Confused faces

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~Emma's POV~
*The Next Morning*
Your phone started ringing loudly so you answered it being annoyed with how early it is.

~Phone Call Between Emma & Hotch~
"Hello". I said.
"Hey Emma we have a case, can you call Spencer as well". Hotch said.
"Yeah we'll be there soon". I said.
"Ok thanks". Hotch said.
"Of course bye". I said.
~Phone Call Ended~

I really didn't want there to be a case today but I guess I can't always have my way. I ran to the bathroom to throw up and then I felt Spencer hold my hair back until I was done. Let me tell you Spencer is always the sweetest especially when I'm not feeling good, he always checks on me like every 10 minutes.

"You ok angel?". Spencer said.
"Angel? That's a new nickname, but yes I'm ok just morning sickness". I said.
"We have a case don't we". Spencer said.
"Yeah we do so let's get ready". I said.

~Skip to the Police station~
~Emma's POV~
After we arrived at the station everyone started talking about the case and I zoned out a lot I was barely listening. I felt bad about not listening to anything they were saying but then all of a sudden I felt nauseous, so I stood up quickly and ran to the bathroom to throw up. I didn't realize that Spencer had followed but he pulled my hair away from face until I was done throwing up.

"You ok Em?" Spencer asked.
"Yeah just morning sickness I hate it so much". I said.
"Do you maybe want to go back to hotel to rest today?" Spencer asked.
"Yes please I really don't feel all that great at all". I said.
"Come on I'll drive you back to the hotel". Spencer said.

After Spencer and I came out of the bathroom everyone was looking at us like we were crazy. But Spencer just held me up cause I was so weak and we were almost out the door until Hotch started talking to us.

"Hey Emma you ok?". Hotch said.
"Um no not really I feel dizzy and I threw up, I was wondering can I have the rest of the day off please?". I said as I was almost falling but Spencer held me up.
"Yeah of course hope you feel better". Hotch said.
"Thanks just call if you need me". I said.
"We will just get some rest please". Hotch said and he gave me one of his rare smiles.

Once Spencer dropped me off at the hotel and helped me up to our room he left to go to work again. I knew Spencer hated the idea of me being here alone but I assured him that I would be okay here by myself. I decided to fall asleep for a few hours. I woke up and saw the clock and it read 7:30pm. Wow I must have been really tired, after while I heard the door opening and then I saw Spencer.

"Hey sorry baby I didn't mean to wake you". Spencer said.
"No you didn't I just woke up from my nap". I said.
"Oh ok that's good, how is my babygirl feeling?". Spencer asked.
"I'm feeling tired even though I just took a nap". I said.
"Come on let's get comfy and go to sleep". Spencer said.

~The Next Day~

Once Spence and I went into work everyone looked at us again, they looked confused. I knew everyone would be confused but then again I ran to the bathroom with Spencer following behind me. I hate this morning sickness but on the other hand I wouldn't trade it for the world, because in 9 months I will have a baby to look after. After I came back everyone was staring at me again.

"Guys seriously I'm fine stop worrying". I said.
"But we do worry because we're family". Rossi said.
"I know but I'm fine I promise". I said.

~JJ's POV~

After we saw Emma run to bathroom again to be sick, I have a feeling it's something else. Everyone is worried but she keeps reassuring everyone that she's fine. I didn't want to call her out in front of the whole team so I pulled her into another room.

"Ok what's wrong with you?". I said.
"What do you mean?'. Emma said.
"Don't play dumb, are you pregnant?". I said.
"Shhhhh keep your voice down please!". Emma said.
"So that's a yes?". I said.
"Yes I am please don't tell anyone". Emma said.
"I promise I won't tell anyone ooooo you're glowing". I said.

Once Emma and I left the room everyone stared at us, wondering what we were talking about. Emma and I just left to go talk away from everyone else.

~Spencer's POV~
I saw JJ and Emma come back but then they ran off again. I assume for "Girl Talk" as they say anyway. Emma was being dragged by JJ towards the bathroom and she looked at me mouthing "she knows I'm sorry". I wasn't mad at Emma for telling JJ, I mean JJ was pregnant before maybe she wanted someone to understand her. Once Emma and JJ came back, Emma was looking especially happy. I wonder what reactions we would get if Emma decides to tell the team she's pregnant. I just want Emma to be happy with whatever she wants to tell the team.

~Emma's POV~

After awhile I decide to tell one person that should probably know I'm pregnant. So I went to go talk to Hotch.

"Hey Hotch can we talk in private please it's important". I said.
"Yeah sure is everything ok?". Hotch asked.
"Everything is really great actually, I just need to tell you something". I said.
"Ok what is it?". Hotch asked again.
"I'm pregnant I probably should have told you when I found out". I said.
"Nonsense but um who is the father?". Hotch asked confused.
"Spencer is the father, we haven't let our relationship effect our work we've been dating for the past few months and this wasn't even planned to be honest it just happened". I said.
"Well I believe congratulations are in order". Hotch said.
"Thank you that means a lot and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't tell anyone else". I said.
"Who else knows?". Hotch asked.
"Just Spencer, You, and JJ knows I'm just not ready for anyone else to know yet, I thought you should know because I don't want to go into the field as often anymore because now I have a baby to protect". I said.
"I understand completely, I'll keep you off the field". Hotch said.
"Thank you Hotch". I said.

After Hotch and I talked I honestly felt good and felt like a weight lifted sort of. I haven't exactly told everyone I'm pregnant but I'm also glad I don't have to go into field at all or as often.

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