19. Pure unbridled rage

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The inspired part is underlined

Scorpio pov

I was making my homework in peace when I heard someone scream 'WHO THE F DREW A HEART ON MY FACE WITH PERMANENT MARKER' it was probably Summer since I've seen her with a heart on her right cheek. 'Chips it was permanent' g
Greyson said while he smiled slightly. 'U are so dead Greyson Gemini Hart' I heard Summer say. He asked 'Why' but only received a death glare. He stood up an ran, I don't think I ever saw someone ran that fast ever.

Summer just took his spot next to me and sat down. 'Sometimes I do not understand his dumbness' she sighed. 'Hey I heard that' I heard a voice behind saying which I assumed it was greyson's, he was out of breath. 'You heard what I said' Summer said to him. 'Why are u running when you know I can't run because of my broken leg?' she said in a confused yet duh tone. 'Right' Grey said indulgently. He sat down next to Summer and wrapped an arm around her. 'Hey, don't you dare think you getting away with the marker thing' she responded. 'We better finish our project than that you will kick my ass' Grey Said. I mean Grey can do some dumb things to be honest.

I kind of hoped this wasn't the situation right now, basically for the reason I need some advice from Greyson but that will be for another time. You know in the very beginning I didn't really like him but I feel like we've warmed up to each other. I mean this event was kinda funny... 'Well I'm gonna go and finish some things, don't do things I wouldn't do' I said which hopefully embarrassed them.

Greyson pov

So me and Summer decided to work further on our project. To my surprise she already read the book, I thought she hated reading... But if I ask her she will probably respond with a 'then I'm ready earlier' answer. She was making mindmaps and scheme's while I was searching for summaries and all that stuff. 'OMG I GOT IT' she screamed out of nowhere. 'What' I responded confused. 'The book is called strings because it is about a relationship' she said but I replied with 'Yeah annd'. 'Think about it' she said, 'a string is like a relationship it either holds or it breaks' she continued. 'Ain't no way, I mean yes it is that but wow' I said 'you're amazing' I added.

When we were done with our project, I suggested watching a movie, but she said I had to help to wash the heart off her face. 'Why it is cute' I said, and she smiled 'You think I'm cute'. 'I didn't say that' I quickly defended myself. Sometimes you have to defend yourself in life. 'Yes you did' she said smiling and started singing 'Grey thinks I'm cute. Grey thinks I'm cute' in repeat. 'OK shut up, what if I think so huh what are u gonna do about it' I kind of snapped. 'Ouch' she said but I quickly said 'omg I didn't mean to hurt u'. 'Oh just shut up you' Summer said grabbed my lips and kissed me.

'I'm going to wash this off my face. Let's watch a movie after' she smiled. When the door closed I started screaming of joy and dancing on my bed. Until I heard a crack, I got as fast as I could of the bed and just danced further. 'Looks like someone's happy' Aiden (aries) walked into our room. 'You can't even imagine' I said while I laid down in my bed. 'Ok spill The Tea bro' he said. 'Oh my gosh you sound like Charlotte right now, stop' I said while I made the stop dramatic. Maybe a bit too dramatic.

'Ok, so we basically worked on our project' I began. 'Then I accidentally called her cute and snapped at her' I continued. 'Yeahhh annd' Aiden said. 'She said I needed to shut up and' I said and he responded with 'Bro you need to talk faster she's coming'. I rolled my eyes and looked him deep in the eyes 'she kissed me I said as fast as I could. 'She did what' he asked. 'You heard me damn well' I responded.

Libra pov

Me and Charlotte were working on our book project figuring out what Hypothetical meant. But all out of the sudden Summer stormed in... She seemed really happy, do we know why? No. Are we gonna know why? Absolutely. She went to the bathroom and washed her face. When the heart was barely visible she came back and said 'You will never guess what just happened'. 'Did you and Greyson kiss' Charlotte said and Summer's smile dropped. 'How did u know' she asked and Charlotte responded with 'I didn't know I just hoped it' which made Summer chuckle.

'OMG the book is called Hypothetical because she was never sure it would happen it was all an interpretation' I said shocked that I actually found the answer. 'Wait what you and Greyson kissed, spill the tea sis' I blurted out. 'There's no tea to spill' Summer replied. I'm sure she is lying about that, she's probably not completely comfortable with this situation. But I want and will get all the details. 'Okay so basically I was playing with him because he called me cute he got mad and I kissed him' she blurted that out fastly. I was in shock, Summer didn't seem to be the person to make the first move. Even tho Greyson also doesn't seem like it. 'Well I got to go I promised to watch a movie' she said while walking out of the door with a bright smile.

'She has a date' Charlotte said exited with big eyes. 'Our ship has finally found his way to each other' I announced as if I had a mic and was talking for a big amount of people. Now it's the matter of them getting together... 'I insist of knowing what's happening right now there' Charlotte said out of nowhere. 'You think I don't? I will know every single detail' I replied sarcastic but still truly. 'Were you being sarcastic?' She asked. 'Yeah and no, sarcasm is the way to insult idiots without them realising. And to my knowledge you are not an idiot' I said. 'Not entirely' I added and got a pillow in my face. 'Oh don't get me started' I threatened. We ended up having a whole pillow fight, which to my surprise ended with a couple of bruises. Like how?

Aries pov

Greyson was talking to me about the whole Summer thing that happened. I mean at the beginning of this year as we can say I didnt really like him, but I feel that we've warmed up to each other. I think everyone knew that they would end up together... I will melt if somebody talked about me the way Greyson talks to Summer.

'I'm backk' Summer sang while walking into the room. 'What's with the face Grey' Summer asked. 'Nothing, nothing' he lied. 'Come here' he opened his arms allowing her to cuddle with him. 'No way, I refuse, there ain't no way I'm tirth wheeling the two of u' I joked. I mean I don't like tirth wheeling but I don't think I have a problem with it tho. But we all know there gonna do some cute lovy dovy shit so, no thanks.

A/N: I'm sad to announce that I won't be posting for 20 days due camps I go to so sorry

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