Chapter 17: Dragonguard

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~Young Rayla~

"Mother, Father, what's going on?" young Rayla asked.

"We're going to Runaan and Ethari's tonight." Tiadrin replied.

"But why?"

"You'll see."

There was a long silence before her parents and herself left to Runaan and Ethari's. Once they were inside, her parents pulled her into a room.

"Listen, Rayla. We've been asked to become part of the Dragonguard again for the second time. We cannot decline again." Lain said.

"Dragonguard? Second time? What is this?" Rayla said.

"A little after you were born, we were asked to be part of the elite team of the Dragonguard. We declined because we needed to look after you. But now that you are older, we must go. It is our duty, and our honour." her mother explained.


"We must go. We leave at midnight." Lain interrupted.

"I was going to say that's amazing. To be accepted to the Dragonguard twice, I think is a great honour. You should go. I just had a question." Rayla said.

"What is it?"

"Where will I stay?"

"Runaan and Ethari will look after you, and you will stay with them." Lain said.

Rayla nodded solemnly.

She hugged them both very tight.

"We need to go soon, but just remember we always love you." Tiadrin said.

"On one condition. Can you send me notes on my birthday about the Dragonguard?" Rayla asked desperately.

Lain laughed. "Of course, dear Rayla."

And with another wave of goodbye, she stood outside with Ethari, giving her last goodbyes to her parents, who were on moon striders, taking off on the full moon.

Young Rayla wiped away her happy tears and followed Ethari inside.

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