Stepdad's Arrival

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After I had walked out of the BAU, I saw the one person I never wanted to see again ever. He was just standing on the other side of the crosswalk across the street, I totally freaked out because I haven't seen him since the things he had done to me. I wish I had never met him, but he was my legal guardian when my mom left me with him. I remember thinking as a kid what if it was my fault that she had left me, I blamed myself for years until I realized I couldn't do anything about it. I snapped out of my thoughts when my stepdad started to walk towards me. His arrival made my mental health go through the roof, it was so bad that I ran back inside to the closest bathroom and locked myself inside it. I started to have an panic attack and I couldn't stop it at all, I wish I knew how but I don't. I broke down on the floor crying not caring about my stepdad being here, I knew he was messing with me because he never apologized for anything at all. God I hated the control he had over my mental health, but I guess I'm so scared that he might hurt me again possibly even worse then last time because I'm a grown adult now.

—————————Emily's POV———————
Emma had left the room and I was worried about her so I went to check on her but she wasn't outside all I saw was a man coming to ask me.
"Do you know where the lady went she was out here, but I think she went back inside I need to talk to her can you find her please?". He said.
"Hold the phone, who are you?". I asked.
"I'm her stepdad and I need to talk to her it's important". He said.
"Oh helllll to the no I know all about you and how you treated her, she doesn't want to see you ok". I said.
"If I could just come inside and find her that would be great". He said.
"Yeah sorry not gonna happen, leave you're not welcome here at all". I said.
The team was standing right behind me backing me up as they should because we were her real family and the team and I were not gonna let him see her. I heard crying in a bathroom so I went to go see who it could be, but the door was locked and I couldn't get in until I remembered we had a key for the bathroom, so I unlocked the door and saw Emma on the floor having a panic attack so I closed and locked the door behind me. I tried to comfort her but nothing was working, I saw Emma fiddling with the necklace around her neck it must have been pretty special to her because she wears it all the time. The only person I could think about calming her down was Spencer so I ran out the door pulling Spencer to the bathroom, as I saw the others trying to get Emma's stepdad to leave.

———————Spencer's POV————————
The team and I heard Emily yelling at someone so we went to go check it out, all of us had found out pretty quickly who he was and we were mad about he had just shown up. After a few minutes of us yelling Emily left to go to the bathroom I had no clue why until she pulled me away from everyone. That's when I saw Emma sitting in the corner of the bathroom having a panic attack. I didn't know what to do until I remembered what she had told me that whenever she's having a panic attack her grandmother would sing this song "Surrender by Natalie Taylor". I started to sing to her and I saw Emma's breathing slowing down it took her a good full 30 minutes to calm down fully. Until I heard her say "Is he gone yet?". Emma said. And that's when Emily had left to go check if he had left, and then Emily came back and said "No he hasn't". Then when Emma got up and it had me worried what she was going to do. Emily and I both followed her to her desk and she pulled out something shiny but we couldn't see what it was.

———————Back to your POV———————-
After Spencer had calmed me down I had asked Emily if my stepdad was gone so she left and came back and said no. That's when I decided I had have enough of his bullshit so I got up and went to my desk and Emily and Spencer followed me. I went to my desk and pulled out my gun lucky they didn't see it, I hid it from them and then left to where my stepdad was. I finally heard him say "Ah there's my pretty little princess". Then everyone moved out of the way so I could see his face, but what I did next shocked everyone to be honest I was even shocked I did what I did. I pulled my gun out and pointed it at my stepdad's head, everyone went DEAD SILENT when I mean dead silent you could hear a pen drop. And that's when I finally snapped and yelled "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE BEFORE I FUCKING SHOOT YOU IN THE HEAD!". Then that's when he finally left and I fell to the floor crying again. Everyone was so worried about me I know that, but I couldn't hear anything they were saying. All I know is that I felt my gun being taken away by one of my team mates. They took me back into the break room and one of them sat me down in a chair and started to talk to me but I couldn't hear them. I was staring off into space like I was in my own little world that was until, I felt Spencer's hand on me and I flinched so hard I was scared until I saw Spencer's face. He looked at me concerned I know that he would never hurt me but in general I was just scared of everything at that point. So I went into Hotch's office waiting for him to enter so I could talk to him.

————————-Hotch's POV—————————-
The whole thing with Emma's stepdad was a whole fucking crazy thing to deal with after he left things started to calm a little bit, but Emma was on the edge I mean like she would be scared of everything in general. That was until I saw her head up to my office and everyone was confused and that's when I said "I'll go see what see wants, I'll be right back". As I entered my office I saw Emma curled up on the couch with her knees up to her chest, so that's when I sat next to her. "Hotch I need a few mental health days off, I won't be focused if I come to work tomorrow". Emma said. "Yes you can go take a few days and then call me when you're ready to come back to work ok". I said. She had thanked me and hugged me, listen I know I don't show emotion but I felt like she really needed a hug so I hugged her back tightly until she let go. Then that's when I heard her ask "Also can Reid have a few days off with me too, he's the only one I trust enough to keep me safe?". She said. "Yeah of course he can, but he's going to have to work from home or whatever". I said. "Yeah I know I just don't think I should be left alone right now". She said.

After our talk she had left my office and went to talk to Reid

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After our talk she had left my office and went to talk to Reid.

—————-Back to your POV—————
I left Hotch's office and immediately went to talk to Spencer. "Hey Spencer do you want to take a few days off with me, but you'll have to work at home I already talked to Hotch?". I said. "Sure let's go Emma". Spencer said. You guys left work and Spencer took you to your apartment and you pack your clothes to be with him for a few days. Then you guys went back to his place. "Come on let's get you to bed Em". Spencer said. "Ok- wait where are you going to sleep?". I said. "With you silly in the bed". Spencer said. I kissed Spencer on the lips and said goodnight to him and you changed into your pajamas and you climbed into bed, you immediately fell asleep.
Btw here's what your pajamas looked like:

Btw here's what your pajamas looked like:

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