2. Galaxy High [Corrected spelling errors]

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8:20 a.m.

Vincent's pov

I walked in school and saw a couple of students but no one with a badge of my class 1GSa. Well maybe they come later. I walked down and I saw someone from my class. I walked to him and asked what his name was. " My name is Anthony (Aquarius) and yours is?" he said. "Mine is Vincent (Virgo)" I said. We've got to a place where we can sit and talked there. Then the school bus arrived. I saw so much people from my class. If I count everyone then we're with 12 is that possible, the last class I was in then we were with 28 students.

Me and Anthony (Aquarius) got to the other and talked with them. Even if we didn't know them. We had much fun together. The bell rings and we are walking to our class.

Teachers pov (extremely short)

Welcome class, today y'all gonna get a guided tour around this school but first this are you're school clothes.

Welcome class, today y'all gonna get a guided tour around this school but first this are you're school clothes

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A/N:(For the boys imagine it are pants).

Adain's pov

After I changed in my school clothes I was walking back to the class. I had to wait before everyone was there. 5 minutes later everyone was there and we started with the tour. At first we walked to our dorms, well actually we have a whole house.

(photo ground floor) BUSY WITH MAPS

(photo first floor) BUSY WITH MAPS

Wow this is beautiful. We saw the whole house and then we walked back to our school. We saw every class, library, principal, cafeteria. It's was time for lunch we walked to the cafeteria and I sat on a table with Anthony (Aquarius),Leah (Leo) and Simon (Scorpio). The other people that sat together were: Summer (Sagittarius), Charlotte (Capricorn), Greyson (Gemini) and Phoebe (Pisces) and Celine (Cancer), Lilly (Libra), Thomas (Taurus) and Vincent (Virgo). The bell rang and we've got back to our class. We've got some more information about clubs and that kind of things.

School ended and everyone got to their house. Me and the others arrived to our house and looked where our dorms are. I sleep with Greyson (Gemini) in a room that's okay I guess. Better then with Vincent (Virgo) (don't feel attacked you just don't really like each other). I packed my stuff out and got downstairs. I was the first one downstairs so I decided to go look around here.

Celine's pov

I've got upstairs and looked for my room. I saw a door with the names Celine and Thomas. I walked in our room and saw Thomas (Taurus) sitting on the bed. WTF there's only one bed! "Hi Thomas" I said to him. "Hi Celine" He said back. He continued with " I hope you're fine with sleeping in 1 bed, I heard the others have 2 or 3 beds."

"Yeah, I'm fine with it" I said to him.

I packed out and laid into our bed. We talked some minutes and then we've got back downstairs exploring everything.

We go into the garden and jump on the trampoline. Maybe we laughed a bit too much. After 30 minutes we've got into the living room to eat.

"Let's watch a movie" Simon (Scorpio) said.

"Well that's a good idea" Summer (Sagittarius) replied.

"Which one?" Thomas (Taurus) asked

"Let's watch a horror movie" Aiden (Aries) said.

"No, please not a horror movie" Phoebe (Pisces) said afraid.

"I agree with Phoebe" I said

"C'mon it's not that bad" Athony (Aquarius) disagreed

"Uh sure..." Phoebe (Pisces) said.

"Give it a try" Scorpio begged

"Fine" I finally agreed

A/N: for the map look at the chapter that says 'Maps'

X Emmstx

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