Taking it Easy

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I woke up pretty early to a strange woman in my room until I realized it was my mother. I felt this angry build up inside me because she had abandoned me when I was 10 years old. I really wish I didn't have to see her but there she was, how the hell did she know I was in the hospital. "Mom what the hell are you doing here?". I said. "Don't talk to me like that I'm your mother!". She said. "No you stopped being my mother when you abandoned me when I was fucking 10 years old! Do you even know how I felt when you left me there with that monster". I said. "You mean your stepdad honey and he wasn't evil or mean that you so call say". She said. You got to fucking kidding me she doesn't know what happened when she left me with him. I got r@ped by him when I was younger and he abused me so bad to the point where I would pass out. I want this woman out of my room but I know that isn't a good idea either, but I couldn't stop what had come out of my mouth. "Get the fuck out of my room!". I said to her. Then next I knew she slapped me, my own fucking mother slapped me in the face. I saw her regret once she did it but I just wanted her gone.

———————————-Hotch's POV—————————-
The team and I walked in the hospital and we are going to visit Emma as we said we would, but we heard yelling once we got to her room. I don't know the woman that was screaming at her, all I know is that I had to stop it before something bad happens. It was too late for that I saw the woman slap her across the face. And the whole team and I bursted through the door. Once we came in I saw Emma with tears in her eyes and that just made me mad until I heard her yell "GOD YOU'RE JUST LIKE MY STEPDAD, GET OUT OF HERE!". Emma said. She just started crying nonstop. So the woman had left not wanting to cause anymore trouble then she already had. To be honest I was very curious to who the woman was but I just comforted Emma at the moment, everyone did. I felt so bad for her until she said "I'm in so much pain". Emma said. As she was still crying. "Hey do you need my to get a doctor". I said. "Yes please". Emma had managed to say through her crying. So I left the room to go get a doctor for her. "Excuse miss Emma says she's in a lot of pain and she's crying". I said. "Oh my, did she say what hurts?". She said. "No she asked for a doctor I'm assuming for pain medication". I said. "Ok let's go see her then". She said. After I got back to the room I saw Emma's tear stained face but at least she had stopped crying. "Hi sweetie what hurts can you tell me?". She said. "Just everything really". Emma said. "I'll get you some Tylenol, I'll be right back Emma". She said. After a few minutes she came back with the medicine and she gave it to Emma and she took it.

—————————-Back to your POV——————————
I took the medicine the doctor had given me. Everyone sat in silence until I heard Emily say "Who the hell was the lady in the room earlier?". I laughed and everyone was so confused. "Ladies and Gentlemen that was my mother, I don't even know how she knew I was in the hospital?". I said. "That was your mother?!". Morgan said. "I'm afraid so". I said. Just then the doctor came back in the 2 hours later and said "Alright Ms.Smith you are free to go as long as someone takes care of you at your house". The doctor said. I was about to say something then Reid interrupted me and said "Don't worry I will take care of her". Reid said. I saw the look on everyone faces because Spencer had said that way too quickly. Morgan always makes fun of him for not having a girlfriend. But what Morgan didn't know is that we made it official last night on the phone.

————-Flashback to last night on the phone with Spencer—————
Emma: Hey pretty boy
Spencer: Hey pretty girl how are you feeling?
Emma: I feel fine besides getting a headache sometimes
Spencer: I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend until the doctor came in saying the visiting hours were over
Emma: Really?
Spencer: Yes I love you and I want to be with you
Emma: I love you too and I want to be with you too
Spencer: Did we just make it official?
Emma: Yes we did Spencer Reid I'm officially your girlfriend
Spencer: And I'm officially your boyfriend, wouldn't be fun to sneak around work
Emma: Yes it will and we can be a secret as long as you want
Spencer: Good because I really don't want to hear it from Morgan
Emma: I know but I'm gonna try to sleep I love you 💙
Spencer: I love you too sweet dreams babygirl ❤️
————————-End of Flashback—————————

I just smiled to myself knowing that Spencer is officially mine and no one can stop me from loving him ever, But I wasn't as slick as I hoped I was Morgan caught me smiling to myself. "Hey pretty girl what are you smiling about?". Morgan said. "Uh nothing I was just thinking about a phone call I had last night with an old friend". I said. I lied and Reid knew that because we didn't want to get caught at least not just yet. "So who's this old friend is it a guy or a girl?". Morgan said "Your not gonna let this go are you?". I said. "Nope so just tell me please". Morgan said. I saw Spencer waiting for my response. "Ok fine it was a guy and that's all your getting". I said. "Ok fine I'll stop asking". Morgan said. After that you went to go change into comfy clothes so I could go home. Here's what your clothes look like:

"Ok let's go I'm so tired and I want to actually sleep in my own bed that's comfier then this bed"

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"Ok let's go I'm so tired and I want to actually sleep in my own bed that's comfier then this bed". I said. "Alright let's get you home Emma". Hotch said. Everyone got in the car and there was no room so you just crawled on top of Reid and pretended to fall asleep. Morgan looked up at Reid through the mirror and said "I'm pretty sure she likes you Reid". He said. "No what makes you say that". Reid said. "She could've chosen anyone else to sit on, but she chose you dude, I mean look, every time I see her around you she always seems the happiest". Morgan said. "Maybe so but we're best friends and I don't want to mess anything up with her". Reid said. "Dude just go for it, trust me you never know she might like you back". Morgan said. Reid had realized that I was fake sleeping because I secretly started to hold his hand and he smiled at me, Morgan had caught him smiling. "Pretty boy what are you smiling at, ooooo is it Emma I bet it's her". Morgan said. "Stop Morgan". Reid said. I squeezed his hand slightly and he did the same back to me and I smiled at him and he saw. Soon we arrived at my apartment and Reid pretended to wake me up. "Are we here already". I said. "Yeah let's go get you inside missy". Reid said.

——————————-Spencer's POV—————————-
I got out of the car and started to help Emma out of the car and into her apartment. And after I helped her inside she immediately fell on her couch and put on a movie. "Hey Spence can you get me my book called the great gatsby please?". Emma said. "Yeah sure where is it?". I said. "It's over there 2 shelf in the middle". She said. "Here it is, pretty girl". I said. "Thanks pretty boy". She said. I just smiled at her and after I saw her starting to falling asleep so I picked her up and put Emma into bed. I went into her closet and picked out her pajamas, here's what I picked out:

And then we cuddled for the rest of the night and after awhile I was thinking of how lucky I was to have found her, who knew a fucking necklace started our love story together I just wish sometimes I could stay like this forever with her but I can...

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And then we cuddled for the rest of the night and after awhile I was thinking of how lucky I was to have found her, who knew a fucking necklace started our love story together I just wish sometimes I could stay like this forever with her but I can't because of the job we have. As long as I'm with her my life couldn't be more complete, I love her so much. After awhile I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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