Chapter 4: Old Friend

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Tiadrin groaned and woke up with a pain in her shoulder. She rolled lazily out of her bed and stretched to look outside the window. Seeing the calm blue hues of the sky made her smile, as it reminded her of the clear blue skies of the Moon Nexus. She hopped down the stairs and Rayla followed her from behind.

She was greeted by Lain who gave her a sheepish grin, and another with fairly dark skin came from the other house behind.

"Tiadrin, I would like you to meet Ethari. His family has taken care of me ever since I came to Silvergrove and he is also a good friend of mine, as is Runaan."

She gave a slight nod of appreciation to Ethari and gave out her hand.

"I'm Tiadrin." she said with a gentle smile. Ethari gladly took her arm and shook it.

The three then began a friendly conversation, untouched by the surroundings. A few minutes later, however, Lain was called along with many others. It turned out to be a meeting to plan for an assassin intelligence gathering mission. Because of his absence, Tiadrin decided to spend some time watching Ethari carve intricate knives.

"Ethari, do you carve these knives for the assassins?" Tiadrin asked out of curiosity.

"Indeed. But my work is just the beginning of many other talented blacksmiths. My work is considered at a training level." he replied.

"Really? For a blacksmith in training your work is much underestimated. I've never seen any tool crafted this delicately before." she said.

"I appreciate your praise, but even if I am more talented than other blacksmiths they will not accept me because I am underage." he said with a sad look in his eyes.

Tiadrin could tell he enjoyed and concentrated on his work, and from the knives he had made compared to the ones he saw on display the other day at the market, his were much more flexible and clever. He clearly deserved more praise, even as a blacksmith in training.

"I agree with Tiadrin. Your crafts are much too good to be put for a training level." a voice said from behind.

They both turned around to see Lain at the entrance of Ethari's crafting area.

"Lain! I didn't expect to come back so early." Tiadrin said.

"They have decided to see if you, Tiadrin are competent enough to come on the mission. We need an extra hand." Lain said.

"Alright then. Off you go, Tiadrin. I will see you later." Ethari said, gesturing to the exit.

Tiadrin walked with Lain down an alleyway she had never seen before. From there, they walked into a small shack.

"Welcome. I am Laveer, leader of the Moonshadow Elf assassins." spoke a voice she felt was too familiar.

It was the elf that had refused to let her in the other day.

"To keep in mind, this is also a test to prove your worth of staying at Silvergrove. Fail to have blood on your blades and you will never be welcome again."

Tiadrin shuddered at the thought of taking a life. But she had to do it, whether she liked it or not. It wasn't just for her, it was for Lujanne too.

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