & Rossi—
Rossi: Hey Em, how are you?
Emma: Hey dad I'm good, and you?
Rossi: I'm good, I just had a question for you
Emma: Sure what's up?
Rossi: What do you think about changing your last name to Rossi my last name?
Emma: Wait you're being serious?!
Rossi: Of course I am
Emma: I would love that but I'm in Las Vegas right now, I met Spencer's mom
Rossi: Oh you two are getting serious 🧐
Emma: Yeah we are and I'm in love with him
Rossi: Did you tell him yet?
Emma: No and that's the problem, I don't know how to
Rossi: Tell you what I'll help you with figuring out how to tell him when you come home
Emma: Deal bye dad love you
Rossi: Bye sweetie love you
End of phone call—

After awhile I hung up the phone and then grabbed my guitar and sat on the couch. I decided to sing Jungle by Emma Louise.

Spencer's POV—
I woke up and heard Emma singing so peacefully. She always looks so good, I didn't want to scare her so I just watched her sing instead. Because I really didn't want to be yelled at again. Then I saw her starting to cry, I had no idea why. She stopped playing and started bawling her eyes out. So I ran over to her and hugged her, she hugged me back tightly. I didn't know how long she needed to hug me, but after about an hour she let go.

"Are you ok babygirl?". I said.
"Uh no and yes, first off Rossi asked me about changing my last name to his and I said yes, secondly I found out my step-brother and step-sister died due to a massive shooting". Emma said.
"Oh baby I'm here for as long as you need". I said.
"I know". She said.

But what Emma didn't know is that I heard her very last part of the conversation with Rossi. She was telling him that she loves me so much, and how she doesn't know how to tell me. I never knew one person could be so nervous. I wish I could tell her but I know she wants to do something special, to be honest I wouldn't care if she was a mess and not dressed up. But I don't want to ruin it for her, I knew I shouldn't have listened but I did. I never knew I could love one person so much, I would do anything for Emma even if it meant me dying for her. And I know she would do the same thing because we're both crazy in love with each other. Then I heard Emma make another phone call to Hotch.

~Phone call between Emma & Hotch~
Emma: Hotch um do we have any cases at the moment?
Hotch: Uh no why
Emma: My steps siblings were just murdered in a massive shooting
Hotch: And you want the BAU to take the lead
Emma: Please Hotch, I'll help with case but I won't go out on the field
Hotch: Ok I can agree with that, but you have to promise me you will not go into the field
Emma: I promise, I just want this person in jail for murder
Hotch: I know just try to relax
Emma: Thank you so much this means the world to me
Hotch: I know now go spend time with your boyfriend
Emma: Bye Hotch
Hotch: Bye Em
~End of phone call~

~Hotch's POV back at the station~
After I got off the phone with Emma, I went straight into my office to find out more about this massive shooting that happened not to long ago. Awhile has passed now and I made a least a dozen of phone calls to find the most information I can about this case. Then 1 hour rolls by and Rossi comes into my office asking if I needed anything.

"Hey Hotch I'm headed home, do you need anything?". Rossi said.
"Yeah we have a case, but please do not call either Spencer or Emma". I said.
"Can I ask why not to call them". Rossi asked.
"Emma's step siblings got murdered in a massive shooting, she got a call from the hospital but they died". I said.
"Oh my god is she ok". Rossi asked.
"I don't know, but Emma asked me to look into this case I could tell she has a gut feeling about this case and why she only wants us to figure it out". I said.
"Why does she want us to look into it?". Rossi asked.
"Family reasons and another I can tell is that now I'm having this gut feeling that this case isn't going to end well". I said.
"Alright I'll call the rest of team then". Rossi said.

Once Rossi left to call the team, I saw everyone here within like 10 minutes. I knew everyone was confused because we had only just finished up one case earlier and now we have another case in the same day, but this was a family emergency case. I only made an exception because I can't bear to see Emma in pain at all she's the baby of the BAU, I feel like it's my job to protect her at all costs. And I know she would do the same for me because we're all family at the BAU here. But what phone call came next I was not expecting at all to make the matters worse I have a time limit now.

~Phone call Between Spencer & I~
Hotch: Yes Reid?
Spencer: Em- she's gone?!
Hotch: Spencer calm down, what happened?
Spencer: Emma has been kidnapped and to make it worse we have only 48 hours to find her or the person that kidnapped her will kill her!
Hotch: Ok Spencer come back down here to the station and we'll find her I promise
Spencer: I know I'm already on a plane back will all of our stuff I'll be there in about 2 hours and 15 minutes
Hotch: Ok stay safe please
~End of phone call~

~Spencer's POV~
I went to the bathroom and all of a sudden a heard glass break. I ran back into the room and Emma was nowhere to be found literally. I panicked and call Hotch and he just told me to gather all of our things and come back to the station. So that's what I did I grabbed all of Emma and I's stuff and got on a plane to go back to Quantico. After I dropped all the things off at my apartment I grabbed my bag and went to the station.

"Hey Hotch do you have anything yet?". I asked.
"No not yet, but we need to find her in the next 44 hours or god knows what happens to her". Hotch said.
"Hotch the screen it's Emma on the screen". I said.
"Garcia what happened". Hotch asked.
"I I don't know sir someone must have hacked the computer system". Garcia said.

Just then they heard you talking to the man that kidnapped you.

"You know you're pathetic". Emma said.
"Excuse me, last time I checked I murdered your step siblings". Unsub said.
"Oh you fucking asshole!". Emma said.
"What you can't do anything, you're tied to a chair". Unsub said.
"Maybe but I'm fucking Emma Rose Rossi I'm smarter then you'll ever be". Emma said.
"Oh really then guess what your dad won't be hear to save you now". Unsub said.
"Yeah I'm not so sure you're right, he'll find me". Emma said.

Just then I heard Emma scream in pain because the unsub stabbed her in the leg. And he did it again and she screamed again.

~Your POV~
The unsub fucking stabbed me in the leg twice and I screamed so loud. I'm always the one to get kidnapped and I have no clue why. After awhile I finally got the knot untied and then you got up, and high kicked him in the face and you knocked him out and then shot him, he's dead. You ignored the pain you were in and grabbed his gun from him, you tried to find a way out. I threw a chair against the window and it broke, you saw the sun setting.

"Oh shit I don't have much time, it's going to be dark soon". I said.

I climbed out of the window and just started running far away to get away from him. I tied my under shirt to my leg to try and stop the bleeding. I soon ran into a gas station and asked if they had a phone and they did. So I dialed the one number I knew by heart.

~Phone call Between You & Spencer~
Emma: Spencer...
Spencer: Omg Emma you're ok, where are you?
Emma: I don't know to be honest I'm at a gas station that's all I know
Spencer: Hold on maybe we can track the call one second
Emma: Ok
Spencer: Alright you're in Denver
Emma: What the fuck, are you serious?!
Spencer: Don't worry we'll be there soon baby
Emma: Ok please hurry I don't like these look these guys are giving me
Spencer: It's gonna take us 3 hours 24 minutes to get to you
Emma: Ok hurry
~End of phone call~

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