Getting You Safely Home

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~Your POV~
After 3 hours and 24 minutes I saw a black SUV pull up and as soon as it did, I literally ran outside and into Spencer's arms. We stayed there for a minute before I started to fall and Spencer held me up.

"Hey what's wrong?". Spencer asked.
"I'm losing a lot of blood from my leg". I said.
"We need to get you to a hospital asap". Spencer said.
" Yea-". I said then I passed out all I saw was darkness.

~Spencer's POV~
I was hugging Emma, until she started to fall so I held her up. That was until I realized that she was bleeding because I felt the blood dripping through my pants. So I carried Emma back to the car and put her in the seat and trying to stop the bleeding coming from her leg. We rushed Emma into the hospital, the doctors took her away and put her in a room trying to stop the bleeding. I just watched as the doctors trying to stop the bleeding, I hate seeing her like this. But then one of the doctors came out of the room and asked us a question.

"Do any of you have o positive blood type, Emma lost so much blood we don't have any of her type of blood here". Doctor Alex said.
"I do, I have o positive blood ". I said.
"Then come with me sir please". Doctor Alex said.

I went into another room with the doctor she stuck a needle in my arm and started drawing blood from me. I didn't like the idea of me getting poked with a needle, but it was to save Emma's life. After the doctor was done she gave me a water and a little snack so I wouldn't get dizzy. I went back to everyone else and they just looked at me concerned.

"I'm ok guys really the doctor just drew some blood for Emma since she lost a lot of blood, the doctor gave me a drink and a little snack so I wouldn't get dizzy". I said.
"Pretty boy why don't you sit down since you just got blood taken from you". Morgan said.

Morgan forcefully made me sit down but I just got back up and stared through the window at Emma being worried about her. Then the doctors came out to us and told us that they were able to stop the bleeding and that they put my blood bag up. The blood started to go in her system, and we can see her but she will be unconscious. Everyone went into Emma's room and just sat and waited around for her to wake up.

"Ughh it's too bright in here, its like the sun is in here". Emma said and everyone laughed.
"Hey Pretty Girl is awake, how you holding up". Morgan asked.
"I feel like I got hit by a truck". Emma said.

~Your POV~
After some time I woke up again and saw I am in the hospital and the lights were bright as fuck. I heard Morgan say something like oh I'm awake and how are you feeling, are you kidding me I got stabbed twice in the same leg. But then I looked around and saw a blood bag hanging, then i saw the IV in my arm giving me the blood. Spencer must of saw me looking at the IV confused cause then I heard him say.

"Don't worry you lost a lot of blood and no one else had your blood type and I did, so I gave you some of my blood to help you". Spencer said.
"You didn't have to do that, aww you saved my life". I said.
"Yeah and I would do it again, I don't regret it one bit". Spencer said.
"Come here I want to tell you a secret". I said while laughing.

As soon as I had Spencer right where I wanted him, I pulled him in and kissed him passionately. I probably kissed him a little too long because I heard the others leave the room. Spencer and I made out for like 20 minutes and we both pulled away to catch our breaths. That's when I heard a knock on the door and I saw the team.

"Oh um hey guys, sorry about before". I said that way to embarrassed.
"It's ok pretty girl we get it, always have to kiss pretty boy". Morgan said while laughing.
"Uh not true I thought I was literally going to die while being kidnapped, I thought fast and I'm glad I did otherwise I wouldn't be here right now". I said while tears form in my eyes.
"Hey hey calm down baby he was just joking". Spencer said.
"I know but still, god I'm so tired". I said.
"We'll let you get some sleep come on guys". Hotch said.
"Wait Spence please don't go". I said.
"Ok I won't I'll stay". Spencer said.

~Spencer's POV~
Once Emma went to sleep, I just held her hand somehow I knew she was scared. I only knew this because I remember once she told me how afraid she is of hospitals. After about an 1 hour Emma woke up she smiled at me once she saw me, While I was waiting for her to get up I was just reading a book and might I add Emma's favorite book. She winced once she tried to move. All I wish I could do is take her pain away but I can't, and maybe I can make her life easier by asking her to move in with me instead I mean we basically are together all the time. I just wish I knew how to ask her without sounding like I'm babying her.

"Hey can we uh talk about something please?". I asked Emma.
"Sure is everything ok?". Emma said.
"Yeah how would you feel about moving in me, I didn't know how to ask and we're basically together all the time anyway". I said.
"Yes I would love to move in with you my prince". Emma said smiling.
"I'll go find out how long you have to stay here babygirl". I said.
"Thank you babe". Emma said slowly falling asleep.

Once I came back in the room Emma asleep so I waited to she was awake to tell her that she could go home tomorrow as long as someone was watching her.

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