18. Books, books, books

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A part of this chapter is inspired by a one-shot I once read and I don't remember by who it was but if I find it it will appear [here] Enjoy the reading. I'm underlining the inspired part

Scorpio pov

As soon as we walked in class the teacher told everyone their assigned seats. Cmon it's 2023 no one gives assigned seats anymore. (A/N: I also still have assigned seats lol) I saw the pile of books and immediatly I wanted to throw all of them out of the window. Luckily I could keep it in, this theacher seems way too strict. I'm not even lying when I say I'm scared of him. He is staring at me like he would kill me at any second.

'Uhm are u okay?' I heard him say. I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded. When I sat at my desk Summer asked if I was really okay and I said I was but I don't know if I am. I tried to shake the embarressment off me, but it didn't really work.

'Hello, my name's Mr. Greave and I give u all English and English literature' the teacher began. Great we have him for 2 subjects... 'So I'm going to give u a assignment so listen carefully' he continued. 'All of u would be seperated into groups of 2, you all have to read and make a presentation which presents how the book and the title is related" he said and ended with 'pretty easy huh'. I don't think this is pretty easy, mark the sarcasm. 'Oh and you all get a different novel so don't think of cheating and copying from others' Mr Greave began again. 'This also determines 20% of your result at the end of the trimester' he added, yeah no pressure at all. He laid the list of the groups on his desk and everyone ran to check with who he was.

The groups
Summer (Sag) and Greyson (Gemini)
Charlotte (Cap) and Lilly (Libra)
Vincent (Virgo) and Thomas (Taurus)
Aiden (Aries) and Leah (Leo)
Celine (Cancer) and Phoebe (Pisces)
Simon (Scorpio) and Anthony (Aries)

Seriously I have to work with Anthony? The one person u despise. I hate this teacher already and it has only been 10 minutes.

Libra pov

I looked at the list and saw that I was partnered with Charlotte, I think this is nice. I mean we could have some bonding time, we haven't had this even tho we are roomates. 'Here's your book' Mr. Greave said. I  whispered a quiet thank you. When I took the book I saw that the title was Hypothetical. That's a bit confusing bit I think we could do it. We made an agreement that we were both just going to read it and then we will talk about our opinions about it and whatever we also need to do.

The hour was almost over and we both discussed the first chapters. The meaning of this book wasn't really clear. But maybe for that I need to understand the word Hypothetical first, I never really got that.

Gemini pov

'And lastly yours' Mr. Greave gave us 2 copies of our book. 'Strings' Summer questions. 'Yes, strings' he answered. I started to open the book and mark every single word thats important in the book. Yes I've already read this book, even tho I don't know the link between the title and the story. 'Why are u highliting so aggressively?' Summer asked me but I didn't hear. 'Hellooo, Grey?' She tried to get me back. 'Uhm sorry what' I quickly apologised. 'Have u already read this?' She asked while I slightly nodded and she gave me a smile. Damn her smile is B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L.

While Summer was reading the book and I was 'highlighting' the book. Mark the sarcasm in highlighting. I was admiring her, it seems like the book was funny. I mean the book is supposed to be a romcom of course it is funny. Everytime she laughed something weirs was going on inside me... I cannot explain this but I feel like this girl will be the death of me.

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