Chapter 1: A Night of Fright

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"Look, I have yet another with your parents, Rayla." Viren said coldly.

Rayla shook in shock. It was Runaan.

"How dare you!" she yelled.

"Don't worry Rayla. There are more loved ones on the way..."

Rayla woke up with a deep rush of grief. She shook off the sweat on her forehead and wrapped herself in her knees. Callum sat beside her.

"Are you okay?" he whispered gently.

"It's just the same dream, except now Runaan is in a column of ice too. It's slowly haunting me, Callum. What if Viren is... alive?" she said.

"He can't be. Remember you pushed him down the Storm Spire?" Callum insisted.

"Callum...Claudia would do anything to save him. You know that there must be a spell for bringing back the dead." Rayla replied.

"Stop worrying Rayla. I know Claudia isn't the same anymore, but I still think he is truly gone." Callum said.

As much as Rayla wanted to believe Callum, her heart told her Viren was out there somewhere. Reluctantly, she decided to put that aside.

"Callum, since we are at the Moon Nexus with Lujanne, I was wondering if you think she will help me by performing a spell so I can see what happened to my parents before I was born." she said, leaning closer Callum's side.

"My parents told me stories that they were from another Moonshadow elf village, near the Storm Spire. They told me how they escaped together. But they were going to tell me some more but they left to join the Dragonguard. I need to know what happened."

"I think that Lujanne would gladly help you, but you might need to persuade a bit. Though I doubt that." Callum said confidently.

Thinking about Callum's words, she got dressed. 

After a eating a chunk of stale bread, Rayla raced towards Lujanne.

"Lujanne, I want to ask if you could do a spell for me." she said.

"What spell do you need? Scary illusions? I hope so." Lujanne said, smiling.

With no reaction, she explained that she wanted desperately to see what happened to her parents before they came to Silvergrove.

"And what is the name of these parents of yours?" Lujanne asked.

"Their names were Lain and Tiadrin." Rayla replied.

"I have met them before, long ago. However, I think there might be a spell that would do the trick. But the spell would require our minds in the spell, therefore meaning we will leave our bodies temporarily." she said.

"I am willing to do anything to see what happened." Rayla said, determined.

"Would you mind if I joined you in the spell? They have...a meaning to me." Lujanne asked.

Reluctantly, she gave her a slight nod and asked one last question.

"How long will the spell take?"

"If we start now, then it will take until sundown to finish." Lujanne said wistfully.

"Then we better start now. I'll go tell the others." she said.

"I'll be away until sundown with Lujanne. I had decided to ask for her help to perform a spell, and we will be temporarily away from our bodies." Rayla said.

She watched as Ezran held his breath and Soren spat out his water. Allen, on the other hand looked completely calm.

"Are you sure that you'll survive that?" Soren asked. "I mean, looking at all the things that happened, not anything about the spell temporarily putting your mind in the spell to see."

"I'll be fine what are you talking about?" she said.

Rayla met up with Lujanne, both sitting down on edge of the lake. Slowly, Lujanne lifted her finger and drew a rune Rayla thought she would never see in her lifetime. "Quanterita!" Lujanne spelled. For a few moments, she thought the spell wasn't working. But then a strong wave rushed through her body and she gasped for air. In a small flash, she stood on an endless, dark void.

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