Chapter 16: Rayla's Return

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Rayla braced herself as another wave of light was about to pass her. It happened on the spell when time moved forward a significant amount, and now she was very used to it. As the surge of bright light went through her body, her eyes fluttered open.

She was standing in her parent's inn, and a significant baby's cry was heard. She turned around to see her parents holding a child-her.

"What should we name her? It's been a few days already." Lain asked softly.

"I'm not sure. But we'll—

The baby's eyes opened and glanced at the two confused parents.

"She's opened her eyes!" Tiadrin said.

"It cannot be..."

Deep violet eyes continued to stare at them. Purple eyes of the night sky. Deep swirls of the forest breeze. A tender lavender within.

"Lujanne was right. She would come back!" Tiadrin said in wonder.

"Welcome to the world again, Rayla." Lain said.

Tiadrin hugged the child tightly to her chest.

My dear Rayla, how much I have missed you Rayla heard in her head. Her mother was thinking about the lost memories of her and Bird Rayla, bonding together for so long.

Soon Rayla herself was consumed by confusion and relief. She noticed that the Lujanne from her own time was standing beside her, giving her a warm smile.

She was Lujanne's great granddaughter.

She was born from the true ancestors of the Moonshadow elves, which lead to why she was such a great fighter.

She used to be her mother's bird, her companion.

She had other relatives deep down.

She had somehow been revived into this world.

Everything around her, it now felt so different. Like she had a new perspective.

She felt so much better. And soon, her vision faded once again.

Sorry for the extremely short chapter! I didn't realise this one would be so short.

Will update soon.



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