Chapter 13: A Dark Force

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They tightened themselves against Rayla.

"Hold tight, everyone. We're making a tough escape." Tiadrin warned. With a tug of feathers, Rayla took off, flying into the sky. That joy of escape was short lived, however. A large strand of dark magic dragged them down. Rayla squawked furiously, flapping her wings as much as she could. But it wasn't enough and the elves held on the bird for dear life.

"Tiadrin!"Lain hissed as they were about to hit the trees. "Jump onto the trees!"

Tiadrin nodded. As much as she wanted to stay with Rayla, she had to hide from a distance.

"A moon phoenix. How original." the mage chuckled. Rayla thrashed around wildly but was soon tied by chains. Tiadrin and Lain hid behind a large tree. She watched as Rayla didn't give up, her purple eyes full of hope and fear. Tiadrin pushed against the tree and tried to run and rescue her, but she was held back by Lain. She sobbed as Lain gently put a hand over her mouth and shook his head. He hugged her tight as they watched Rayla get slaughtered and dragged away. That bird was so important to her, it wasn't just a pet. It was the one soul that had been there her entire life, starting when she was a baby. Rayla was always there, looking over her. She would never forget. Once the humans were cleared, Lain asked a question. "With Rayla gone, how will we reach the Moon Nexus?"

"We could return to Crescent Lake and see if we can get a mount." Tiadrin suggested.

They nodded to each other and returned.

Livianna turned around. "What are you doing?"

"Tiadrin's bird was captured. We have no way to get to the Moon Nexus." Lain explained.

"Alright, I see where this is going. You can borrow my mount and when you come back, return it to me on your way home to the Silvergrove." she said sternly, calling a mount.

The moon mount stood proudly and she presented it to them. They hopped on.

"Thank you again, sister." Lain said, giving her a wave. Livia gave a wave back, and they set off.


The full moon at the Moon Nexus was beautiful, and it undeniably gave more energy to them.

"I hope she remembers I was at Silvergrove." Tiadrin joked. Lain laughed.

"Your grandmother has always been the one that cracks jokes a lot. You got that from her, definitely." Lain said. They both slid off the moon mount and tied it to a fence. "Now we just need to find Lujanne." Tiadrin said. Then a giant spider approached them, blowing wind in their face and another creature slithered up to them. Lain took a step back.

"Boo!" Lujanne laughed. Tiadrin rolled her eyes. "Still the same." The two were clearly not impressed by her move.

"Come on in, you two. We have some catching up to do." she said. 

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