11. Sleepover part 1

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Girls sleepover
Leah/ Leo pov

After we build the tent thing we all got inside and we started playing games.

The tent thing for people who don't remember ⬇️

We sat in a circle and started playing truth or dare

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We sat in a circle and started playing truth or dare. Most of all people chose truth to be safe from super weird dares. The most questions were just random question like what do you like the most.


"Okay, Charlotte (Capricorn) truth or dare?" Summer (Sagittarius) asked.

"Dare" she said.

"Hmm, I don't know a dare. Anyone?" Summer (Sagittarius) asked.

"I dare you to call a random number and hold a conversation so long as possible" I said.

Charlotte (Capricorn) grabbed her phone and got to an app where she can call someone.

[A/n; I don't really know how these called bc mine is called 'telephone' but I think it depends on what phone you have]

"OK, all say a random number and I'll add for in the number" Charlotte spoke.

"3" Phoebe (pisces) said.

"3 again" I said.

"4" Summer (Sagittarius) said.

"5" Lilly (Libra) said.

"8" Celine (Cancer) said.

"0" Charlotte added in her phone while she whispered it.

"1" Lilly said excited.

"6" Phoebe added.

"5" Celine said.

"2" I added as last.

Charlotte putted all the numbers in her phone and counted to 3. When she was ready counting she pressed on the call button.

"Uhm, Hello with Aiden Aries Elrod, who is this" Aiden (Aries) said through the phone.

The girls bursted out of laughing and Aiden tried to calm them down.

Boys pov

Aiden/ aries pov:

We were playing games in the gaming room. After like 5 games i heard my phone go off. I grabbed my phone and saw 'unknown' on the screen.

"Who's it" Thomas (taurus) asked.

"Unknown" I replied.

"Pick up" Simon (Scorpio) kind of forced me.

"And put it on speaker" he said super fast after he said 'pick up'.

"Okok" I said super fast as I picked up.

I said my standard sentence when I pick up and all the boys where watching me. Like a call from a unknown is so interesting... After I said my sentence I heard a whole bench of girls? laughing. At least I think it were girls.

A bit after the girls stopped laughing the boys began. My confused my so hard right now, even tho it were just people that started laughing. Why is this so confusing...

After a couple of seconds they finally stopped laughing. Charlotte started a super random conversation with me about chocolate. All the boys heard the conversation too. I rather talked with her in private. But since the girls have a sleepover too she would've put the speaker on too. Of course I didn't know for sure, but I assume because all the laughing.

Back to girls pov:

Pisces/ Phoebe pov

We started laughing at the moment we knew it was Aiden (Aries). Not that it was funny, it was LITTERLY CRINGE. It became more cringe, after we all stopped laughing Charlotte (Capricorn) started a super random conversation to Aiden. After 5 minutes hearing the conversation we finally could get back to our game.

"Celine (Cancer) truth or dare?" Charlotte (Capricorn) asked Celine (Capricorn).

"Uhm, truth" she said right away.

"Are you together with Thomas?" Charlotte asked after 2 minutes waiting her to find a question.

Cancer/ Celine thoughts

Well, we tried to keep this as secret as possible. Nobody knew, Thomas (Taurus) doubted to tell Summer (Sagittarius) but he didn't yet. I am totally fine with a public relationship, but Thomas thought he would get bullied for it. I don't think so, why would you get bullied for a relationship. All the others are single pringles. Right now I have too, I can't lie to my friends.

Back to Phoebe/ Pisces pov:

"yeah" Celine (Cancer) said after she was stuck in her thoughts.

"OOooooooo" sounded around the whole room.

"Okay okay its fine, I wasn't supposed to tell this so tell nobody. LITTERLY NOBODY" Celine (Cancer) said dead serious.

"We won't" Lilly (Libra) pinky promised.

"Okay back to the game, Summer (Sagittarius) truth or dare?" I asked her.

"uhm, truth" Summer (Sagittarius) said.

"Do you have a thing with or for Greyson (Gemini)" I asked

"Trust me were just bros" Summer (Sagittarius) laughed.

"Okay we trust you" Lilly (Libra) said.

We continued a bit playing the game but at a moment it became boring so we decided to prank the boys...

After chapter talk
Since I don't have any 'reserve' (idk if this right or something) have aaymore there is a change I don't post every week see you next time

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