Moving In

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~Emma's POV~
The next day I woke up to Spencer talking to the Doctor, which I assume I could go home today. I hope I can because being in the hospital sucks so much, the food isn't great at all. But I did appreciate my dad papa Rossi bringing me pasta every now and again. I spent most of the day watching Tv until I was able to get out of the hospital, then Spencer came in and smiled and finally I could go home now.

"Omg I can finally go home". I said.
"We can go home babygirl". Spencer chuckled.
"So when are we going to start packing up my apartment Spence?". I asked.
"We can tomorrow but for now let's get you home, so you can rest". Spencer said.

Spencer drove home he fought me on driving me home, I ended up letting him drive. I loved when he takes care of me it's the sweetest thing ever. Once Spencer got us home he carried me bridal style, and I just laughed.

"Spence I can walk you know". I said.
"I know but I want you to just relax baby". Spencer said.
"My prince, how did I get so lucky to get you". I said.
"Your just lucky baby". Spencer said.

I playfully hit his arm and pouted, Spencer just laughed at me. After he put me on the bed I grabbed my guitar after Spencer left the room, I started to sing Numb Little Bug by Em Beihold.

The one thing I remember the doctor told me was shocking news and I didn't know how to process it, so I didn't tell Spencer yet. I'm pregnant and I still had no idea how to tell him that he's going to be a dad. I was freaking out and to be honest I was ready to be a mom but I don't know about Spencer though.

~Phone Call Between Emma & Emily~

Emma: Omg I have news and I didn't know who else to tell, I'm freaking out over here
Emily: What happened, are you ok?
Emma: Yeah uh I'm ok, I'm just going to say it
Emily: Ok...
Emma: I'm pregnant with Spencer's baby!
Emily: Woah hold the phone, you and pretty boy are dating!
Emma: Uh yeah SURPRISE hehe, please don't tell anyone else
Emily: I promise, How are you feeling?
Emma: I feel great, except for the fact that I don't know how to tell Spencer!
Emily: Don't worry we can find a cute way to tell Spencer
Emma: Ok thanks bye
Emily: Bye girly see you soon

~End Of Phone Call~

Just then Spencer came into our apartment smiling like crazy and I stood there confused and anxious wondering if he had heard Emily's and I conversation. If he did I would be in so much trouble like literally.

"Hey baby, why are you so excited". I said.
"I just love you so much and we're still watching doctor who later tonight right?". Spencer said.
"Of course, Emily is going to pick me up and we should be back in an hour". I said.
"Ok have fun babygirl". Spencer said.
"You're not the only girl  you're going to be calling that". I said mumbling.
"What?". Spencer said.
"Nothing sorry I got to go now Emily's waiting I love you". I said kissing Spencer and then leaving him confused in our apartment.

~Emily's POV~
After Emma's and I phone call I immediately left my apartment and drove to hers. And when I got there she was waiting outside with a worried look on her face.

"Ok what happened?". I said.
"I almost accidentally ALMOST let it slip that I'm pregnant". Emma said.
"Emma get your shit together and let's go to the store so you can tell him when you get back home". I said.
"I know and thank you for helping me and not telling anyone else". Emma said.
"What else are friends for". I said.

An hour had passed and Emma and I found a lot of cute little things to tell Spencer that she is pregnant. And let me tell you this setup is so cute and I think he is going to love it to be honest I think he might cry. I mean come on it's Spencer we're talking about here, Oh he's going to look cute taking care of his kid. He will finally understand how tiring it can be and even just to babysit I mean dang that's a lot of work. After awhile we got back to Emma's apartment and I wished her good luck and then left once I knew she was in her apartment safely.

~Spencer's POV~
Emma practically ran out of the apartment after she mumbled something under her breath I couldn't hear it but, she is acting really weird and I mean EXTREMELY weird. Once an hour had past she came back home and I saw her holding some bags.

"Hey baby where did you go". I asked.
"Oh you know just shopping with Emily is all". Emma said.
"Are you ok?, you're acting strange". I said.
"Yeah I'll be right back besides I have a present for you but I have to set it up so I'll be back". Emma said.
"Ok...". I said.

This is what Emma had handed me along with the pregnancy stick as well

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This is what Emma had handed me along with the pregnancy stick as well. I was so confused until I realized that we're having a baby an actual baby. I just started smiling like crazy, I saw Emma's face I think that she was scared of how I was gonna react.

"Really your excited about this?". Emma said worried.
"Of course I am how could I not be". I said.
"I was really worried you would leave if you found out, so I didn't tell you for a few hours". Emma said.
"I would never do that baby, what made you think that?". I said.
"When I was 20 years old I dated a guy he got me pregnant and when I told him he left me and after that I got depressed and I had a miscarriage". Emma said while crying.
"Which is why you didn't tell me straight away, baby I'm sorry about what he did and what you went through". I said.
"It's not your fault bubs, I was just really scared cause I don't think I can go through that again". Emma said.
"Well I'll be by your side through everything". I said.
"I know and thank you, also can we not tell anyone else about the whole pregnancy thing yet I'm not ready". Emma said.
"Of course baby whenever you want to tell the team we can". I said picking up Emma and taking her to bed so we can watch doctor who and fall asleep.

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