Chapter 2: A Void of Light

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"Lujanne!" Rayla yelled desperately. "Lujanne if you are here, help me!"

There was still no reply. Rayla shook in fear for the first time in months, as shadows appeared on all sides. But in her fear, there was a small hint of light coming from the other side. She leapt forward and dodged attacks and clambered up the small hole of light. And after she climbed out, a figure stood close by. It was Lujanne.

"I am surprised you ended up on the other side. But it is good we are both here now." she said sternly.

Before her eyes, a whole landscape appeared from nowhere. She recognised it immediately as the Moon Nexus. But it was... different. It looked less damaged and old, and the trees were shrunken. From the horizon she peeked at two faint shadows. Then, another came up from behind her. It was a younger version of Lujanne! The Lujanne from her winked at her as they stepped forward for a closer look. The young Lujanne gave her hand out to the two figures, and a wave of thoughts clouded Rayla.

I wonder who she is

She's a moon mage

"It's like I'm in their head Lujanne." she stuttered.

There was no reply, even though she was clearly there.

"I am Tiadrin. This is my friend Lain. We have come here to meet with my grandmother Lujanne, do you know where she is?" One of the figures spoke.

Rayla peered. They were indeed her parents as young children!

"Welcome. I hoped you didn't get too spooked by the Caldera. It's for the safety." the young Lujanne said.

"Where's Lujanne?" Lain asked.

"You're standing right in front of her." Lujanne replied back. For the next few moments Rayla felt awkward. She just kept staring and her eyes widened.

The scene reopened at the lake of the Moon Nexus. There, Lujanne produced a single egg to Tiadrin and it looked familiar. It was a Moon Phoenix egg.

"This is Phoe-Phoe's egg. It is soon to hatch, and I want you to have it."

Tiadrin nodded. She opened her palms and the egg rolled in. Her flimsy hands shook and the egg started to crack. With each crack, Rayla could feel Tiadrin's excitement.

Then at last, a baby chick gingerly spread her wings, with eyes of deep violet like Rayla's own.

"What will you call her?" asked Lujanne.

"I think Rayla." Tiadrin said.

Rayla felt a shock go through her body. So she was named after her mother's pet bird?

Despite that, she kept her focus and watched as Tiadrin grew older and older and also wondered

where her father went after finding Lujanne. And now to think about it, Lujanne was her great-grandmother, something she would've said was impossible.

The scene went on at a place that made her feel happy. It was the forest outside of Silvergrove, and she watched as an older looking Tiadrin sat with bird Rayla on the side of a tree.

"When will the other elves come?" Tiadrin complained. "It's been days."

The night came and figures were approaching Silvergrove.

Suddenly, they surrounded Tiadrin.

"Who are you?" asked the one at the back.

"I am Tiadrin. I have come to meet with a friend and stay at Silvergrove. Do you know the way in?"

"Lain has told me to look out for a girl around his age to appear around this day. I think we can let her in. Besides, if she is a fraud, we can throw her out." another voice said. Rayla saw that it was Runaan.

Tiadrin let out a sigh of relief and followed the others to a peculiar tree.

"Mimick the others and you will be able to enter. Remember, one wrong move and you're out." the first voice said.

She carefully mimicked their every move and soon the fields began to flourish into Silvergrove.

Home, thought Rayla.

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