Chapter 7: Dark Secret

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"We must defend. It is the only way. Without this intelligence, we would've never known." Vinima said.

Her mother narrowed her eyes. Rayla's head was spinning. Her village was under attack before she was born? Both her parents were assassins as well? My father's a mage?

Sometimes she wished things would just go her way.

"There is only one way to prevent this. To close the gate and the ritual. That way they can't break through the illusion." Runaan said.

"But that would mean—

"I know. We would be trapped. But it is to keep us safe."

"But for how long? We will be slowly suffocated. Instead we could install a barrier." Her father suggested.

"A barrier could work. With all the mages working together we might be able to create a barrier strong enough to temporarily block them from doing the ritual." Laveer said.

Tiadrin nodded in agreement.

"Then...we must start once they are close. The more energy the mages have, the more chance we stand."

"We must prepare now. We have to present the plan to the village elders." Sintor said.

The village elder agreed, seeing the condition Silvergrove was in.

"Prepare the warriors behind the mages. Wait for it. Wait for it. Almost there. Now!" Laveer said.

One by one, the mages lit up their magic and a barrier was formed. One big but weak.

"They're breaking the barrier and it's weakening! Lain please. You have to." Tiadrin begged.

"I'll try. But I let my magic protect you and my brother so long ago. I can't just take it away." he replied.

"I'm safe here. You can remove it from me." she replied.

Lain took a deep breath and lowered his hands. Waves moved from Tiadrin's body to Lain's. He then walked over to the mages performing the ritual and joined in. In an instant, the barrier strengthened.

"How?" Runaan asked.

"We are the from the ancient tribe of Crescent Moonshadow elves. We have more inner arcanum. It is what makes us the original race of the Moonshadow elves." Tiadrin explained.

Rayla's eyes widened. She was from an ancient race of Moonshadow elves? And yet her parents never told her?

That was one thing she despised about her parents. She was lucky enough she was seeing this anyway.

The humans eventually retreated somehow and once they were far enough, the mages stopped the ritual. Lain fell to his knees.

"Is everyone alright?" The village elder, Arata asked.

"The mages are weak but will regain energy on the full moon tomorrow." Runaan said.

She nodded gratefully and led the warriors back.

Tiadrin went straight to Lain and Ethari's side to help them up.

"Are you okay?" She asked, with Runaan not far behind.

They both supported the two back to Ethari's workshop.



After two days, they were both recovered.

Tiadrin and Lain both went to the fields just outside Silvergrove to patrol. He heard a gentle rustling around the bush.

"Wait. I hear something." he said, pushing Tiadrin back.

He carefully walked over to the bush with Tiadrin behind. A familiar elf with daggers leapt at him, but Tiadrin was quicker and took out her sword to block his daggers. The daggers had a striking pattern that few knew.

"Hello brother." Lain said with a smile.

Tiadrin let down her sword. "Katar!"

Katar too had realised who they were. He tore them into a tight hug.

"I though I'd never see your faces again! How grateful I am."

"Where were you all those years?" Lain asked.

Tears streamed down his face. "I was captured by that human mage that tried to capture Silvergrove."

Tiadrin and Lain stood in shock. 

Thank you all for reading this book so far. I hope you all enjoy it so far!



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