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Rayla's birthday before Tiadrin and Lain were defending the dragon prince...


"I just wish we could tell her. But we can't. She'll go gallivanting off into Xadia looking for it." Tiadrin said, hugging Lain tight. "I just hope we can tell her when she is older, when the time is right."

Lain nodded. He wrote his part of the letter onto the flimsy paper.

Dear Rayla,

I hope that you have had again a good year. Remember your mother and I are always standing here, at the Storm Spire. For this year, I will tell, you this. When the time is right, we will tell you something extraordinary and full of wonder.


Your Father

He folded the letter and used a piece of string to create a knot, tightening the piece of paper and the arrow together.

"Are you ready?" Lain asked Tiadrin.


He held the arrow and once they reached the peak of the storm spire, Lain pulled the arrow against the bow and held it there for a few seconds.

"Regina Draconis!"

He let go of the arrow as they both watched it transform into a beautiful bird that soared through the skies, a white trail coming behind it, it's caw echoing through the mountain.

"I hope too one day we can tell her."

I can't believe it's already the end! Also I put the video there because I thought it really suits The Dragon Prince and this storyline.

Thank you to all who have been reading my book, I really hope that you liked it.



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