17. Uhm sorry, WHAT

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Mrs Florence pov

A couple of minutes later I heard some pens drop on the floor. I lifted my head and saw at one table a book and some pens and pencils on the floor. I frowned when I noticed it was Phoebe's table, out of all students I did not think Phoebe will be the one who will be joining the class alone.

When class had only 15 minutes left everyone started to join the class. Luckily I have them 2 periods in a row. 'And why are we late' I asked them. 'Phoebe disappeared and we agreed to look for her but no luck' Summer said in a hurry. 'What she said' Adain and Leah said at the exact same time. 'Have u seen her?' Charlotte asked while I shook my head.

All of the sudden we heard the same voice as before scream 'I am right here, stop pretending omg'. That's when it hit me, it was the one and only Phoebe. Out of nowhere she started to appear and then again disappear, just like she was glitching. At the moment she calmed down she was back as visible.

I told them to finish the exercises we did yesterday so I could call Mr. Astra to inform Phoebe found her 2nd power. But also that they could train it, because I don't think she wanted to get invinsible would she?

Phoebe pov

Personally, I have no idea why they're ignoring me. Is it like national bully or maybe prank Phoebe day? Well whatever, I was about to mind my own business when my housemates stormed into the classroom. After they told the teacher their point of view I still didn't get what happened. It's not like I care or something.

Wanna know my secret? I do care actually, I just don't show it.

'Congrats Phoebe, you just unlocked your second power' I heard the teacher say. 'Uhm sorry, WHAT' I kind of screamed. 'I just said, congratulations you've unlocked your second power' she repeated. 'Yeah I heard that' I said while I put my hands in my hair and look at my desk. 'Wait so u are saying right now, that we have more than 1 power' Leah looked surprised. 'Yeah, even more than 2 but it's all for you to find out. Until then I have basically nothing to do with it' Ms. Forence informed.

The whole class was in shock, as in I personally thought I would only have 1 power. I speak for everyone now. For the rest of the hour, it was Ms. Florence trying to explain about the power thing that could've happened and chattering around the whole class. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 finally the bell rings. Which means to everyone's surprise we've got a pause. Bet u didn't guess that huh? You probably did... This day is already tiring and it just began.

Leo pov

During class it was all clear what has happened this morning, and it will probably happen again. So supposedly we all have like 3 powers and we still need to learn how to control them. But because we did not yet we can have some kind of glitches, or whatever they call it. This usually will happen whenever we are stressed or have a sensory overload. I didn't really paid attention in class, luckily Summer (Sagittarius) explained it for me.

The fun thing about the group of people I stay with as you can say it, is that we will always stay forever no matter what. Then all of the sudden the bell rings, which means we have English literature. Ew... It's way too boring, why is it even a subject while we have English itself. Like what can u do with it?

We all made our way to classroom G3.04, yes it's on the tirth floor. (A/N: I also struggle with this problem lol) When we finnaly arrived the teacher was sitting by his desk with a bunch of different books next to him. Which we could've expected, we never had it here but it's surely the same as in my old school.


I'm sorry this is a short chapter, once again I have a lack of inspiration right now so if u have any ideas send me a message :) or if u have any requests. Thank u for reading!!

The lost zodiacs 1- Trapped on earth [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now