12. Sleepover 2[Corrected spelling errors + added extra sentences where needed]

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Simon/Scorpio pov

We were playing Mario Kart and they were discussing who who would be. I don't think it really matters who you are but anyway.

"Why are you guys discussing just about a character" I asked annoyed.

"Because Koopa Troopa (that yellow yoshi person) is much faster then Yoshi" Thomas (taurus) bragged.

"It depends on what vechile you pick" Aiden said in the background.

"That's a fact" Vincent (Virgo) said.

"Yeah, but still Koopa Troopa is the coolest" Greyson (Gemini) said.

They still decided who would be Koopa Troopa, even tho they know it doesn't matter who they pick.

Meanwhile girls
Capricorn/Charlotte pov

We were making a whole mindmap and plans about pranks we could do. It turned out that we were going to turn the power of and acting someone has a little bit much damage.

We discussed about who would have to act 'half dead'. At the beginning no one wanted it, after a bit of time Summer (Sagittarius) said she was okay with it.

Maybe TW idk

Phoebe (Pisces) did Summer's (Sagittarius) make up and it looked so real even that I know its fake I still believe it. She made an black eye and some bleeded places.

End TW

" What will we say if they asked what happened" Phoebe (Pisces) asked.

" Just say when the power go off you heard a loud bang and then saw Summer (Sagittarius)" Celine (Cancer) answered.

" Oh and maybe make a loud bang with letting something fall" Leah (Leo) added.

Summer (Sagittarius) layed down and Leah (Leo) turned the power off while I made a loud noise.

Back to the boys
Anthony/Aquarius pov

All of us were playing Mario Kart right now, and Greyson (Gemini) saw that 2 people can be the same character so we decided we all would be the same. I was winning and then the power got off and we heard a loud noise. Of course the power went off when I was winning.

"What happened" Aiden (Aries) asked.

"I guess that just the power went off" Greyson (Gemini) said.

"But what was that loud noise" I asked.

"You'll only know if you look" Greyson (Gemini) said and got to the stairs.

Summer/Sagittarius pov

When I laid down I laid in a wrong position, my leg hurted so much but I couldn't move because if I did I would make the prank not a prank anymore. I slowely straightened my leg but the pain was worse. It felt like I just broke my leg. I wanted to move my leg back but it already was too late. Some of the boys already arrived downstaires. I slowely felt a strong light shining in my eyes, luckely I had my eyes closed.

" What the peep happened with Summer" I felt that Greyson (Gemini) was shaking me.

I had to act like I passed out so I tried to let my laugh in. Which was very easy this time because my leg hurted so much. Normally I would burst out of laughing right now. And slowely everyone came to me to look what happened. I'm very happy I don't have enemies here that just would laugh at me, of course I knew it was hard for Charlotte (Capricorn) to keep it in. We're basically the same type of person, laugh with everything that happens. Luckely we both survived it.

My leg hurted the most of all yet so I decided to slowely "wake up" since everyone sounded worried.

'Thank God you're fine' Greyson (Gemini) hugged me so tight I couldn't breath anymore.

'Can't breathe' I said.

'Oh my lord, I'm sorry' he said.

He helped me up but I fell again on the ground. He picked me back up.

'I think you should go to the school nurse' Aiden (Aries) said.

Charlotte and Greyson (Capricorn and Gemini) got me to the school building and then to the nurse. We walked in the room and waited on the nurse til she was ready. Her name was Ms. Jones.

After chapter talk

Hy, Sorry I didn't post this Saturday. I was on a dance performance. Like I already said I'm going to post when a chapter is ready, I'll try to do it once a week. If I'm on a camp or vacation I'll maybe post less. In my exam week I wouldn't post it begins on 13-06.

I hope yall enjoyed this byeeeeeeeee

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