Telling Rossi The Truth!

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*Your POV*
The next morning is off to a great start so far, after I woke up I went to the kitchen and made myself pancakes for breakfast. Then I went to go get dressed for work. Here's your outfit btw:

You walked into work feeling good, until you saw Rossi standing a few feet away from you

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You walked into work feeling good, until you saw Rossi standing a few feet away from you. You felt really queasy and ran to the bathroom to throw up, all of a sudden you felt a hand on your back and someone holding your hair back. "Are you okay?". Garcia said. "Yeah I saw Rossi and my stomach turned, I don't know how to tell him and it's making me feel sick, I'm so scared what if I tell him and he doesn't want me". I said. "Sugar that won't happen, Rossi loves you anyway, he even flipped out even if you fall on the floor and you're barely hurt, he loves you no matter what". Garcia said. "You're right, I need to tell him, well after I clean myself up". I said. Garcia left the bathroom so I could clean up, after I left the bathroom I saw Garcia give me a thumbs up and pointed to where Rossi is.

"Hey Rossi can we talk it's important, I don't know how to say this really". I said as he saw my eyes tearing up. "Hey it's ok, take your time sweetheart". Rossi said. Tears started to come down my face and Rossi held my hand to comfort me. "I asked Garcia to find my real father and after 15 minutes the results came back, it said you are my father". I said. I saw the shocked look on his face, he grabbed me and just hugged me. We sat there just hugging and crying with each other. I saw the others looking at us but I didn't care because this was Rossi and I's moment together finally knowing who we really are to each other.

*Garcia's POV*
After I saw Emma get out of the bathroom I pointed to where Rossi is, she went over to him and started to talk to him. Then I saw Rossi's face expression on his face change, but it was like happy and sad reaction. I guess she had told him that he was her father, after I saw Emma and Rossi just crying and holding each other. Everyone was looking at them concerned at what had just happened. I just smiled knowing that Emma and Rossi finally know the truth, after about 10 minutes they let go of each other. I saw Rossi wipe off the tears of Emma's face. She looked genuinely happy, I haven't seen her this happy in a long time and that says something that girl has been through a lot.

*Your POV*
After Rossi and I stopped hugging, he wiped my tears that kept coming down my face. I saw Spencer out of the corner of my eye, he just kept looking at me concerned. "Well my daughter I'll see you later, I have a case sweetie". Rossi said. "Ok dad be safe please". I said. He looked at me and smiled. "I will pumpkin same goes for you". Rossi said. I walked over to Spencer after I was done talking with Rossi. "Hey are you ok baby girl?". Spencer said. "Yeah yesterday I found out Rossi is my real dad, that's why I kinda screamed in Garcia's office". I said. "That makes total sense, but are you ok". Spencer said. "Yes I finally know the piece of information I wanted to know and he's been in front of me this entire time". I said. "Well I'm always here for you, you know that right". Spencer said. "I know and I'm so thankful for that". I said. "Come on Em let's go home it's almost 9pm". Spencer said. I started to speak but than Hotch interrupted me by saying "Guys go home it's getting late". Hotch said. "Yes sir, tell Jack I said hello". I said. "Will do Emma you know he loves you as family, he calls you Auntie Emma whenever you're not in the room". Hotch said. "Awwwww he's sweet, also do you need me to babysit tomorrow at 3pm ?". I said. "Oh right yes I do, thanks for reminding me you're a life saver". Hotch said. "No problem, I'll be by around 2:30pm, so you can leave early with Haley". I said. "Thanks Emma". Hotch said. Then he hugged me and then left.

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