Avery Johnson

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After I was done singing, I decided to get ready for day. I went to go take a shower and after I got out I had this weird feeling. So I got dressed into this:

You went to go explore your room and you saw the door wide open and there it is again that feeling

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You went to go explore your room and you saw the door wide open and there it is again that feeling. All of sudden you get knocked out by the unsub pretty hard. When you woke up again, your head was pounding so bad you wanted to scream but didn't. You looked at your surroundings and saw you were in some sort of cabin with a guy. He looked tall and was in good shape as far as you could tell. "Where am I?". I said. Then he looked at me and smirked at me. "Well sweetheart you're with me in a cabin in the woods where no one can finds us".He said.

——————————————————————The Teams POV——————————————————————-
Hotch was worried about you because you are usually the first one at the station, but this time you weren't. "Has anyone seen agent Smith?". Hotch said. Everyone said that they haven't seen you or able to reach you at all. They went to your hotel room and saw the door wide open and they walked in and saw blood on the floor where the unsub had hit you in the head. "We need the team in here now this unsub is getting cocky and we need to move fast if we are going to find Avery and Smith". Hotch said. "Alright where do you think he could've taken her and Avery". Morgan said. "They would have to be somewhere secluded where no one is around so maybe a cabin in the woods". Hotch said. Hotch called Garcia about any cabins in the woods.

——-Phone call between Hotch & Garcia——-
Hotch: Garcia can you look for any cabins in the woods
Garcia: You got it boss, um I found at least 50 cabins in the woods
Hotch: What about anything between East dr and Maple mountains
Garcia: Ok uh it narrowed down to 30 cabins sir
Hotch: Look for any cabins with a shed in the back
Garcia: 15 sir
Hotch: Cabins with a shed and garage
Garcia: 4 cabins sir
Hotch: Thanks Garcia can you look into all 4 and call me back
Garcia: Yes sir it should take me 20 minutes
Hotch: Bye

——————————-Back to your POV————————-
I looked around the cabin a little more and saw a little girl tied up to a chair. "Hello sweetie, what's your name?". I said. "A-Avery J-Johnson". She said shakily. "I'm with the fbi honey I know they are trying to find us". I said. "How do you know?". Avery asked. "I know because my team and I were trying to find you and bring you back to your parents". I said. Then she passed out I assume the lack of dehydration because she could barely talk. "Omg Avery". I said. Then Tyler Kendall walked through the door again and saw you awake. "Well well look who's awake". Tyler said. "What do you want with me". I said. Tyler started to beat you up until you were almost on the ground unconscious. He left so many wounds and bruises on you. All you could think about is Spencer Reid and how you couldn't tell him how much you liked him since you saw him in the coffee shop for the first time. You don't like talking about your feelings or anything really. You saw Avery waking back up and Tyler walking towards her until you said. "Hey wait please don't do anything to her hurt me and not her". I said. "Why are you protecting her, doesn't matter as long as I get to hurt one of you". Tyler said. Tyler started to hit you again and beat you up till you were on the ground again. I saw Avery's face as I hit the ground, she looked at me with sadness and fear and worry.

——————Back to the teams POV———————
"Garcia please tell me you figured out which cabin they are in". Hotch said. "I have narrowed it down to 2 cabins sir". Garcia said. "Ok we need 2 teams to go to each cabin, Reid Morgan and Prentiss go to the first cabin and JJ Rossi and I will go to the second cabin. Everyone was getting suit up to go to the cabins. Reid, Morgan, and Prentiss went into the cabin they saw Tyler still hitting me while I was unconscious on the floor. And Avery was crying hysterically. "Tyler FBI stop what you're doing". Prentiss said. He looked over at everyone and looked back at Smith and pulled out a knife and held it to Smith's throat.

——————-Back to your POV————————
I woke up and saw Tyler having a knife to my throat. And I started crying and thinking about how I was going to die. I heard a gunshot and Tyler fell to the floor bleeding and I fell back on the floor because I was so weak from Tyler hitting me. Reid ran over to me to make sure I was okay and I was but not really. I tried to speak but nothing came out and Reid said to me "Shh don't speak it's ok, everything is going to be ok I promise". He said. You were finally able to say something. "Don't make p-promises you c-can't keep". I said. The ambulance came and took me to the hospital. My whole team came to see me in the hospital waiting for me to wake up, Once I woke up I saw everyone including the little girl Avery Johnson. "Why is it so bright ugh". I said. The whole team started laughing at me. "Mrs.Johnson what are you doing here". I said. "Well my daughter wanted to say thank you for not letting that man hurt her, she said you took all the hits so she wouldn't get hurt". Mrs.Johnson said. "Thank you miss Smith for not letting that man hurt me, you're my hero". Avery said. I smiled and said "You're welcome Avery I had to keep you safe and the only way was for me to get hurt so you wouldn't". She hugged me and her mom and her left the hospital leaving my team and I alone again. "You put up quite the fight didn't you pretty girl". Morgan said. This is how you look like in the hospital bed:

 This is how you look like in the hospital bed:

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"I feel like I got hit by a truck". I said. "Well you did a great job Emma I mean it". Hotch said and he gave me a gentle hug, he made sure he didn't hurt me. "Can I talk to Reid alone please it's important". I said. Everyone said sure and that they would visit me tomorrow at 10 am. "Ok so what do you want to talk to me about?". Reid said. "Um look I have feelings for you like as in more then a friend way, to be honest I think I'm in love you since the first time I saw you in the coffee shop when you handed me my grandmother's necklace". I said. He smiled at me for a second before talking. "Emma I have been in love with you since I met you and once you got kidnapped I felt my whole world fall apart my heart shattered". He said. Then the doctor came in and said "Sorry but visiting hours are over". She said. Just then Reid kissed you goodbye but gentle so he wouldn't hurt you and then left.

 Just then Reid kissed you goodbye but gentle so he wouldn't hurt you and then left

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