8. Tears For Fears

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part 2 of the power of friendship...

Cancer/ Celine pov

And here I am, faced with my biggest fear. Nobody's watching me, Thomas still laying on the floor. Summer worried about her brother, Phoebe trying to get up while her foot is stuck. Oh, Libra is trying to get to me but... she fell. Auch/ow, that'll really hurt. Maybe I should help her. "F*ck" I whispered, someone grabs my arm and takes me away. I heard my older sister Lilly (Libra) screaming. That felt so painful, for me when her voice cracked or for her voice. I didn't know where I was. I began to feel sick, and sicker. "God, why me" I prayed. The room is getting smaller and smaller. There was no one in the room, only me. While I can hear others crying and screaming I'm still locked up in this room.

Thomas/Taurus pov

I saw Celine was taken away but where is she... I walked a bit around and saw a little door. I tried to walk in but the room was really small. At the end of the room/hall I saw Celine.

Celine/ Cancer pov

At a moment I saw someone. I couldn't see who it was. The face looked really blurry. When he was closer I realized it was Thomas (Taurus). I ran to him and gave him a thight hug. He kissed my forehead and whispered "You're okay love". "I'm fine" I smiled. "I think we have to get out of this" Thomas said while the room was getting smaller and smaller. We both ran out and hugged each other. I looked around and saw Lilly, my older sister coughing blood. I ran to her and checked if she was okay.

Libra/ Lilly pov

At the moment I started to cough blood I felt a strange feeling coming up. I felt like throwing up. At the moment my sister, Celine (Cancer) was next to me i felt better. Just the fact that I can't stand blood. Here we go again, I felt that I had to faint but instead of that I had a huge headache. I rather faint then this headache it hurt just too much. At a moment I felt a hand on my stomach, Celine (Cancer) "it's fine" she said. It all started to get normal but I still felt a bit sick. After a couple minutes it was fine again.

Leo/ Leah pov

I walked towards my friendgroup at the moment there was no one around me. I walked towards my friendgroup. "Hey" I smiled. No answer. "Guys" I screamed. Still nothing. Am I not good enough for them? Or is this just a cruel joke? I keep asking myself. 5 minutes later I started to have a panic attack, it was really obivious. [A/N: I don't know how you write that] Am I invisible for them, or is it just me. "GOD, I HATE BEING IGNORED" I screamed pretty loud. After a couple minutes I saw Aiden (Aries) in the middle of the room. And I ran to him.

[A/N: I'm very very very very sorry this part is short, the same for Pisces, Libra and the rest that already happened and will come]

Aiden/ Aries pov

"Why didn't you help me when nobody was there" Leah said. I started to get overwhelmed. At a moment there were so much people telling what to do and what I did wrong. I mean, I can't go in the past and change everything. They keep telling me and it's the moment I normally pass out, but weird enough I didn't this time. At one side I'm glad at I didn't passed out but at the other side I better did. After a couple of minutes I found the confindence to say "I'm a human too, okay. I can make faults, I'm not perfect and no one of us are. We all made mistakes in our past. No one can travel back in time and change what they did. Am I right or am I right". Sigh. Then was the moment there was complete silence. No one said something. Just all th helpless thoughts running trough my head. There was no way to help it shut down. I felt disappointed in myself, I never was good in standing up for myself but I think I better did.

Emma speaks!

I'm not going to post next week, I'm sorry for the last 4 sings, so please forgive me for that they're not going to be so long tho. I'm trying that chapter 10 is going to be a long one. So you have to wait 2 weeks for chapter 10 sorry!

I hope you enjoyed this one and have the next weeks a good one!

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